256 Replies
Tonya - February 23

hey ya'll...i've been thinking about everyone....i'm not feeling very positive about my test on monday....i haven't had any real symptoms and we've had too many BFN on here...i'm feeling bummed before i even know...but there is always the next cycle...maybe when spring gets here things will seem has been so gloomy in houston this whole week...sorry for the gloom...just needed to let it out...Becca, are you doing better? did you set an appt. with the RE? Toni, have a good day and rub that belly once for me....


Lee - February 23

Hey Tonya-Like I always say, think positive. Be hopeful! If it is bfn you are going to be sad whether you let yourself be sad today or if you wait until you know. Instead, be happy. When your bfp comes you won't have wasted any days being sad!! We are all here for you..............HI Isa love, if you are lurking, we are thinking of you...........Hey Toni baby, how is Grayson Rae Lee treating you?


Toni - February 23

Tonya consider my belly rubbed! I forgot that you are in Texas too! The weather is the same here in Dallas. Lee, she is doing great but I think we have changed her name to Jillian Rae. Hi Isa.


Becca - February 23

Hey all! So the RE wanted to do a consult to talk IVF because I got so many great follicles- thanks to my PCOS- this last cycle. I told them I had to talk to dh. This is what we decided- we are going to get all the info but we are going to try at least 2 more rounds of IUI because this was the 1st round where all #s from lining to eggs, to # of eggs to semen were good. So in a way, it was kind of like our 1st shot. So we are going to go this next cycle if no cysts at my cd2 and just get informed about the entire IVF process and what they charge, etc. I am still pretty gloomy about it. I usually perk up when I start a new cycle. I think the big thing is you are sitting there waiting for af, who you hoped you would not be waiting for. Isa- Still thinking of you! Tonya- Stay positive. Think of it this way, we are due for someone to get a BFP on this thread- so it is looking good for you! Don't worry about how you feel. My cousin got pg a few months ago from IUI and she thought the month was a bust. She was sure she was not pg. She said she felt the same as every other month.


Tonya - February 23

Lee, Toni & Becca, thanks so much for all the support...Lee, you're right about being positive...what's the word on that sweet baby girl? Toni, thanks for the tummy rub...maybe it will bring good luck...Becca, i think you're doing the right thing about trying IUI some more first...IVF is sooo expensive and it sounds like you have so many positives (egg count, sperm count...) Babydust :)


Becky - February 23

Hello Ladies. Toyna I hope you get your BFP. Toni glad to hear your doing great. Lee can't wait to hear that you have your little girl. I am still trying to decied it want to start treatment again. A lady I work with said that she has a feeling that I will get pg in May without doing treatment. Dh said he will do whatever makes me happy. Not sure what to do.. Becca wish you luck with your next IUI.. Isa thinking about you. Bethany how are you. Hope everyone else is doing great. Baby dust..


Lee - February 23

Hello to everyone. Being an BFP IVF veteran, I just want to remind you of the difference in the whole process. You go in knowing how many actual fertilized eggs were involved. They are also put right where they are supposed to be. I don't have stats in front of me, but based on age (and previous pregnancies, etc) the odds of success vs. IUI- IVF can be 4 times more likely. It is expensive and more invasive, but if you can afford to do it and you can ride the two week wait roller coaster one more time, I would recommend it.....Jillian was my favorite, I will call her Jilly, of course. That is pronounced JILL LEE. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be happy to tell you all my little girl is home, believe me. Thank you for all of our kind words and good thoughts.


isa - February 23

Thanx for all your thoughts and prayers & positive thoughts.Today, cd3 I went in for my u/s,b/w (basically to see how many cysts I had and how much fluid was left from my hyperstim) and..... no fluid, 6 tiny cysts & a 1.8cm cyst on one side and 4 small, & 1 @1.2cm & 1 at 1.1cm & nurse was totally shocked. She spoke to RE and just called and its a go for another round of iui but we've dropped it to 225mg instead of 300mg this month. If for some reason we have to convert, if there is enough eggs (by my standards) then we have all our blood screenings etc done and we will convert. So I am just about cloud 9 right now.


isa - February 23

Becca, keep the positve attitude. Dh and I took a course on the power of positive thinking (1 1/2 hours) and learned visualization. So that night I went home and visualized putting a pin hole in each cyst and watching the air run out and then watching them disintegrate. The next night I went to do it again and couldnt find them in my thoughts but tried to imagine sending them away. Who knows, maybe it didnt work but it sure made me feel good to do it and imagining I was making them go away. Try it maybe it will make you feel better too.


Becca - February 23

Go for my baseline and to get IVF info tomorrow. We can not afford IVF right now but want the info so that we can prepare just in case. Will keep you posted.


Bethany - February 23

Well hello all. Been having a heck of a time lately. Tuesday night found out that my friend who just got married and has been TTC for one month is pg.......very happy for them as I really don't wish what we have been going thru on anyone. Called the clinic yesterday to see when we may get in for IVF and seems they were trying to contact us and had numbers wrong in our phone number. They want to do an additional test on dh and that has to be paid for upfront. I asked when we might get in for IVF, not that I am in a hurry or anything :) and she said it may not be til January. Not happy about that answer of course so also informed them of the MS diagnosis as I would like to start meds for that but cannot do that until we have our family plans done. Just talked to another friend who was married in December and she is 9 weeks along now.....very frustrating as I keep asking myself, why can;t it be easy for us? Now I am trying to decide if we should just go ahead with our adoption plans and forego IVF or still go ahead with IVF and wait possibly up to a year. Sorry this is long, needed to vent to people who understand what I am feeling and there is really no one here I can do that with....hope all is well with everyone and will try to catch up on the posts.


AmyR - February 24

Hi Ladies I moved over to an IVF forum, but check in on you all every now and then!! Lee- Sounds like things are moving along fine for you, and you'll see your little one soon enough. Toni-Jillian is a great name how are you feeling? Isa- I am so sorry about the BFN. Bethany sorry for all that you are going through, I pray that things get better for you. Christy- I am so sorry girl!!!!!!!! I missed you and wondered how you were doing! As soon as you get through this next cycle you'll be ready to try again... now that you're all cleaned out I have faith that you'll get PG. You're in my prayers, and please keep us posted... Hi to everone else Becca, Solange... sorry if I missed anyone. As for me... still on the path of IVF... we went to seminar, and it went well lots of info!!! I go to see High Risk Dr's March 2, and then to my RE on the 3rd and I will prob start meds soon after for an IVF cycle the following month early April... I'm excited yet nervouse that the time is just about here!!! Have a good day Ladies!!!


Toni - February 24

Bethany, is that your only clinic option? That sounds like too long to wait. I could understand a few months but a year???? Amy good to hear from you. I am doing well. Just paranoid about everything. I am always checking the baby mvt and worried about contractions. I had pre-term labor with ds at 6 months and I never felt a thing! Baby dust to all entering IVF! I hope Solange comes back soon. Hey my girl Lee!


isa - February 24

Hey AmyR good to hear from you and you sound very opitmistic with your ivf, thats great. Toni what is mvt? Do you think we should start a part 7 soon? This one is very long now.


Becky - February 25

Hello, I agree time for #7 it took along time for my page to load..


Toni - February 25

Guys I am gonna start a new thread, Part 7!! Everyone check in on the new thread.



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