Life After IUI 6
145 Replies
Carole - June 19

Good Monday Morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend. ELIZABETH, I am so glad that so many eggs fertilized and they made it to day 5. I hope your transfer goes well and you join me in the 2WW soon. ANN: Hope your hair looks beautiful (I had a hair appt. too - highlights) and accupunture was relaxing. I know you have your surgery tomorrow. Do you have to do anything to prepare? Tell me how Fuse was. ELYSE: I hope your dp is recovered now and you guys had a relaxing weekend. Myself and dd made breakfast for dh yesterday for father's day and then we went to the pool for the rest of the day. It was really nice. I did go out to dinner with a girlfriend SAt. night. The Cheesecake Bistro. Pretty sure it is a chain but the food was good. As for me, 5dpiui and nothing out of the ordinary. I would say my nips hurt (sorry tmi) but I think that is the progesterone taking effect. I have a little crampiness off and on but nothing that I would probably notice if I wasn't looking. Hope the week passes quickly. Would love to be in single waiting digits! Talk to you guys soon!


Ann1 - June 20

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been hectic. I got up Saturday morning and took a hpt, since af hadn't arrived--BFN of course. I was extra bummed, because since af didn't arrive by 6/17, I could have done ivf this cycle if not for the surgery on Thursday. Af arrived on Saturday, or so I thought. It totally went away after just a small amount of bleeding, so I didn't start w/the BCPs (waiting for full flow). Sunday still no af and I didn't have any hpts. I have read about people getting a surge with an opk, so I took one of those Sunday night. I got a surge. I sent my dh to the store and half time on the Mavs game for some hpts. I took 2 hpts Monday morning and they were both positive. I went straight to the dr and they drew blood. I looked on and looked at the "a line is a line" faq, because my line was lighter than the control line. Of the 3 examples of positive tests, my line was almost as dark as the darkest one. I thought this just can't be right. I don't feel any "symptoms." Absolutely NOTHING!! After nothing w/injectibles, I thought I couldn't have been lucky enough for this to happen on its own. The RE's office called yesterday afternoon. It really is true. I got a BFP!!! My hcg was 104 and progesterone 29.6! I am cautiously happy, but I can't wait to get the next blood test results tomorrow to see if everything doubles. I am also at a higher risk of m/c due to my high fsh and the fibroids, but this is the first step! I am still in total shock.


Carole - June 20

ANN!!!! OMG!!!!! My mouth is completely hanging open right now! Seriously! I am extra super happy for you. I know you are shocked as sh_t!! WOW! I will pray that everything doubles for you and your little bean continues to grow. Please let us know about the next blood test. Gosh, I can't believe it. How is DH?? I can't wait to hear more from you... Take care of yourself and slow down a bit. This is the miracle you have been waiting and wishing for. Congrats! Wasn't it nice to type bfp???


Ann1 - June 20

It is sort of nice to type it, but it really doesn't seem real. I keep expecting the dr to call and say my blood got mixed up w/someone else's. I must have looked at my positive hpts 50 times yesterday. Dh is very excited, but I just can't be too excited yet. Don't get me wrong--I just can't set myself up for a big disappointment, so I have to ease into it. How are you doing? Feel anything? The only thing I feel is a splitting headache. I read that the rise in hcg can cause that. NO other symptoms at all.


Carole - June 20

Hey Ann, nothing too big. I have felt bloated and semi crampy the last couple of days. Had really vivid bad dreams lastnight but that is probably the progesterone. Woke up a lot lastnight too. Can't really say much of anything else. I too don't want to have hopes, I have seen so many bfn's in the last year, it will suck once again if it comes to that. And of course trying to hold off from testing will be really hard next week. I could get some $ store tests and not feel like I am wasting a bunch of money, ya know but in my heart I want to wait until next Friday, 16dpiui and take the test and know for sure what the result will be. I bet I will at least have some cysts left over from this. I bet that is what all my bloating is. Please keep us apprised of your progress. HOpefully Elyse will check in and see your good news. I understand proceeding with caution, hang in there.


Ann1 - June 20

Wow, waiting until 16dpiui is a LOT of will power!! I have always used $ store tests, but I took one on Saturday and it was a BFN. Granted, that was only 10dpo. However, since my hcg was 104 on Monday, it should have been about 50 on Saturday. The $ store tests say they pick up 20miu or higher. If I was at 50, the tests don't work very well. The only reason I used an expensive test this time is because the $ store wasn't open at 10pm on Sunday night!! You should get a good reading if you test tomorrow, especially if you test first think in the morning. My fingers are crossed for you!


greeneyedgemini616 - June 20

OMG ANN!!!! Congradulations. I can't believe when you are not really trying it happens. Well I had my u/s on Thurs. and there is now only one baby I got to hear the heart beat for the first time yesterday. I didn't have any real symptoms other than a BFP. My morning sickness din't start till 5 weeks ans the others I was about 4 weeks but my BBS were horribly sore. I am so happy for you. I just can't believe it. Don't be to sceptical I was and it was unnessesary. My numbers went up just fine and now my baby has a heart beat.


Ann1 - June 20

Thanks, green. I am happy for you that you will have a much less risky pregnancy. Exactly how many dpo are you now? I am only 13 dpo today.


greeneyedgemini616 - June 20

33 DPO at 15DPO my HCG level was 169. I bet you are fine.


Ann1 - June 20

I was just counting to guess the heartbeat date. So I have 20 more days or so, I guess?


cristina - June 20

Ann, OMG congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I am soooo happy to hear that you finally got your BFP!! I knew the moment would happen. I'm trying to back track here....did you do an IUI w/inj. this cycle or you didn't do anything? I am just so happy for you. I couldn't believe it at first. I felt the same way as you after 2 1/2 years. I waited for the blood test and was sooo happy. But after my first trimester I was very much relaxed that everything would be ok. I know how you feel about making sure of things. But just be happy that the miracle has just begun and think positive!!! Watch what you eat and drink and take good care of yourself. Start taking the prenatals if you haven't already. Wow, I am in total shock. Dh must've been in tears. Green, I'm so happy your doing fine too. So there is just one? No triplets? Now I am 4 months and 1 weeks already. They still can't tell what the sex is because the babies legs are crossed. But I'm doing fine. Lots of cramping these past few days. I think I may have a urinary tract infection. But otherwise my pregnant is great. My belly is definitely growing now. I hope to hear some more good news from some other people soon. Elyse, I hope things work out for you. Sorry you had to cancel your cycle. Baby dust to everyone!! Ann, keep us posted!!!


greeneyedgemini616 - June 20

I would say about 20 sounds right. I was sooo excited when you see the tiny baby and that itty bitty heartbeat and then you hear it it is so incredible. I am so happy for you. What did dh say??


Elyse - June 20

Hey all. ANN - I am overwhelmed with joy for you. God Bless! Green - so happy you have a healthy baby growing in there. Christina, nice to hear from you - sounds like you are doing well - keep up the good work. CAROLE-my fingers are crossed for you - you do have so much willpower - OMG! We will start a new cycle on july 10, so we will take it from there. The money is a real tough thing to deal with - it is so expensive.


Ann1 - June 20

Cristina, we didn't do any meds at all. I was just on hold before I had hysteroscopy surgery to remove my fibroids. I have been on prenatals for over two years now!! I am glad you included an update. It was good to hear how you are! Green, my dh is just about to explode. He was super affectionate yesterday (he is very affectionate anyway, so he was to the point of smothering almost:)). He kept talking to my stomach saying, "Hello in there." I hope he doesn't get his hopes up too high if anything happens...Elyse, thanks, and I hope you will get a bfp asap in July!


cristina - June 21

Ann - it is such a coincidence how we both got our bfp. I did IUI in Jan. and in March we took a break and got pregnant. I also spotted when I was due for my AF. But everything turned out just fine. I also didn't have any symptons for awhile. I never got sick, just naseaus which went anyway. This has definitely brough me and my DH closer. He is also more affectionate and we argue less. I think its because we are less stressed out. That's how I think you got pg. Its when your not thinking about it too much. Did you calculate when you ov'd or you didn't watch your cycle? I am so happy for you and I'm glad this is bringing you guys closer. I guess the surgery helped your situation a lot. God Bless you!!!!!


Ann1 - June 21

The ironic thing about my getting pg this time is that I have never been so stressed, since we started ttc--work, thinking of never getting pg, ivf, the surgery I was supposed to have this week. I have been so stressed that my jaw hurts in the morning from clinching my teeth at night!! My dh is always super affectionate, and I really don't want that to increase at ALL. I kind of like my space. We haven't had an argument for at least 3 years or so (except when talking once about what will happen if I never get pg--i.e. I will likely divorce him), but I am sure this will be a good thing. I did use opks this time, and I know exactly when I Oed (June 7th). So, I was 12dpo at my Monday blood test. I have always heard the stories about getting pg at random times, but I never thought I could be that lucky.



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