ladies who done IUI -3
514 Replies
ChristinaC - April 7

just keep telling yourself that it's all for a good reason, it's all for a good reason.. I know girl, i don't know how i sat through it.. my thoughts are with you and all of us here in this situation.. many baby prayers.. good night ladies.. see you on Friday! chris (all my friends call me chris)


lilly - April 7

Hmmm, Galina, i will sugest you what i've done last month after fight with doctor who said i'll have tri[plets,ha,ha and i have feeling you should try one more time.My doc gave me Puregon after my insisting on injectible, and it was the smalest stimulated amount 50ml from cd3 till day say stop you have or 3 large good follies.Injections may take up to 10 days and you may have combo with clomid.Honestly i recomend you injections on small dosage you wont prodused so many follies and they will be better quality.I had 4 at day 12 and they were 17,19,20 and think13.So doc left my follies to grow 2 more days and all 3 has been good size for iui.As ell my lining was not been thin was 13mm at cd12.Try this combination i am shore puregon is far a way better quality and with 50ml(official 75, like instraction says) you will produce enough good follies wich may give good results.IVF is really expensive in US and you may give youself one more iui to get good positive result.I ovulate naturally too and it was reason why my doc. wasnt happy to give me injections.Even hi didnt want me to have hcg but after so many conversations he finally gave up on it when i said im ttc since june with m/c and 40 years age.Whatever you think and decide i wish from the bottom of my heart good luck and healthy baby on yours hand within 9 months.


Galina - April 7

Hi Lilly, so if I understood you correctly, you used Puregon (50ml dose) with Clomid? I am supposed to go see the dr back on day 3 of my next cycle and will ask him about it then. I know that the IVF will be expensive, his cost is $6,220 plus $3000-$4,000 for thr meds, and unfortunately he is not a Blue Cross PPO provider, so this is all out of my pocket. He just said to me that it is purely up to me and how aggressive I want to be at this point w/ttc. I did tell him I wanted to try IUI again b/c I need to get myself mentally, emotionally and finacially prepared for IVF. Anyways, we just go thome from a hockey game and I am going to go to bed. Lilly, have a beautiful day is aussie land an dkeep eating your beef and lettuce. Do they have good cheeseburgers in Australia? I can't remember the last time I had one....good night.


lilly2 - April 7

Galina, i can feel you had really good time out.You'll sleep well now.I had just Puregon 50ml from cd3 till cd12 when i had iui.You may have puregon few days less or more deepends how yours follies growing.When they good size nurse/doc will say to stop puregon.I am shore it is good drug and had just a bit headache as side effects.I had no pain like on clomid when i got cyst on my right ovaries,, then i asked doctor for puregon.As i said it is more natural and gives better result.But i suggested clomid/puregon combo b/c is less exspensive and can give again better result then just clomid.Clomid is not recomended for ladies over 35 and if is not succesfull within 3-6 months, give up, you need something different.I had clomid 3 months and the first round iui.Second iui i was on puregon.Remember all doctors, hospitals have good profit from ivf so why he wouldnt suggest it?I am shore you can get pregnant with iui.Good nite and good luck in desidion.


lilly2 - April 7

Galina, you should see doc before cd3,b/c he needs to request blood test fsh, lh,e2 and p4.Then you should start cd3 with puregon.I'll less effect your lining as well.


Mega - April 7

SashaP--Awww, English Mastiffs are great doggies too. We've thought about getting one too to go along with our bullie. Yes, we get a lot of those dumb comments too just b/c Kafka is so big. It's funny but one day we were in the vet parking lot leaving as this woman with a cocker spaniel was coming in. Her dog was lunging at mine who was wagging his tail, excited to see the dog & she had the audacity to say something about my dog wanting to eat her dog for lunch! Her dog was the one trying to lunge at mine. But my dog is wonderful with kids too, he just loves them, that tail goes wagging, butt shaking, so cute. People that don't know the breeds just see a big dog & they automatically judge. We know our dogs better than anyone. DH & I actually got Kafka in part b/c we've read over and over how great they are with kids. And I know English Mastiffs are the same way. Good luck with your IUI. Keep us posted!


Mega - April 7

Hi ladies. This was a busy thread yesterday. JamieLynne--good luck on your Beta. If I understood correctly, you find out the results today? Fingers' crossed for you & throwing lots of baby dust your way too. Can't wait to hear the results. ChristinaC--I guess Ann already answered you about the injectibles side effects (s/e), I'm not one to answer that yet anyway b/c yesterday was my 1st shot, no s/e yet though. But you're right, Clomid s/e aren't fun at all, I had more than a few what my friend called Clomid Meltdowns, esp. when I 1st started taking them. Where's your tattoo? What is it? I just have a little tiny "baby" one of a heart on my inner left ankle. Ouchy! It was a little close to the bone. Galina--sounds like an interesting appt. yesterday. I'm so glad your cysts are going down, that's great news. So are you leaning towards switching drs? I guess you still have a couple of weeks to decide everything. Good luck. Ann--That's true, with your suppression cycle first there's no rush for you. Yes, I did feel like a kid at Christmas opening the big box of my meds. Well, I'm not doing Ovidrel as my trigger this time. I think I'm using Novarel, the same thing I believe Galina used. Galina, where do you inject yourself with it? I'll ask my dr when it's trigger time of course, but I was just curious. I just thought I'd be doing 1 vial of the Repronex, but the directions on the label said I had to do 150 IUs of it. I didn't even think to ask my dr about doseage. So to double check, like an idiot I called the on call dr & he explained it to me. I guess that's typically the starting doseage. The shot site stung for a few minutes afterwards, but it wasn't too bad. It's a long needle. Yikes. ChristinaC--I was repeating that to myself last night "it's for a good cause." "it's for a good cause." My mantra for the night. Lilly2--That is too funny about your dad & DH's dad having the same b-day & your moms' with similar b-days. Your lucky little baby, being born into a loving family with parents' who have a wonderful marriage. Galina--the hockey games sounds fun. Who won? I love hockey, such an exciting sport. Let me clairfy, I love watch hockey, play it not so much considering I have no coordination to skate.


Galina - April 7

Good morning everyone! Mega, you are right, this thread is going to fill up faster than the last one!! Hockey was fun last night, our team (Kings) lost, but we had a good time regadless. I did use Novarel and did 5000 units. It comes w/2 viles, One is filled w/liquid and the other powder. You are supposed to take out the liquid w/one syringe and put it into the powder vial. Then it disinegrated and yuo pull out te needed amount and do the shot in the tummy. Remember this is the one where dh and I coulodn't figure out how to "pull the liquid ou". We didn't know you were supposed to turn the vial upside Anyways, for me, it was just a tiny bit painful b/c dh went in sooooo slowly into the tummy so I felt every bit of the needle. Otherwise, it would not have hurt at all.


Galina - April 7

Ann, how are youdoing on teh suppression days? You have 9/10 days left? Just think at the end of the next weekend you will be right back in the game?
Any plans for the weekend, everyone?


Mega - April 7

Hi Galina. Glad you enjoyed the game last night even if your team didn't win. You didn't have to mix the other drug you were using (sorry I forgot the name of that injectible)? We have to mix the repronex ourselves. I think that was the hardest part really. I felt like I was back in HS Chem class. LOL. DH did better with the mixology than I did. No real plans for this weekend really. We'll probably laze around. What about you? Another fun weekend in the works?


Ann - April 7

I think the mixing is the fun part. When you draw the liquid into the needle, it reminds me of tv/movies. Galina, yes I have 10 mor days including tonight and then a few-day wait for af and meds of cd3 (I think) of that af. I feel like I am in a holding pattern and have nothing to post!


Mega - April 7

Ann, you're right about the tv/movies thing. I was watching CSI & a little bit of ER (til I fell asleep) & a few scenes there reminded me of the med mixing. I'm so uncoordinated though, and not very nimble fingered. I'll get the hang of it though. I'm sure you can still think of plenty of things to post anyway.


ChristinaC - April 7

TGIF ladies.. Sorry catching up reading everyones post..


Ann - April 7

Mega, yes, I can just bore you guys with something else, I am sure.:)


ChristinaC - April 7

Gosh to mix the meds almost makes you feel like you're the doctor. The hard part about all this is that we're just playing a long and not so fun waiting game.. Does anyone watch CSI Maimi? Love that show, but my dh makes fun of the red head cop.. :) Hey Galina glad you had a good time at the game too. I think tonight my dh is having people over to watch the Spurs play. We finally finished our entertainment room, a ruby red color.. looks cool. well girls i do think that i am going to start.. just had lunch and you know when you get that feeling like " ok did i just eat, why am i still hungry" ? I may test tomorrow morning, which will be my day 8 and day 21 of my cycle..


Mega - April 7

Yeah, I think you'll come up with something to say, Ann. Besides, who would come up with all those good question of the day topics? ChristinaC--you said it, TGIF!!!! Good luck reading thru my novel length posts. Ha. Geez, I wonder why we have to make new threads every other week (as Galina said, probably even quicker this time).



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