IUI tomorrow, anyone else? Let's wait it out together!
340 Replies
Tracy88 - August 29

Jen T. thanks so much for popping in and sharing. You have no idea how much I needed to hear your story right now. I have been down in the dumps all day after learning that hubbies brother's wife just learned she is PG. It broke my heart. I just went through so much to get PG and to learn of her success at this moment was devastating. I have to keep in mind that it is always possible that I could get a BFP from all that I just put myself through in about two weeks. So I am holding on to a glimmer of hope. I had four follies and two great IUI's with high sperm counts, so I can't throw in the towel just yet. I needed a pick me up. Thanks so much!!!!


celestia1977 - August 29

Tracy - I'm praying for you. I hope you get a baby. I wouldn't throw in that towel just yet either. It's amazing how many women (especially some that don't deserve to be mothers) get pregnant so easily. Unfortunately, for some of us it's harder. I hope things go well for you.


celestia1977 - August 29

Jen T - congratulations! I hope the best for you. Let us know how things progress!


celestia1977 - August 29

I went to the doc and I have no cysts. Yay! I'm starting Clomid in 2 days. Then, the doc wants me to come in on 9/11 for follicle checking. We'll see what happens! Baby dust for all :-)


Tracy88 - August 30

Celestia, thanks for your kind words. I'm happy you get to start clomid and can get moving this cycle. Jen T. through my own pity party I neglected to say congrats. I really am happy when I hear about BFP's on these threads, it's when it hits close to home that it hurts. My husband's brother and his wife have no business being married to each other, they are always miserable, and look, they are the ones who get to pass that misery on to their child. My husband and I are happily married and can't seem to get PG, so that's why it bothers me so much. We have so much to give and show a wee one, and we have a happy home (except today!). I'll get over my negative feelings at some point, but for now, I think I need to give myself the time to process the news. Thanks for everything guys.


celestia1977 - August 30

Tracy, I know what you mean. I'm sorry to hear that your husband's brother and his wife are miserable. Hang in there - you'll get a little one too :-) Take care.


JamieLynne - August 30

Wow! I am gone one day and look at all that I missed. Congrats Jen T!! Thanks for sharing with us - I can relate to what Tracy said... we all have been trying for so long and the stories of friends and family members getting preg. with little or no time trying is very frustrating. Sometimes I feel that no one understands and I am completely alone in this - then I remember all of you. I am planning on spending my 2ww getting ready for school. We go back next week (I actually just changed jobs.... so that in itself is going to be a good distraction) and I have been busy getting ready. How many of you find yourselves obsessing about symptoms??


Tracy88 - August 31

I obsess but try to ignore everything I think I feel since I keep getting BFN after BFN. I just got home from work, and swear I felt some sharp twinges in my uterus while I was working, but can't attribute it to anything, so.... JamieLynne are you a teacher?


celestia1977 - August 31

JamieLynne - all the time during the 2WW! My DH says I shouldn't obsess over everything cause it makes me sooo depressed when I get a BFN, but I do anyway. Especially cause the Prometrium gives me pregnancy symptoms.


Tracy88 - August 31

Celestia, do you start the clomid today or tomorrow?


celestia1977 - August 31

I started it this morning. I'm feeling shaky, but that could be cause I haven't eaten since 6am. I'm having a cheeseburger and tater tots now though, so I'm feeling better :-)


celestia1977 - August 31

Tracy, how are you feeling?


JamieLynne - August 31

Hey ladies! How is everyone doing? Tracy - I am a teacher and am glad school is starting soon so that I can get my mind of this wait. I came down with a cold on Monday and I am starting to feel a little better today. I am currently 7dpiui and last night I had mild cramps. I went to six flags on Tuesday and rode several roller coasters. Now my mom has me a bit paranoid because she is like "do you think it was ok to do that?" What do you ladies think? I didn't even think it would be a problem now I wonder.


celestia1977 - August 31

Hi JamieLynne. I wouldn't think it's a problem, but maybe you can ask your doctor. What grade do you teach? I'm sorry to hear you got a cold. I hope you feel better soon.


Tracy88 - August 31

Celestia, good luck with clomid! I'll be rooting for you all month. I'm OK today, thanks for asking. Still depressed, but what can you do? JamieLynne, yay on the cramps. I think that you are fine if you went days ago to six flags. All I remember after my IUI was them telling me, "Now don't go horseback riding today." I laughed and said, "Oh man, and I was planning on going barrel racing today!" Hopefully what you were feeling last night was implantation cramps, but we won't know for another week, huh? I am a whopping 3dpiui. How in the hell am I supposed to make it another 10 or 11 days???? I am already lsing my mind. I told some other friends of mine that if I could just have some sort of sign at this point that there is something going on down there, that would make me feel ten times better, but as it stands, I feel pretty much nothing but a twinge here and there. Those twinges could be ANYTHING!!!! At 3dpiui it would be irrational to think I'd feel something yet anyway. JamieLynne, I was a teacher until October of '05. I taught elementary school. I quit because I was under tremendous stress, so I give you a ton of credit for teaching at all.


JamieLynne - September 1

I actually taught third grade for the last 4 years but I just got a new job - grades 5-9 resource room (special education). I am really excited - I love the new school I am in. I know what you mean about having a sign. I have been thinking back to signs I had before I had my m/c but it was so early on I don't think I had really any symptoms. I do remember feeling tired and blah and having mild cramps. But that could have been the m/c so who knows. Right now at 7dpiui I am obsessing at every light twinge, pain, etc. I told myself I wouldn't do it this time but how can you not?? Especially when you have 2 weeks to wait it out!! Arrgh!!! Like today I watched a baby story - why?? I haven't watched it in forever because it is too depressing but here I was today watching the stupid show which made me feel oh so depressed. Why do we do things like that?? No, I couldn't just leave it at one episode I had to stick around for episode 2!! Oh well.... I just want to thank you all for being here to talk to. It is nice not being alone during all of this. :)



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