191 Replies
Lynn - April 7

Carrie, let us know how it goes. Are they still looking at mid-April for retrieval?


Lynn - April 7

Nothing to report, waitin on AF so I can begin injections. Casie, 3 weeks????? Helen, anything new to report?


Lynn - April 9

Hello Girls


Lynn - April 9

AF arrived today so calling RE to begin injections on Tuesday. Hope everyone is doing well.


Casie - April 10

2 weeks and 5 days...the doctor has me going twice a week now...not quite sure why...


Lynn - April 11

Yeah...I am so excited. I begin injection on Tuesday. I'll keep you posted.


Casie - April 26

I just wanted to update everyone. Cadence Marie was born on 4/20. She weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 20 inches. She is such a blessing. We are thankful it is over. My husband is getting a vasectomy on 5/25. I am not sure how I really feel about it, but he is not backing down. They had a hard time stopping the bleeding, so he said that is just icing on the cake. You can see Cadie by going to http://babycentral.centralbap
Lynn, Helen, Carrie, how is everything for you guys?


Lynn - April 26

Casie....YEAH!!!!!!! I am so excited for you and as soon as I finish here I am going to check her out. I did injections this round and did timed BDing during the critical times. It is now the 2ww and I should know something after May 6th. Hope it worked. If not, I am doing nothing in May...too much stress with work and cannot take off to get u/s and bloodwork. Thanks for sharing.


Casie - April 27

Lynn, I am praying that it worked this time. I understand needing a break from it all. I will be on pins and needles right along with you!!


Lynn - April 28

Casie....she is GORGEOUS!!!!!!! It was so nice of you to share your joy. Thanks. She is one week old now. How does big brother feel about her?


Casie - April 28

Lynn, thank you!! We are thrilled that she is finally here. Corbin is handling things pretty well. He slept in our bed until he was three. I was not going to let Cadie, but we ended up with her there. He does have a bit of trouble with that, but other than that, he is doing good. How are things going for you?


Lynn - April 28

Casie, I am just hanging out in the waiting time. Nothing to report. No symptoms to analyze so just waiting. Keep me posted on her and you. Not sure where everyone else went. Hope they are doing okay.


Carrie31 - April 29

hi ladies how are you. Sorry it has been awhile but things have been busy. Lynn- how are the injectables going. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever. Well, I had my retrivel this past tuesday..we ultimently had 9 eggs fertilzed out of 15..on friday I was told I had 3 excellent and the rest were good. My transfer is tomorrow so after that it is just a waiting game. Hubby and I have been talking about how many we want to go back and I know the doc will suggest two but I am thinking only one. I just don't think I have it in me to take the chance of having twins..Anyway.. I hope you are doing well


Lynn - April 29

Carrie....I am so glad you had a good cycle. Heck, I would put all three back in just to make sure I got one out of it. But you do what you are secure with. Remember, Helen did 2 and only 1 implanted. Keep us posted. I on the other hand did a cycle of injections and timed BDing. I am 7 days from figuring out if it worked or not. I am not trying to analyze symptoms this go around and just thinking positive. If It is not +, I am taking May off (most stressful month of school year) and we are going to attempt follistim and IUI paying for everything out-of-pocket. I am glad you dropped in. Thanks for sharing.


abby10 - May 1

Hi everyone. I am new to this site. I am 37 and have been trying for two years to conceive. Have unexplained fertility although there is a possible tubal factor due to adhesions. I just started on follistim injections today. Looking for info on what to expect (side effects etc...) Thanks for any help. FYI: I live in New Jersey where there is a mandate for insurance to cover infertility. Was working in PA but had to change jobs for coverage. I feel for everyone who has to pay out of pocket as I had to do that for two years.


Casie - May 4

Lynn, how are you? I am still praying as the countdown gets smaller. Hope all is well. Also, thank you for the kind words about Cadie and all of your support. It means the world to me!!



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