Feb/March IVFers part 3 (contd.)
219 Replies
Tink - February 21

oh and our clinic does not believe in shared risk and neither does my hubby. he doesn't like the idea of paying out all that money and having it work on the first try and being screwed by having to have paid more than we would have for one try. he just didn't like the idea. it wasn't offered to us anyways unfortunately.


JB0405 - February 21

ROBYN- I feel very BLAH...not great but not bad at the same time!!! Know what I mean? I'm glad that Jason is so good to you! Tell him I send my regards! Please rest up!


ROBYN - February 21

Michelle - thats why its called Shared Risk we werent sure if we should just do a cycle and see what happened then do the shared risk but we looked at as if we paid out more than we should have the 1st time than it didnt matter as long as we got our baby and in our case Shared Risk will now pay for itself because each IVF cycle at my clinic with meds is 13 thousand a cycle. We paid 21, 300 for shared risk not including meds so as of this point it was a benefit for us. We dont have to come up with another 13 thousand dollars its all paid for.


ROBYN - February 21

JANAE why are you feeling blah whats the matter? I am just so worn down i feel like i have been hit by a train. Thank you and Michelle for your wonderful comments about Jason I am very fortunate I will not deny that. Jason in a rare jewel in my eyes especially compared to the men in my life before him. I dont think even my ex-husband would have been supportive going thru all i have been thru. But now truly know what true love really is. Anyway Michelle I hope i didnt come across to harsh it wasnt meant that way i am extremely emotional right now. Dont think of shared risk as being screwed if it works the 1st time its a true blessing. Luv ya both.


JB0405 - February 21

ROBYN- I don't know, I have off & on hot flashes. I am having 1 right now. I LOVE Nantucket Apple Juice but my stomach is disagreeing with it these days and Ginger Ale seems to help a lot. I am having a coke right now and it's soooooo good! LOL! I just have not felt like myself. I have my ups & downs... I am in NO WAY reading into this... here comes a mild hot flash now...its gone now! I am really tired, etc, etc, etc. I am sure you all get the point!


Mega - February 21

Jody--CONGRATS!!! YAY! Excellent news, I'm so happy for you, even if you "cheated" & tested early. LOL! So what did DH say? Was he shocked?!!! Did you blurt it out or figure out a creative way to tell him?


baby1234 - February 21

Hi all. Just got the embie report and I won't have any to freeze this cycle. Hopefully that means the best candidates are already in me doing their job! I am feeling a little more action today. Nothing major, but I am more aware of twinges and a little minor cramping. I am hoping that means they are getting ready to settle in for a nice long ride. I am still laying around doing nothing and am going crazy. There is only so much tv I can watch and I am having trouble concentrating on the book I have. I should be grading papers so I can have them ready when I go back to work tomorrow, but that doesn't sound appealing either. Sigh. Maybe I'll find something to eat so I can waste some more time. I am craving chocolate and pineapple. Don't know why. They both sound so good right now. I'll be right back with my post to you all. Stacie


Mega - February 21

KB--Sorry for all the uncertainity you're going thru right now, the possible move to Switzerland, the apartment debate, etc. Lot's of up in the air things to deal with right now mixed in with pg hormones = not a fun combo. When will DP know more re: the possiblity of a Switzerland move? Can you delay the other decisions til then? Babies are toughies, stress isn't alway avoidable when pg unfortunately. But hang in there! Robyn--Glad DH is being such a wonderful caretaker! Hope the cramping eases up soon for you. Anyway rest up. Tink--I'm so sorry your other embies didn't make it to be frozen. What a blow! That's a risk when they try to get them to blast. I lost several embies myself that way, they arrested on the way to blast stage. I was lucky though b/c once you get more than 9 embies, the clinic automatically freezes 9 + at the 2 PN stage leaving the initial 9 out to grow to blast. But I'm glad to hear your parents will help you & ask your grandpa for more $ too if need be. That said though, this cycle isn't over though. You still have a great shot at getting that well-deserved BFP! Hang in there. JB--Sorry you aren't feeling your crazy, bubbly, fun self these days. Those pesky hot flashes, so not fun!


Mega - February 21

Jody--I think you might've started a trend! Sounds like we may have a rash of early testers, Tink, JB, etc...LOL!!!


baby1234 - February 21

KB--hope you are feeling better. It is perfectly natural to start worrying about these types of things. You are in the nesting mode. Just try to not let it overwhelm you so much that it stresses you. I like to make lists of pros and cons for the issues that are bothering me. It helps me to get my feelings down on a piece of paper so I don't have to focus on them anymore. I am sending you hugs to help you through this. GOGO--I am so happy for you! I know you have started the bfp trend for our thread! Yeah. I can't wait to hear what your beta number will be if you tested positive this early. Congrats! What did dh say when you told him? JB--the quote comes from the Kleenex commercials. I heard it and loved it. It is now one of my personal favorites. I know what you mean about the poas tests calling out to you. I have one doing the same. I think I might use it up right now so I won't have it there to taunt me. They are so evil! I hope the blahness goes away too. Maybe that is a good sign. I would say the hot flashes are a good sign as well. I am sending positive vibes your way. The beta is just around the corner... TINK--I know it is disappointing that you have no embies to freeze. That just means that the best ones were implanted and you wont need the frozen ones! I am thinking that way and hopefully you can too. I am glad that the financial costs look like they will work out too. Your family seems so supportive and helpful! You are very lucky. Dh and I are totally on our own as far as paying for this stuff. There is no way any of our families would be able to help us out. ROBYN--Jason sounds like a wonderful husband! I love that he was making you breakfast and pampering you. MEGA--hope all is well with you. To all of you I missed, hope you are doing well also. Take care. I'll check in later. Stacie


baby1234 - February 21

MEGA--how funny that we crossed posted! I miss hearing about you and your little bean. Any updates?


Tink - February 21

oh Robyn- totally agree. i would have been okay with shared risk, but DH jsut wouldn't go for it- he is cheap to the bone. he didn't want to take the risk apparently, not like we had the choice with our lab/doc. our cycle ended up costing us about $8 or $9K. so it wasn't as much as i thought. i think it is great you got to do the shared risk and it definitely helps relieve stress i think to make the going a little easier. not having to worry about paying for the next cycle is awesome and definitely what you need right now. i am so happy you don't have to worry about it. you aren't harsh at all. we will just hoep and pray our first time is a miracle! ;) now get back to resting and let Jason keep taking care of you. Doc Michelle says so! ;) Stacie, so sorry you had none left to freeze either and let's just pray the ones inside us are great and doing their job to implant. i've had some cramping too. JB- so sorry about the hot flashes and other side effects, you are a much better woman than me not to read into them! ;) and yes, Jody might have started a trend on testing early. i never tested early before- through 4 months on clomid and then 4 IUIs cycles, 8 months straight, i really only tested when they told me i could. my RE never scheduled betas for IUIs....i just had to test at home or wait on AF. so testing early will be kinda new to me!! hopefully i'll see something else new to me--- a BFP!


GoGo Trigger - February 21

Hi all, just got in to campus from lunch. I actually just wrapped the test stick up and wrote "I [HEART] you Dad!) on my belly (thanks to baby1234 for that idea :D). He thought I was anyways, but he said "are you for real?" and then I gave him the test stick and made him unwrap it :D So his next question is how many we have, lol. My next question is I hope this one sticks! But from how I've felt so far and the fact that the acid reflux was so strong I think it's doing much better at this stage than the one I miscarried in 12/05. I called my RE and they still want to wait for the beta on Saturday 2/24 so that they have a baseline to compare it too...they like to see over 100 at that stage. But they did confirm that the trigger was out of my system and so that should be the real thing :D Can't wait to see how tired I am after I teach for 2 hours straight today, rofl :D


GoGo Trigger - February 21

Oh, to answer your question about when I tested...my ER was 2/10 and my ET was 2/13 so I tested 11 dpo, or 8dp3dt


GoGo Trigger - February 21

BTW, KB, I'll be in your shoes in two-three months. We'll be moving across the US to Indiana; I need to be there by July 1. Needless to say not looking foward to that move!


JB0405 - February 21

MEGA- I'm ok. I can still be bubbly... I am just wanting the 2ww to come to a POSITIVE end. Darn you & your
early testers comment, LOL!! I want to BUT I am more afraid of that than I was of the prog shots... and you guys
know how terrified I was. STACIE-thanks!! I am truly feeling to poas BADLY but I am doing pretty good so far.
That saying from the Kleenex commercial really makes you think, it's great. My RE has some new urine test
that is quicker & better than what they used before, I hope it says +. I will be devastated, if nothing appears
how soon can I test? The other thing that racks my brain is the 2nd beta, that is where shit went downhill
for me the last time I was pg, the #'s kept going down. I am so scared you guys! Michelle- I am trying to
remain as positive as possible and it's tough to not read into what's happening to my body as well as not
test early. I am hanging on!



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