endometriosis and lupron depot
480 Replies
KLB - January 13

Hi ladies. I have endometriosis and just found out I am pregnant tonight. There is hope! I am only 20 years old & was very scared I wouldnt be able to reproduce. Good luck to everyone!


Joy - January 15


How severe is your endo? Have you had surgery for it? How long did it take you to get pregnant? Any information you can give us will be very helpful. Good luck with your pregnancy and I wish you the best. Please let me know. Thanks


Lizelle - January 16

HI there. KBL congrats on the pregnancy. bj have you had any surgery to remove the endo? I have stage 4 too. They had to remove one of my tubes, I've had 3 surgeries in 2005. How long have you been ttc? We're going on the 4 year now and I'm only 28.....You sure are blessed with them HOTFLASHES. Mine was terrible. I had to tale sleeping pill otherwise I could not sleep at all. I would take all my clothes off and then 10 min later put them back on again just to repeat it half hour later. This went on all 6 months almost 24/7. It was very funny though, my Mom is just starting with menopouse and we were sharing being misrable together . Atleast she could take a hormone suppliment. I could not. Ha -Ha-Ha.. Joy, do you maybe have more info on endo? I would appreciate. You said you have been through this once before? Thanks girls. Talk soon.


bj - January 17

Congrats KLB!! Thanks for the encouraging words. Lizelle, yes, I had a laparoscopy back in October. I had my fourth shot of lupron a couple of weeks ago, and guess what? Getting hot flashes quite frequently now. Oh, man, it's sooo weird. My mother-in-law has hot flashes too, so we call each other and see how we're handling them. My husband and I are starting our 4th year of trying. I'm praying that this is the year for all of us. You said you had 3 surgeries. What's going on now? Are you on shots still? Keep me posted. I'll be praying for you. Joy, you're also still in my prayers. Blessings to all!


Joy - January 17

To Lizelle: I have some websites under my favorites. I will send them to you later today or tomorrow. I am back at work today after being a week off from the surgery. I have a doctors appt next Monday and then I start my lupron shots when I get my period. Any info I have that is helpfull, I will definitely send to you. BJ thanks for having me in your prayers. You are all in my prayers as well.


Lizelle - January 21

Hi bj. I had a laparoscopy done in March of 2005, then I started with the Lupron in April. Six shots, six months. I had surgery( laparotomy) done in Nov 2005, to remove as much of the endo as possible. It was targeting my major organs and diagfram. I had a tube removed and a very big sist on my ovary. My bladder and colon was all tangled up in the web of endo and I was expecting some colon surgery too, but my surgeon manage to work a miracle and my colon was spared. My bladder was webbed into my uterus ( I had cronic urination and bladder infections , wonder why??? ) I recovered for six weeks and then had another laparoscopy done to remove some more endo and to see if it was growing back already? The Lupron did not stop the inflamation or the spreading of the endo , but atleast I did not had to go through the terrible period pains..Today is a exciting but anxcious day. I called the IVF clinic to make my first appt!!!! But I'm getting realy nervious too thinking that it is a reality now. The months of waiting is finaly done. If everything goes well WE SHOULD BE PREGNANT BY THE END OF MARCH.. My first appt is the bloodwork and it is next week already.. How are you doing? I have sympathy with them HOTFLASHES. They told me to take Benadryl ( the anti histamine ) to help with them. It worked good the first couple of months but then there was no stop to the heat.. You should try that , maybe you will heve more luck. I can not believe how much having endo has change my life. Now I don't take any thing for granted. Hope to talk soon. Keep cool...


bj - January 23

Hi, Lizelle. Sorry, I've been out of town and haven't been able to get to a computer. I'll be praying for you during this time. I know it's exciting, yet a little nerve racking all at the same time. I go in Thursday for my next shot. This will be my 5th. Hot flashes are still there, but I guess it's worth it. I'm hoping I only have one more shot after Thursday. Let me know how everything goes. I look forward to hearing positive stories from you and the rest of these girls on here. Joy, how are you? Things going ok?


BrendaW - January 23

I just wanted to tell you all from reading your entries that i really feel for you and I wish you all the best of luck. I have endometriosis and have had two surgeries and did the Lupron thing.


bj - January 23

Hi, BrendaW. Are you trying to get pregnant? Do you have kids already? I hope you'll share your story with us. We're all here for the same reasons. Best of everything to you.


Joy - January 23

Hi bj:

I am doing really good. I am able now to do my usual stuff after the surgery. I went to the doctor today and was told that I have Stage IV endo. I am to start the Lupron shots next week and it will be 1 shot every 3 months for six months, totalling 2 shots. He also told me that after my next surgery, which should be some time at the beginning of August, he will need to put me on ovulation medication since having endometriosis affects ovulation and egg quality. He said that my chances for pregnancy will be better taking the ovulation medication. I will keep you guys posted and bj keep me posted after you are done with the shots. Best of luck to all and I will pray for all.


bj - January 24

Hey Joy! I think I told you already, but I have stage IV endo also. You'll be in my prayers.


BrendaW - January 25

Hi BJ- Sorry it took so long to respond. No I do not have any children. Me and my Ex were trying but obviously he is my ex now. I have had multiple miscarriages. There are other things going on with me too. My doc says it is NK cells misinterpreting the embryo and attacking it. I am to start meds in April. I am currently with someone new and kind of still hope that the docs are wrong and it was just me and my ex. But I seen this sight and wanted to tell everyone good luck.


bj - January 25

Good luck to you, as well!


Lizelle - January 29

Hi there. I'm going for bloodwork tomorrow!!!. I'm so happy it finally starts. How are you girls doing? Unfortunely I am having a terrible period again. I will start the birth control pills tomorrow night which should take my period away? I hope. I got spoiled the 6 months on the Lupron with no periods.. bj what is your schedule after the last Lupron shot? are you having surgery or ttc again?


JennSimpson - January 30

Hey girls, I was just reading your posts and thought I should tell my story. My husband and I have been ttc for 2 years. I did 5 mo. of clomid and then right when I went to the re to start injections and IUI they found two cysts. When they tried to a lap they found there was terrible endo so they opened me up and removed it all even tho it was stage 4. So my re put me on three shots of Lupron. the first time I got no period. the second month I got my period and then 25 days later I got another period which was the end of my shots. So this is the first month of no shots and ttc and it has been 31 days since my last shot. Do you think I could be pregnant? Can you get pregnant the first month with no shots? I took a test but it was negative. I did it at night, so it probably wasn't a good sample. My husband wants me to wait a week before I test again. I surely will go insane. Thanks for listening.


JennSimpson - January 30

OOOPS I meant to say it has been 31 days since my last period and 2 months since my last shot!



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