depo prevera
161 Replies
April - January 11

I started the depo in march 2005, i've been off since husband and i are trying to get pregnant and so luck! I think the lawsuit deal is a great idea!


cynthia - January 30

I'm curently on the depo. been on it for about a year. I haven't had any side effects but all of you are really scaring me & some of your stories even made me cry. I'm currently engage & my biggest dream is to have many kids. My biggest nightmare would be not to be able to ever have kids. Well I just wanted to thank all of you for opening my eyes. I'm going to stop the depo.


dawn - February 11

hey you guys. the shot sucks. after having a child at a early age i decided to get on the shot. i was on the shot for a little over a year. i gained 20 pounds within a few months and had a period like every month. i have been off of it for a while and since i have been off i have not had any periods at all for two months. i have been trying to get pregnant and no sucess.the shot really messed up my cycle and more than likely having more children will take a while. i do not recomend the shot to anyone!!!


nicole nelson - February 12

hi my name is nicole and in dec 2004 i got on the depo shot and in jan 2005 i had a miscarraige (obviously got pregnant right after getting on shot?). anyway i got off the shot in march 2005 and had a two day period and those kinds of periods lasted until sept 2005 and in oct 2005 they started lasting one day. then in dec 2005 i didn't have one and haven't had one since and i am not pregnant so i think it had to do with that shot. even though i am ttc. and i don't seem to be very fertile. i have a two year old and a miscarraige two months before i got pregnant with my two year my doctor is giving me provera (pills) to see if i will have my period. if anyone has any advice to givei will be willing to recieve. thanks and babydust


Becky - February 15

I'm a student journalist doing a story on women getting pregnant whilst on depo. I personally take it 5 years depo, then2 years norplant and now on my 3rd depo jab again (I don't want children). However, I was recently quite surprised when the nurse sat there and said IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO GET PREGNANT WHILST ON DEPO (as long as your within the 12 weeks). Any one who has any info about getting pregnant whilst on depo, I would be very grateful if you could send me some details (email: [email protected]). Thanks


kesha - February 26

i have been on the shot for almost 2 yrs. recently i have been really sick like pregnant sick, i told my doc and he said there is no way, well i had a pelvic ultrasound and they told my it looks like i have an unfertilized egg in my does that happen i have never missed a shot! I am scared there going to do a d&c. has this happened to anyone before??


Joey - March 1

I started getting the shot at age 18. I got off the shot last June, I got pregnant in November. It effects people different ways. I was told when I was on the shot if I stopped getting it I still wouldn't get pregnant for 10 years, however; I got pregnant within 5 months.


BrittanyG - March 10

I am 18 in 2 months and at first I awsn't trying to conceive, but I wasn't getting pregnant and I do not use condoms. Since then I was on the birth control shot, but I have been off for a year now and I am trying but I just can't seem to get pregnant. I don't think it's my boyfriend because he has a baby already. I think it may be something wrong. I may be young but I really want this, I feel as if I need someone to care for more like a small life that I can call mine. please give me advise. Tell me what to do.


mandy - March 21

i was on depo for about 2 1/2 years and i got pregnant about 9 months later. i had absolutly no problem with the shot.


sara - March 21

I was on the depo shot. I stopped getting the shot and it took me a little over a year to get pregnant. My advice is make sure you are trying when you are ovulating and don't try so hard or often. When you know you are ovulating try every 12 hours, because it takes that long for his sperm count to go back up! that is what I did and now I have a beautiful 9 month old! GOOD LUCK!!


tasha - April 1

Hi my name is Tasha and I have been taking ovulex (it is a pill to help me get pregnant )about 1 month now and I have been Having pains in my stomach for about 3days now is that ok should I stop taking it?
thank you


Sonja - September 1

I was on Depo for 4 years when I got off to get pregnant. The Dr. said it would take 8 to 12 months. It took exactly 8 months to the day for me to get pregnant.


emma01 - September 3

hi i was on depo for a few months i had about 5 shots and i was geting married and was ready to start a family so i stoped having it i was told at the clinic that depo would rare of around months or 2 and i would be normal at i throught great but a few monts went passed nothing my perids did not return to normal when i was on the depo i had no bleeding only when i had a few weeks until next deop was givin then the bleeding did return verry heavy and i had spotting brown colour everyday for months on end so after a year of this my husband pressured me to go to the clinic due to concerns about my health i went and she said that it should have worn of by now and she done a excamation of my vigina for to check if somthing serious wong with me but she said everthing seams to be fine and she sent me to hospitial for blood tests and and an autosound she advise me that they might use a probe which they did verry uncontable nothing was wong so i went back and she gave me some pill she gave me for 3 months she said that it might reset my perids but it did not so nothing more could be done i just wated i even started to thing i may never get pregnamt but 2years on iam now 37 weeks yer .
deop dr dont tell u everthing about this you hear a sorts of story on the internet they all are negitive i myself regret having it i would not advive or have agian i would not expect that u would be able to concive untill 2 years beaing off it most people dont concive untill after this time good luck


krissy2006 - September 3

Emma01.. you said you were on depo for "a few months" and then you said you had five shots. Depo is only supposed to be taken 1 X every three months, so you either overdosed or you took it for more than a year.Just wanted to clear that up . . . . I also was on depo for 3 yrs. Got off just over a year ago and have been ttc for 3 mos. So far nothin. I am still optimistic though. Gl to all TTC


saxibrown - June 20

I was on the shot for about 2 1/2 years. While on it I had no periods and was experiencing enormous weight gain and hair loss. I was also experiencing pain to my legs when I brushed against something or a little pressure was applied say by my toddler at the time. I discontinued the shot and was unable to get preganant until about 7 years later after I discontinued the shot. But I am still having pain to my legs that is probably from a break down in bone mass. So I agree with everyone, this shot does cause infertility, it is hurting people and the company needs to be held accountable for these problems their product has caused alot of people.


heva - July 7

hi, i'm new to the site. i'm going through this problem aswell. was on provera for 5 1/2 yrs, came off it aug'06, periods back to normal straight way, have been trying ever since with no joy. surely if they can invent this kind of injection they can invent a reversable one!??



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