brand new and like to start a thread for newbies!!!
91 Replies
diem - August 13

tynadu, Let us know what happens with the beanies!!!
Welcome to newmommy and blf0521! Glad you could join us. Newmommy....I know what it's like to test early...Gosh doesn't the tww suck? I have stopped opks( though I'm very tempted to go buy some tomorrow. I will try to stay strong. DH and I are trying the every other day bd method this month instead of focusing on just that supposed O week. I am supposed to O next week according to fertilityfriend's last month report but I'm sticking to the every other bd thing. I will let you know how it goes. I've been taking fertilaid for a few days now. I decided to spread out the 3 pills to each meal time as directed. I am also taking calcium drinking lots of milk....and green tea as they are both supposed to be good for fertility. *****baby dust to all ****** I wonder who will be the first BFP on this post?


diem - August 13

What CD is everyone on? I am on CD 14 today. I should be ovulating on CD 19 or 20 this month :)


blf0521 - August 14

I am on cd 17 i received my Hsg shot on cd 13 with 2 mature follicles so i probably O'd on cd 14??


roxy01 - August 14

Hi everyone! Welcome to everybody new. Newmommy...I'm sorry you're going thru a rough time aswell. I have my 6wk post d&c check up today, so I'll find out if the cyst is gone and what to do about no af. I hope I get good news! I didn't really want to have to take provera, but will if I have to. It's so frustrating when you're bodies won't cooperate with you. Diem, I've done the same with the thermometer. I've only forgotten once so far lol! I hope we see lots of bfps this month!!


roxy01 - August 14

Diem...I'm taking fertilaid spread over the day like the instructions say. We've nearly finished our first bottle, so I'm trying to decide whether to order them again or not. And I'm drinking lots of greent tea aswell..I'm having one right now! I hope it helps us!!


tynadu - August 14

Hello All, I am happy to read that everyone is ok. I am on cd13 and just looking forward to WED. when my Dr. give me an U/S to check the size of my beanies. ***BabyDust***


roxy01 - August 14

I just got back from docs and the cyst is gone! He found 2 black spots on my other ovary, but said they could just be follicles. He thinks I have just ovulated too. He was happy with my uterus and lining and wants us to ttc straight away. He's not concerned with me not having af yet. He said just to wait for my body to get back on track. I'm very relieved and can't wait to start ttc now. I hope it happens soon!! xxx


diem - August 14

CONGRATS roxy! That is such great news!!!!!


tynadu - August 14

Hello All, I hope everyone is doing ok! Congrats Roxy I hope this go round you get your BFP! I am now on cd14 and wed. I go in for my 2nd U/S to check the size of my beanies. They were too small on cd11.***BabyDust*** to everyone!!!


newmommy - August 15

Roxy01--that's great news! I was also anxious that my body wouldn't get back on track after my D&C. I still am after having to use provera last month to start AF, but I think I actually O'd this month, which is a good sign. tynadu---good luck on your next Dr.'s visit!!! I'm fighting head-games right now in my 2ww! I've had sore nipples the last few days, and today, I have more cm than I think I normally would if AF were on her way. Also, I'm just exhausted and not feeling well (it could be anxiety, though too). It's makin' me wonder, but I'm trying not to get too carried away---especially after a too-early BFN! I can't stop thinking that I should be almost 8 1/2 months pregnant by now if I hadn't had the m/c.


waiting-4-my-angle - August 15

Hey ladies how is everyone? Welcome to the new gals! Sorry I have been so busy and just now got to check up on everybody. I am in my 2ww and cant stand it. I had some weird cramping sat. and my boobs are so sensative. I can tell them pills are in my systems. So how is everyone doing? I hope we all have a good month and I send all the baby dust to you all!!


diem - August 15

Hey waiting! Sounds promising. I am crossing my fingers for you. Maybe you will be the first BFP on this board!!! I am just about to ovulate I now have what I think is watery cm. I will soon be in the tww as well. DH and I went out for drinks with friends last night. I'm hoping that it will be my last drink for 9 months!


waiting-4-my-angle - August 15

Hey diem, well it would be nice for this month to be my month and everybody elses. I just don't want to get my hopes up like I do all the time, but sometimes you just cant help it. The 2ww is no fun at all, it seems to be the longest 2w. Well I am sure that it will be your last cause you seem to want to have a baby and are willing to make some changes. Well I wish everyone luck and *********BABY DUST TO YOU ALL********


tynadu - August 16

Good Luck to all the 2ww'ers I hope to be joining you soon. I have had small headaches all day and pains on my right side and now on my left as well. I am on cd15 and my BBT chart say I will O tomorrow! I guess I will see whats going on in there tomorrow. Did anyone else have headaches before or during O?


roxy01 - August 16

Hi girls. nice to hear from you again waiting! I had a bad day yesterday. It just hit me that we are starting all over again. But I'm feeling morepositive today. And I guess I'm joining you all in the ttw aswell. Not that I hold out much hope for this month, but we'll see. I really hope someone gets their bfp this month!! Tynadu, I've had a few headaches over the weekend, so that coincided with ovulation. I've heard of others having it aswell. I had stinging pain in my left side aswell. xxxx


tynadu - August 16

yeah roxy I am having just these little pains in my sides all day. Well my right side all day my left just started tonight.



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