Baby Wishes and Diaper Dreams
411 Replies
LoriB43 - May 8

Tracy - I missed your last post. Hope that the fibroids are not a problem for you! Keeping my fingers crossed!!


Shauna - May 8

d- I love 7th Heaven and I too hope that it comes on again this fall. I hope Rose and Simon don't get married. lol. 7th Heaven is the one show that my kids like and that I am great about them watching with me. Thank you for posting that. You have brightened my day.


Tracy88 - May 8

OK, new report.......shots are a no go. The fibroid is too big, so the doc wants to know where it sits in the uterus. Fibroids tend to grow when you are pg, and if it's already big, he wants to see how and if it would affect the baby. I have to call insurance tomorrow to ask about a Sonohistogram. It costs about $1200, so if insurance doesn't cover it I am screwed. Kind-of bummed right now; don't know how long it's going to be before I can conceive and it is all just making me want to quit for a while.


CC - May 8

d, your post on 7th Heaven made me laugh. I dont watch it, but the Dad of the show was just on the news today, and I actually did watch the interview. He seems like a really nice guy. Good news for you if it comes back for another season!! Tracy, fibroids on the ovaries..I need to research that, I dont know much about fibroids, but could that be a reason for no bfp this whole time? I dont remember but werent you getting scans while on the Clomid? I think you did they just never see them before, or its something new? I hope its nothing you have to get taken care of, but if is an answer as to why no bfp, or if it will hinder one, Im glad they found it. I hope someone has gotten back to you by now, its the end of the business day there I think..Lori, I hope AF doesnt show, you get rained on this month with little blessings!!


d - May 8

Shauna, I think Lucy is having twins. and the pics on have pictures of the finale with mary being pregnant again too. Tracy sorry about the fibroids. I guess that explains the bad cramps. Ok so dh and I got another session in. whooohooo.. daaaaaaa dah, dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dahh dah dum.... (star wars theme).. LMAO now... CC. they will probably have them all on something tomorrow i hope. I sure hope it comes back to tv. Ok. I will back soon. Lori I am So glad to hear everything is going ok for you to get Johnny... I have got to tell you all what my nephew did the other day..


CC - May 8

Tracy, Im sorry..It took me so long to post my previous entry, that you posted before I completed mine. Im sorry to read that the injections will have to wait, but Im glad you are going to get treatment for it, if they think it will pose a problem. All of my questions in my previous entry Im still curious about, if you know any of the answers. Im also going to google sonohistogram to learn more. It sounds like something your ins should cover due to the fibroid. I know how you are feeling right now..After a failed IUI then 6 cysts, I felt the same way..give yourself some time to digest everything..It takes time...Im thinking of you..XOXOX


Tracy88 - May 8

CC-the fibroids are on my uterus, or in it, not the ovaries. Fibroids are common and found in 50 to 80% of women, and are generally harmless, but when they get too big, they can cause problems. If a large fibroid is in a bad spot, it can hinder implantation, cause miscarriage, or even premature birth, so they like to see where they are to see how they could be affecting everything, including conception.


CC - May 8

A Sonohistogram: a small catheter is inserted through the cervix (pinches a little), and saline is injected into the uterus (burns a little). This is done to check for abnormalities such as scarring, or blocked tubes. By the time I experienced any real cramping, the test was over.


LoriB43 - May 8

Tracy - is the Sonohistogram the same thing as an HSG? It sounds like it. Hey, maybe this is a good thing that the fibroid was found and you can take care of that and then BAM end up pregnant. Perhaps this is the cause of the "unexplained" infertility!! Fibroids grow and shrink.. so maybe that is why it has been being missed all this time. I know you might not think it right now, but you really are lucky that it was found. Look at it as "something to work with" that can be fixed and maybe end all this ttc misery once and for all. So now we are just looking to D, EMM, Serine, Andrea and Shauna for this cycle. It is "strange" that all of the "original" posters to this thread are sitting it out for a cycle. Minus JCR of course. By the way, how are you doing JCR??


CC - May 8

I got my previous post from this person's blog
the link works, and you guys have time..Its someone's experience through IVF. I read the whole thing, and it made me cry. It was neat and very well written.


Lynn - May 8

hey girls...Lori, did not mean to mess you up on what day it is. I was just so happy I could post from school. They have put some heavy blockers on seeing high school kids are trying to get on all that "my space" stuff. I think it is awesome to get Johnny evaluated. I caanot believe that someone has not done it before you. Most systems can look into autism also and that might be why the place is waiting to see the results. Keep me posted as I am curious as to what his results might be. I am so glad he is finding a home with you and dh. Hey....when is this little guys birthday???? Tracy, I am sorry you have fibriods but I am glad something is going to be done about all of this. My vote is wait until you get info from insurance and maybe they can fix everything, figure out about the fibriods and then a round of injections. Keep us posted. CC, Is AF still hanging around? I had a little hint of her this morning after she was gone all day yesterday. She is such a hag. If I remember to call RE, I figure I should begin AF again around 1st week of June and we will see what our plan will be. JCR, how is that belly? Any cute stories about Riley? EMM, any info on MRI? How is your little guy? D, I used to watch 7th Heaven but can say I have not seen it since Lucy got married. Shauna, how many children do you have living in your house right now? Serine and are you? For me...seeing as AF only popped in this morning, dh and I got some BDing in. He called it "practice BDing". He was so sweet and asked if I could get BFP right now. I said nope, too early and he voted on some practice. Sometimes I do not think men understand the process and just rely on us to lead them. I know mine does.Okay...check back later.


Tracy88 - May 9

CC-I just read that whole journal. I thought it was amazing. Thank you. Somehow you guys always know how to make me see things in a different light. I can't thank you all enough. I also spoke with my little sister earlier and she had some pretty inspiring things to say too. So I feel a bit better about the situation and I am just going to take things day by day. I know I will have a baby, and I know i have time. Thanks again.


d - May 9

well that ending sucked!!!. so happy they didn't have simon and rose get married. But they left it on a cliff hanger with simon. the twins for lucy i expected but no the others too. I was disapointed.. they better come back. Sorry I had to blab. IT was horrible. they could have did better.. Hope everyone is well.


Lynn - May 9

D, your post made me laugh. I get so aggrevated with some of my shows. CC, I am going to read the blog after I said g'night. I am off to bed. I am planning on checking in tomorrow morning. Night Girls.....


Lynn - May 9

Okay...what a quiet time for us.....We have talked about starting a new thread....Are we going to do this? I have to remember today to call RE and get a "make a new plan appointment". CC, I read that blog....gosh, I cannot imagine doing all the drugs. The follistim that she had pictured is what I do when doing injections. Her comment about progestrone is exactly what my RE says, "No conclusive information that it helps so why take it." I told him for security. Anyway, need to begin work but thought I'd say GOOD MORNING!!! Lori, 2 more days until Johnny.......tomorrow is the BIG day...gosh, keep us posted. Gotta go to work.


d - May 9

Well I am feeling pretty good right now. Just placed the order to have flowers sent to my mom on friday at work for mothers day. All the years she has never had flowers sent to her. and she is getting 18 red roses... How is everyone today??? I have therapy yet again today. Yesterday my pt said he is sending a bad report to the dr about my knee. I know he isen't supposed to say anything. But his wife does my hair so. Today it is throbbing and last night too. it must be all the bd'ing dh and I are doing since last week. I have the babyshower to go to on sat and my mom is going with me. Lori-tomorrow is almost here already. I am so happy for you. Lynn I think we need a new thread. this one takes forever to load. Ohhh. OBgyn still does not have my other results. so we are still waiting. it sucks. They said that the dr will call me when the come in. Hopefully we will have some chatter on here today. I don't have to be at pt until 3pm.



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