Anyone having IUI this month? Join in...
207 Replies
whynotme - July 5

Hey girls! I have been away from the computer since Friday and now I am back to work. I had my u/s on Monday and my RE said that I was progressing really slow. I have 2 follies that are about 12 cm. So I have to go back on Thursday to do another u/s. Hopefully they will have progressed to 18 cm by then, fingers crossed!!!


cspears99 - July 5

whynotme, I also went on Tuesday and had 3 follicles not quite ready as well I am going thursday to check again but get the shot either way for the IUI on Friday, keeping fingers crossed for you!! Happy thoughts!!!


cspears99 - July 5

Good luck Jyot, you have great control if you haven't tested yet?? I go through so many tests a month, keeping happy thoughts for you!! let us know.


whynotme - July 5

I am hoping that I will be taking the shot on Thursday night and go in for IUI on Sat.


hailie - July 5

morning girls! today is day 29 for me on a normal 28 day cycle..but during my first clomid cycle i had a 30 day cycle so my ob told me to test tomorrow based on that and i also my an iui on a thurs...i gave in and tested today but it was still negative...starting to cramp now so thinking af is making her arrival...having weird brown discharge too...


hailie - July 5

well girls, not happening for me this month...flo just came...sigh...moving onto another cycle...good luck to everyone else!


cspears99 - July 5

hailie so sorry!!! I know that feeling all to well, last month thought for sure it worked had brown discharge hoping it was the follicle connecting to wall but got my period that day, so upset, but good luck next try, have to keep hoping for the best!!!


whynotme - July 5

UGH! So sorry to hear that a/f showed her ugly face for you. I know what you mean about weird brown discharge! I had it this cycle. I also thought for sure that it was implantation bleeding or something along that lines, but nope! RE says that it was like that because maybe it was trying to implant but my luteal phase defect wasn't having any of that. Who know's?? I am probably having my next IUI on Sat. (Fingers Crossed)...... Hopefully my follicles will be big enough tomorrow to do the injection. Good luck to us all!!!!


hailie - July 5

it's funny...right when flo showed all my anxiety and cramping ended...the suspense is gone and i feel...normal again. weird thing about this visit so far is none of it is getting on my pad, just there when i wipe (quite a bit too).


whynotme - July 5

Sounds just like mine last cycle. Weird, huh? What's your next step??


hailie - July 5

hubby and i talked about it...going to try for one more cycle of clomid, but probably going to ask ob to up my dosage as i only had one egg this time. are you doing 1 or 2 iui this time?


MonieMarie - July 5

Hi, I am ttc#1 and I'm only 20. I recently went to an RE for the first time and she is getting me started this month on Clomid CD 3-7 and I am also having an IUI due to my DH problems with mobility. Anyways tomorrow morning I have to go do whats called "fasting bloodwork" and get my perscription for the med that will start my period so I can get everything moving. As soon as the meds start AF i start clomid----I have never taken Clomid before either. She said I have a 20% chance of concieving on Clomid due to my types of problems, but i was wondering if having an IUI ups that chance?? Any advice would be great. Oh an what does 2ww mean? and what does it mean when girls say I am CD 17 this month? Thanks for all the help! Good Luck to everyone!


hailie - July 5

welcome to the group! 2ww = 2 weeks waiting period after you ovulate....CD=cycle'll soon learn that everything is driven off cycle when AF comes, that's cd 1 and so forth...


cspears99 - July 6

Hi moniemarie, 2ww means two week wait the waiting period after the IUI, atleast that is what I think it is?? Also what does DH mean?husband? My cervix doesn't always open so for us the IUI ups our chances because the sperm doesn't have to swin its already placed in my cervix, I am sure it can only increase chances? I go tomorrow for my shot and friday for my IUI its our 3rd time, keeping fingers crossed, good luck to you and hope to talk more!! cheryl


jyot - July 6

hi Hailie,sorry my dear.I am joining you in the mourning.This morning i woke up with sweating (meaning temp dip).Whenever this happens ,I know that af is going to show.I was s oooo sad ,still am , but there is always next cycle. Isn't that what we all say to ourselves?I dont chart BBT but whenever i wake up sweating ,i know that in three days Af will show.Added to all this, I had a bad day at work..anywayz,i am leaving for vacation tomorrow and wont be back for almost a if you dont hear frome me, I am not ignoring anyone .I 'll be thinking of you guys and praying too.Whynotme and cspears,goodluck with the follies!!!


cspears99 - July 6

thank you jyot,enjoy your vacation, sorry about starting!! fresh start after vacation!!



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