Any OHIO Girls trying out there? Part 2
252 Replies
HELLO, here it is. Will be so much better to read from. How are you ladies this morning? Doing good here. CD9 for me. Nothing new. Also, I don't think I told you but my AF that was recently here was only 3 days long. 3 DAYS!! You can't complain about that, not to mention no cramps and 1 day or more of small spotting. Great AF this month. Never thought I'd say that. Maybe my body is fixing itself or something. Anyways, thank GOD Zayra got kicked the hell off that show. 'Bout damn time!! UGH!! I hope Patrice is next. She sucks too and then maybe Storm. Then Magni and Tobey, and that will leave Lukas, Dilana and Ryan the best in my book so far. Nikki, are you going to go to a Supernova show when they come to Ohio? Just curious. Well enough of my meaningless drivel. LOL!!
Hey! Found the new thread. :) Good idea, 'bout time, I'd say!!! That would be awesome if your "good AF" last cycle was a sign of your homones getting back into alignment. A definite possibility I'd say. :) Here's hoping!
I'm here too! Good idea! Supernova in Ohio?!?! When? Where? Of course I am going!!! :) I have faith I will be seein' Ryan! :)
Well unless you are a member of their fan club you can't find out tour dates as of yet, but if you do they already have some scheduled so I am waiting to receive my newsletter to see if it has any info. LOL!! I am such a band-aid. LOL!! Anyways, yeah it wa really weird, I had the light spotting for a day and half and then 3 day AF. Fine with me!! I am excited for our next step. It's so weird. I told John if he wanted a BREAK this month from trying I'd give it to him. He was like HELL NO!! LOL!! I'm like you can still get the goods dear, but you don't have to work UNDER PRESSURE, if you know what I am saying. LOL!! He said that's fine and if it happens it happens this month but if not then after he does his S/A we can get right back on the coaster. So that made me happy. I think for a moment he thought he wouldn't get sex...and that's why he was for baby making. LOL!! I had to laugh. Sounds like AF is playing tricks on Nikki!! Hope she makes up her mind soon and visits you and JSmith. Geesh!! Nikki as soon as I know of a show date for Supernova, I'll let you know.
Mega remember that friend I had that did IVF and it worked the first time. Well I talked to her today and she went to the same RE office that I do and dealt with my specific RE. I was so amazed because I love my RE and she said her experience was nothing but wonderful, so that made me happy. I told her I know of some people just getting ready to start and she said it's really a beautiful thing and she has learned a lot from the whole process and had a wonderful little boy to show for it. She said it's time, effort and a stuggle but well worth it in the end. Just wanted to pass along that to help you through your IVF process. Also I called and verified my coverage just for my own they pay a good amount on either process I have to do. They pay 50% of all of it up to a maximum of $5,000. So if I have to go straight to IVF basically I have to pay $4500 myself and hopefully they bill for that from the RE office, right? SO if I do a couple of IUI, I would only have to pay half of $316 which is much nicer but that also eats away at the $5,000 max. So I told my RE office that I'd only want to attempt IUI twice if that's the route first to take and then move to IVF so I still have a pretty big chunck paid. I guess I have pretty good insurance from what I understood because A LOT of them don't provide this type of coverage. Course they might offer it to Anthem employees so that we don't complain and quit our jobs for better insurance benefits. LOL!!
Mommy--Thanks for sharing your friend's thoughts on IVF. I really need to hear that now. And esp. knowing she's a 1st time success story. How old is her son now? Oh, he was the one born in Feb, right? So he's a little one still. 6 mos., or so? What a FUN age! I'm glad that you have such a good IVF policy, that'll be a big help for you. I think your idea to limit the IUIs to 2 is a good idea as well. Hmmm, maybe I should work for Anthem directly, since the policy you employees have is nicer re: IVF than the policy my company purchased via Anthem! LOL! Well ladies have a good night.
Mega, I really think it's the plan that your employer purchases. Actually Anthem used to never pay for infertility, their employees or not but they have within the last two years amped up their coverage to compete with such companies as United Health and Cigna who do offer some sort of benefits towards infertility. Anyways I hope my visits to the RE for consults aren't part of that $5000 ya know. Then I'll be asking to consult on the phone so I don't have to pay to sit in a chair. LOL!! It's good that you had an option though for IVF such as Shared Risk. Shoot, if I had it my way, I'd use my insurance and Shared Risk, at least I'd sort of have a guarantee. LOL!!
Mentor Ohio here... trying to concive for 2 years plus... Trying not to stress. nice to know that theres someone to talk to about it. My friends are tired of hearing about it everytime I get my period. One just announced shes pregnant.. Im really happy for her though. I thought I might be jealous, so far Im not.
Morning ladies - I found ya! :) Not a lot of time to write - I just got off of the treadmill and need to get ready for work. :( Work has been crazy and will be until after the County Fair - I will be glad when it is over. Mega & Mommy - sounds like you guys have a lot going on - how exciting for you both. Nikki- still waiting I presume??? Me too! Last night I had a pain in my left side that just about knocked me down and today I am crampy - I don't know what is going on any more. I start by BCP's on Sunday. Hopefully they will help. My dd was up half the night and I am about exhausted today. She just didn't feel like sleeping I guess! Welcome Charr - if it is support you are looking for, take it from me - you will find it here - these ladies are great! Well, you all have a nice day and great weekend - we are off to Cleveland this weekend for a family reunion. Talk to you all soon!
Mommy--bump??? lol
Guess what girls??? AF came yesterday!! I'm miserable but so happy at the same time! HAHA. How is everyone? WElcome Charr, you are definatly in the right place!
Hey girls- Just got home from our family reunion - it was okay - a lot of activity packed into one afternoon makes for an exhausted me! :) Nikki- I'm happy for you! I am beginning to think there is something wrong with me - I am actually checking into another doctor tomorrow - I am afraid there is something seriously not right with my body. Have you ever heard of any one else not starting AF this far after Lupron. I just hope and pray nothing is wrong. Well, I need to get my dd something to eat - I hope you all have a good week.
Jsmith- I am not a good person to ask because I was very new to the Lupron world. I honestly didn't think I'd start so soon but am very glad I am, I was very worried about putting any other hormones into my system. Maybe a new doctor will be more helpful to you. Try not to stress, I'm sure they will get it figured out. Maybe go back and read through the Lupron thread and see if anyone else had this problem. Good luck, I'll be thiking about ya. Keep us posted. How is everyone else doing this Monday? Well, I am not feeling that great due to AF but am not complaining. HOpe everyone had a great weekend!
Morning ladies. Welcome, charr! Glad you found us. Where are you in the whole TTC craziness? Are you working with a RE? I'm glad you're dealing well with your friend's pregnancy. That can be a rough thing when you've been trying so long & hard to conceive yourself. Nikki--Yay!!! I'm so happy AF paid you a visit. What a relief for ya! So have you stocked up on OPKs yet? You're planning on doing tons of BD this cycle, right? JSmith, hope you had fun at the family reunion this weekend. That must've been nice. Your fam or your DH's? When you got the Provera script several weeks ago did the dr examine you? Check for cysts? The only time (other than when I wasn't O b/c of the PCOS) my AF was really late & Progesterone failed to induce it I ended up having a cyst. I'd say it's a long shot for you since you don't tend to O with Lupron but it's the only possiblity I could come up with. Also maybe your dr could run a blood panel on you, check your hormone levels. Mommy--How was your weekend? Do anything fun? Do you have an appt. yet for your DH's "love juice" analysis? :) You're right, company's do have to purchase different plans, my company is pretty large but its privately held & the owner is very religious & in his mid 60s so I can't really imagine him selecting a plan with IVF coverage. But I'm glad to have the Shared Risk option to take advantage of. Turns out so far my clinic is the only one in Ohio to offer it, at least according to their website. I guess the program is only available at one clinic per market anyway. I'm sure other OH cities will follow suit shortly. Well I started the Follistim Sat., & I'm already starting to feel something in my left Ovary. So hopefully it's cooking up some good follies right now.:) I'm cautiously optimistic that this will be a high producing cycle. I had like 22 resting follies on my u/s Sat. & from what I've read that means hopefully the Follistim will spurn most of those suckers to grow. Here's hoping!
Mega- that is great news, I bet time just can't go fast enough for you at this point. Yes, I am planning to do lots of BDing. I am not real good with the OPK's, but I am gonna try. I'll second that...Here's hoping!
Thanks Nikki! You're right, time can't go fast enough at this point. But I'm so excited for my 1st u/s late in the week, I'm sure time will seem to have slowed down. :) Maybe try charting your BBT too in addition to the OPKs? That way you're covering both bases. Taking your temp gets to be a giant pain in the rear but I think it's quite useful for getting to know your cycle & your body. I'm so happy you're back in the game now! That's it, tire your DH out!
I am happy too! but, I just figured out that the "normal" ovualtion period of 14 days falls on Labor day weekend which we are going to Louisville for and sharing a room with another couple!!! I will just have to keep my fingers crossed that I O early or late! I have promised myself I will not stress out though, at least I have my health back now (I think). All I can do is keep tryin'!