602 Replies
Becca - December 15

Hey all- still waiting to ovulate. Hoping to do so this week. My doc said not to stress too much about the temps since the meds make them go all over. I think we should start a new thread soon. Maybe after Christmas or so. I will think up a really good title for the next one. Anybody have anything they are wanting to name it? I don't want to be the only one naming these things but I do like things that are really creative and different so nobody else uses them or anything like them.


Amy K - December 15

Rachel, I'm really sorry to hear about a/f. I too thought this would be your month. The BCP may be the issue -- I suspected it in my case. I only went off it three months before starting to try. I got pregnant eight months after stopping it. The frustrating part for me was that my cycles never regulated in that entire time. It sounds, though, that you do have regular cycles going for you, so that's great! How long have you been trying? (Sorry, I can't recall.)


STEF - December 16

Thank god its friday. i have soooo much to do this weekened. I have to finish my christmas shopping and have two christmas parties to attend too. I'm starting to go so i'm getting more and more uncomfortable now. I can still fit into my old stuff but it feels like i'm carrying a huge load around with me. I think i'm carrying still kindof high. My friend just found out she's having a boy yesturday. she's had the easiest time with her pregnancy and she's now 23 weeks along. Of coarse i'm getting everything that she's not :) Alycia, that sucks. i've never personally have had them but i've heard that they are annoying. Your 1/2 way there arent you? Can you believe that? Seems like now its going by way too fast. I'm going to have to kick it in gear b/c i haven't even started looking or saving for anything. I have 4 more weeks until we find out what we are having. i'm kindof excited about that. still waiting to feel somthing though. Clara- have af showed up yet? I hope you don't have to wait months for you to ovulate again. Maybe it won't take as long. It took me almost 8 months!


Becca - December 16

Good morning all! Nothing new to report here. Still waiting to even ovulate. Have to get my butt in gear this weekend with Christmas stuff. We drew Secret Santas at work and I got my sister who is also my manager and my Mary Kay lady (I am buying her gifts for the 1st 2) so That was funny! I took a 1/2 day today because I am putting together bags of goodies for Santa to give the kids tonight at our church Christmas party and the people just got me the supplies yesterday! I will probably post again when I take a break from working on those. Oh yeah- my dh and I bought a pool table for Christmas (just a 7' cheap one) but we went and picked it up off layaway last night so he has to put it together on Monday so that it is ready for Christmas Eve when my family will be at our house.


Alycia - December 16

Stef - I'll be 20 weeks on Monday, so I guess I am almost halfway there! Becca - oooo, a pool table! That sounds fun. One day when dh and I have enough room in our house (and stop moving every couple of years), we want one too. Good luck on the goody bags - what a pain that you got the stuff so late.


Becca - December 16

Alycia- it is a pain that they got them so late. I asked for them by Wednesday afternoon and they got them to me Thursday. I had made sure I had time to do them Wed. and I had plans last night so it kind of sucks. I was originally supposed to go XMas shopping today but that changed.


Rachel - December 16

Have not had chance to read all the notes today, so busy at work.
Waiting for a/f to show, was supposed to be today if I got the ovulation day right. I don't have a temp to confirm it so just going on the ovulation pain and the OPK. It could have been delayed cuz I get stressed when flying and that was the day after the pain.
I ended up getting the promotion at work, I found out today. I'm very excited, yet very scared. You need tough skin to deal with our Toyota dealers...they are millionaires and are never happy with the way head office does things no matter how hard you try. Yikes!


Becca - December 17

Rachel- CONGRATS on the promotion! That is great news! My dh and I have set up the pool table and will have to do a little rearranging to get enough playing room. We also need to by some good sticks because the ones that came with it are cheap and not straight. I have to run to get to our Christmas party. I am playing Santa's helper. I have a really cute outfit I bought to go with my little Santa hat. They tried to get my dh to dress up as an elf but he refuses. He is just going to wear a sweater and a santa hat. Have a good weekend all!


Alycia - December 17

Rachel - Congratulations on the promotion!! I'm glad you won't have to be on the road so much anymore. That's a good thing, whether you need to be bd or are already pregnant!


Rachel - December 17

Oh, Becca, a pool table, awesome. Have fun with it! Our house is only a few months old so our basement is unfinished, we may consider finishing it soon but should wait for the house to settle a bit more. I'd love a pool table down there, would be fun. My DH just stood in line at 7:30am this morning at Future Shop to buy one of 11 Xbox 360 and sure enough got it. Not only is their still hockey and football season but I have to contend with an Xbox too, IT REALLY is time to finish the basement!
A/F showed last night so in a way it is good cuz now I know for sure that the day I get the left side pain is the exact day I ovulate. Kinda cool to know like that, hope that sign doesn't go away.
The new job will involve quite a bit of road (in a car) travel but at least I will be home mostly every night and not gone for a week at a time. I'm nervous but excited. At least I get a company vehicle so that saves me a lot of money on gas, insurance and payments. Remember that new car I just bought 5 weeks ago, yeah, gonna have to sell it now, anyone looking to buy a Matrix...LOL. I'm leaving a couple hours to head into Toronto for Xmas shopping, have to go to The Bass Pro Shop, Ikea & Lulu Lemon before the crowd arrives.....
Have a good weekend!!


Clara - December 19

Stef - No af yet. How weird to want af to show up. Dh said over the weekend that once my two cycles are over (per doctors instructions) we will bd everytime we have a few minutes away from our son. He really wants to get back in the game. I'm happy he is eager but also sort of feel like I let him down. Even though the doctor said it was nothing I could control, it's my body. Becca - what a great gift. My dh keeps suggesting we turn the dining room into a pool table area. I don't think so! Rachel - Congratulations on your promotion! I was off Friday and won't go back until Thursday so I've got a good bit of time to clean this gross house. It drives me crazy to have wrapping paper everywhere, presents stacked everywhere. It feels more like a warehouse than a home! I only have 2 more small presents to get dh and we are completely done. I'll pick them up later today. We've never been done shopping this early.


Becca - December 20

Clara- I know how you feel about the warehouse instead of a home. My house is awful. I am freaking because I don't know how I am going to be ready to host Christmas Eve dinner. We do a candle lit dinner every year and there is usually 20 people but with my parents being in Nebraska this year it is only me and a few of my siblings (all the sisters) and their kids, and my dh. My dh just found out that his brother has stomach cancer and he lost his job (until he appeals it with the top dog) due to a no call no show because he was in the emergency room and the other manager (who is his equal) said that meant termination no matter what the reason. He was supposed to come down for New Years but obviously he will not be now. My temps still have not risen but my doctor still wants me to test at the end of the year. I am now finished with all of my shopping except my dh and that is just picking a few small movies or something so we are basically done but nothing is wrapped. I probably will not be ib here very much as I will be spending all my spare time on Christmas stuff. I have not even gotten to enjoy my pool table yet. Bummer! Well, I hope everyone is well. Seems like everyone else is busy too.


Clara - December 20

Becca - I'm so sorry to hear about your dh's brother. Just the word cancer makes me cry because it runs wild in my family and has really affected my life. The best thing you and your dh can do is to be there for him. I know he is frightened and needs a shoulder to lean on, no matter how strong he tries to be. He also has a law suit for his employer if they won't work with him. The Family Medical Leave Act protects him and his job. I'm done with the shopping and have one more present to wrap. I have no idea how to wrap it and I'm waiting on a great idea to suddenly pop in my head on how to wrap such an awkward shape. Oh, well! Now to get the presents organized around the tree and all of the paper put away. Then I may be able to relax a little. I hope everyone else is well and happy. Isn't it time for some more BFP's? Baby Dust to all still needing it!


Stef - December 20

Good morning everyone, I'm totally stuffed already this morning. we are having our christmas party all day today and of coarse i ate enough for 5 people. One of brandons friends lost her baby last nite or today at 9 1/2 weeks. i feel horrible. i was going to send her a card. I guess she is scheduled for a D&C soon. She was just talking about the baby on sunday. Other than that how is everyones christmas shopping going? I'm done thank god. there is some nutty people out on the road now. Plus i don't want to be in the stores at this time of year.


Clara - December 20

Stef - I'm very sorry to hear about your friends loss. I just finished my shopping. I had forgotten to get my dh stocking stuffers. Everything is wrapped and ready. I'm ready for the traffic to get back to "normal".


Becca - December 21

Hey all- well good news. My dh's brother was able to just have the cancer zapped out because they caught it so early because he demanded they check for it because he knew it ran in the family. Cancer runs in my family to and when I was 12 my brother got Hodgkins and was told he would not live for more then a year. He beat it and was in remission for 5 years when he got a little back and now has been in remission for 10 years. I know what it is like to wrap funny shapes. One year I bought my dh a flying v guitar and my sister helped me wrap it so it looked like a shovel. He was so worried I was giving it to him so he could go shovel the walks or something. He was suprised to find a guitar. Well, I have to go. I up my meds today and I think I may have ovulated. My temps have been up but only by 0.5 degree. Is that enough to be ovulation when my temps were at 96.4 and now at 96.9?



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