413 Replies
Tracy88 - August 22

Cmelissa, my tummy doesn't hurt at all, in fact I am perfectly normal. I had no headache today which leads me to believe that they were just my regular old post AF headaches. My results from my MRI are not good. I have a herniated disc. I have NO idea how such a thing has happened to me, but I do work hard at whatever I do and am very physical, so..... hmmmmm. Just got kitty back from the vet, had a hard day, grandpa is in the hospital and not doing so great, so I was crying a lot and had to take a break at work to collect myself. I'm craving a hot bath right now, so going to do that before DH comes home and hogs all the hot water. I'm keeping my fingers, toes, legs, arms all crossed for your BFP.


cmelissa - August 23

Hey Tracy - wow a herniatred disc - I heard those are excruciting - so sorry!! How are they going to fix that for you?? Sorry to hear about your grandpa - whats going on with him?? I know i'm so emotional lately too with this ttc stuff and know my dad possible being really sick - ugh!!! Well lets hang in there together!! Baby dust to us too!!


Tracy88 - August 23

Cmelissa for the disc I am going to try physical therapy, yoga and pilates. I just got back from my first U/S since starting the shots. On the right I had two follies 14.9 and 11.2, and on the left 14.3 and 10.5. I am to continue my current dose of 75IU's of Gonal F for tonight and Thursday night, then go for another U/S Friday morning. They are expecting me to be ready Friday night for the trigger shot and have IUI's Saturday and Sunday. I hope that's how it works out. Sorry to hear your dad is not well. My grandpa fell a couple of times, has been very dizzy and can't dress himself, etc... anymore, so once he is released from the hospital they are putting him in a nursing facility. He is 82, so it is time. In Finland (where he lives) they have the most awesome facilities. Nothing like here in the states, so there really is no guilt about having to put him somewhere at which he will get the care he needs. We have tons of family there who will visit him also. I hope to have the chance to go there before he passes away. My thoughts are with you and hope your dad is ok. Well, gonna go lay down and do nothing. I have been working every day for the last week, sooooooo time to rest and do the laundry.


Ann1 - August 23

Tracy, sorry about your disc. I am glad they found the problem. It that something that will fix itself with therapy etc.? Also, can you carry a baby with that problem?


Tracy88 - August 23

Ann, I have no idea what can be done for my back. I will know more after Monday's appointment. As far as carrying a baby, I will find that out too, but as we both know, nothing is going to stop me from trying, even if I have to lay on my back for the whole nine months. My doctor already spoke with my fertility doc even before the MRI, so I know he will keep in contact with him about all of my options. I'm doing so much better than I was before I got meds, but I realize I can't take the meds for much longer. May need to even stop this weekend, considering the IUI's are almost here, so I am just taking things one step and day at a time. I seem to be fine when I don't lift heavy things. Like, I felt good until I went to the supermarket a few days ago, and since DH was out of town I couldn't call him to help me carry the groceries up. So after that I noticed an increase in pain. I just have to take it easy, which I am not used to. How are you feeling preggo? I hope you are glowing!


Ann1 - August 23

That is good. I am glad your drs are in touch with each other. I hope it isn't too tough on you when you stop the meds. Are you going to ease off or just stop when the day comes? I feel fine. My energy level is coming back thank goodness, since work is about to get crazy. I worked until 8:30 on Monday, and I felt pretty normal. I am kind of to the point where I don't really "feel" that pg aside from being fatter. They say the 2nd trimester is the easiest. So far I agree, but the maternity clothes are about to push me over the edge! I can't find anything that fits me.


cmelissa - August 23

Hey Ann and Tracy! Tracy sounds like your follies are growing well! So the iuis this weekend - so exciting!! I hope you get a bfp!! I definitely think af is here - i had the worst cramps today so not looking good for me. I go in tomorrow for the beta test but not hopeful> I have to go anyways to get copies of my medical records and to discuss ivf if i'm not pregnant! Ann - glad you are feeling good - when is your due date?


Ann1 - August 23

cmelissa, you never know on the bfp. I was so positive that af was starting right before I got my bfp, and I've heard others say that, too. Did you test today w/a hpt? Hang in there! I am due February 26, but I may have a c-section so the baby could be here a little sooner. We have started referring to the baby by what his name will be (Zane), which feels a little weird! Hopefully the dr is right that the baby is a boy!


Tracy88 - August 23

Cmelissa, if the hag decides to show, I'm sorry. BUT you never know, so try to stay calm until you really know for sure. Ann, if you don't mind, could you have your C-section on February 16th? It just so happens to be the most important day on the calendar as it is my birthday. You really want Zane to be an Aquarius, so make sure he's born before the 20th at least!!!! Aquarius's are the best, I must say!


Ann1 - August 24

Tracy, that is funny, because a co-worker of mine said the same thing--his bday as well!


Tracy88 - August 24

There's something to be said for that!!!! It's us Aquarius's that are going to change the world!!! lol....


cmelissa - August 24

hey guys - Ann congrats on you baby boy! Cute name too!! Yeah i haven't taken a hpt , i will just wait until tomorrow when i go take the beta test! My bbs are still sore - i stopped taking the progesterone 2 daya ago b/c it was making me itch if you know what i mean!! Well you all have a great night!!


Tracy88 - August 24

Cmelissa, post as soon as you know your beta results either way. Through BFP's and BFN's we are here!


cmelissa - August 24

Hey guys, well went in today for the beta - still waiting to hear the results - i'm almost 100% sure its a bfn though - having erally bad cramps again today and had some brown spotting :( - this ttc is so frustrating!! At least I will move onto IVF now and hope this will work - I don't see why it wouldn't considering all the tests say everything is normal with me and dh? Tracy how are the shots coming along - when is your next u/s?


Tracy88 - August 24

Shots are going well. I have one more tonight then u/s first thing in the morning to determine whether to use more meds or trigger. I am worried about the trigger shot as it is intramuscular and I am dreading it. I may have to get my mom to do it for me. I don't know. Ann, where did you give yourself your HCG? So hoping for good news for you melissa. Keep me posted. Good luck. I'll be thinking about you.


cmelissa - August 24

Hey Tracy, keep me posted tomorrow after your u/s appt! Well i got the call and of course bad news - BFN! This ttc stuff sucks sometimes - i just don't understand when everything is normal with us - life just isn't fair!! I pray IVF works now or i don't know what i will do!! I took the trigger shot in my tummy it wasn't bad at all! Gl



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