"We have faith"
259 Replies
AnnaR. - December 5

When are you due for your af? Have you been sick? Maybe its your lucky month. I hope so for you and Kay for all the ladies here. Baby dust


KAY - December 5

Great news Anna!!! I am trying to picture all of you in my head. It is really hard. I guess I already had a mental image, and now this is messing with me. LOL! Anna-I would normally say that I am due for af around the 15th, but clomid might have messed up my cycle. I am trying to think positive thoughts, because I do not want to speak out negative about this, but I am trying not to get my hopes up as well. SInce I was "broke" before, I have wiped my slate clean and in my head and am counting this month as #1 for ttc. So if it does not happen, I will be okay with that. I am giving myself six months, then I will freak out. But I will continue with clomid, especially since the side effects were minimal for me, and lots of bd. Sounds like Lori could be onto something good. I do have to warn you Lori, try not to get your hopes up too much. I just had the flu and if it was 2 weeks later, I would have thought something about it. I hope it is a bfp!


AnnaR. - December 5

The clomid helped me get my af. I started 11/28 and ended 12/3. I thought i did it on my own but the doc said it was the clomid. I got excited for a minute but thats okay he told me the more weight i lose the more normal my cycle gets and the more of a chance to concieve again. You had the flu to ha! I don't believe it thats the same thing that happened to me remember i got sick around my ovulation time and i had to take all kinds of meds. I hoping for no af for you and everyone else. Keep the faith.


KAY - December 6

I am hoping that if af is going to come, she comes when I am expecting her. I am worried that clomid might make my cycle longer, or give me a long luteal phase. I just do not want the 15th to come and get excited when af does not show up, but then her come on the 20th. That is what I am worried about. I do not want to get my hopes up. I was there over a year ago, when I did not have my period for 3 or 4 months. The first couple of weeks had me very excited, but bfn after bfn. It really got me down. But like I said, I have wiped the slate clean. This is month one. I will not freak out! I am promising myself that. I have faith that it will happen, maybe not this month, but it will happen. Hopefully this month, though. ;-) Hopefully for everyone!!!


Jane - December 6

hey everyone. welcome Kal. i been trying the same amount as you about. i am so sorry you lost twins. that must of been heartbreaking. i always wanted twins. congratulations on losing the weight Anna. i am 5'5" a little over 100 pounds with reddish brown hair and big brown eyes. my temps dip some where around 5 or 6 dpo. they rose a little the next day but not my normal temp and today they rose even higher. maybe thats a good sign. i don't think i am though because i have no other symptoms whatsoever. i be sad if it af comes wednesday any other day i can deal with. i on't want a 9 day luteal phase.good luck Kay. its always the hardest when your 2 week wait begins. i think it will happen soon for you now. your ovulating which is a good sign and you have the other issue fixed. i am hoping it is everyone's month.


AnnaR. - December 6

Good Morning ladies,
Just wanted to let you all know i'll be checkin in and out today its easier to access a computer at work then it is at home everyone fights for it at home. How is everyone? This morning i put on these jeans that used to be so tight and i normally take it off because i didn't want to look like a heffa LOL but today was a different story i kept it on because it felt good the funny thing is at the docs yesterday when i took my weight i said 6lbs that aint gonna make any difference but you know what it does and i feel good today gave more motivation. Lori we can do it girl. Kay im glad to here you being positive! Hello ash,jane, kal what you all up to?


Ash - December 6

Hi all! how r u all today? i took a pregnancy test today in the morning, i knew it's gonna be -ve & yeah it was. though i knew it was still disturbing. i am due on thurs or fri. is anybody due on the same day?


Lori - December 6

Just wanted to let everyone know i am thinking about them i am at work right now i will be back later.


AnnaR. - December 6

Hey Ash,
Sometimes pg test can detect 5 days before your af BUT its always better to test a day after you missed thats for the best results. Stay positive girl and keep me posted. Baby dust.


Lori - December 6

I am due for af on 10th-15th.Why do we always take test before we even miss.I would like to knwo because i do this every month even though i know what it is going to say i still take them all the time.


Ash - December 6

I read one article that some doctors insist to take 1 glass of red wine b4 goin' to bed esp. women who are ttc. has anyone read about this? one of my friend tried this & she got pregnant. i don't know if it was the wine that helped her to get preg or medicines. i am trying that too. let's c what happens.


ds - December 6



KAL - December 6

Yes it was heart breaking. I think aobut it all the time. But God has helped me to slowly heal that part of my life. It also helps me to think that the angels that don't have the chance to breath on their own become gardian angels to watch over us as we do our day to day things. I am sorry to have rambled...I am 4 11 bout 162 lbs I have very long redish hair and brown eyes and I am indian. I live in Indiana (which is very cold right now LOL) I am on CD 27. Its nice to know that i don't have to go through all this waiting alone now that I have you ladies....CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!AnnaR keep up the good work.....BFPs to you all LOTS and LOTS of ~****BABY DUST****~To all of you


Ash - December 7

we have a Dr appt on friday for my husband. we'll ask the Dr about semen analysis test. does anyone know what it is? what shud we ask the doctor? what kinda tests shud he have?


ash - December 7

hey ash mine is due wednesday through friday. i didn't test yet i want to know for sure what it is when i test i'll probably test on sat or sunday if it doesn't show but i may find out tommrow if i get my lovely friend.


Jane - December 7

oops i put ash under name i meant jane. ooops!!!!! the last post was mine



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