"We have faith"
259 Replies
Jane - December 7

oops i put ash under name i meant jane. ooops!!!!! the last post was mine


Ash - December 7

yeah jane i noticed it. i always decide that i won't check until my period is missed but it seems i am addicted to it. many time i won't go for groceries but visit drug store & buy pregnancy tests. i have ordered pregnancy tests from babyhopes this time. it's a lot more cheaper than other pharmacies. i ordered pre seed too. i have about pre seed on this site from many women. hey what is endometriosis? what are its causes & symptoms? just womdering what it is as many women have endo. i'll chekin tomorrow, goodnight guys!


jcr - December 7

Hi Ladies. I am 38 (tomorrow!) 5'4 and about 136 lbs, with brown hair (sometimes!!), hazel eyes. I am ttc #2. I have a beautiful daughter who is 26 months old named Ryley. I had her naturally after 6 years of no b/c and was just ready to hit an RE when boom I got pg. I concieved naturally again this march but had am/c in April and no luck since then. I tried one round of clomid with no luck and have been trying an alternative approach (acupuncture and chineses herbs.) I am giving myself one more cycle with this before I start again with the fertility stuff. Lori, I would definately do a google search on pcos, there is a lot of info online about it. It is a syndrome so you can have some symptoms but not all and still be classified as pcos. Well ladies I hope there are plenty of BFP's this holiday season. I am waiting to o, cd 13, I usually ovulate around cd 25, so I am not holding my breath. I have decided this month just to bd lots whether I am ovulating or not and see. Good night


Ash - December 7

Hey jcr Happy Birthday! I wish all your dreams come true.


Lori - December 7

Happy birthday jcr! How is everyone today?jane i hope you dont get af at all maybe this is your lucky month.Sorry ash i dont know what to ask the doc i have never done that before.I really hope this is your month but if not i will keep trying with you!!! My boobs are really sore today and the week before af they are always sore and it is the week before so i guess that means i will start soon.So much for a christmas suprise.Anyways Kal i know that was hard to go through but with god by your side you can survive.I have always been a daddys girl although i love my mother very much and i had to go through something i thought i could never live to do.When i was 19 june of 2006 will be 2 years ago my dad had a heart attack.He died and i felt i could not go on any longer since my dad died i have gained 100 pounds and i did that over 1 years time.I am very depressed every day because my dad was 41 and he should not have died that soon.He was not even sick or nothing.I cant talk about that anymore i get to upset.I wonder if depression causes infertility.I am doing much better than i use to be things get better every day i go to church and i know when i pray god hears me and he tells me everything will be ok.Thats the hardest thing i have ever had do in my life.Ash endometrious is very common for some women it is where the lining of you uterus grows on the outside instead if on the inside like it is suppose to symotoms include pelvic pain,pain with period,painful intercource,infetility,lower back pain.There are many more also that is just a few.I believe this is what i have.It sucks i am home from work again today because i hurt so bad.I am worried i will get in trouble because i have to miss so much work i am in alot of pain.Jcr thankyou for your help i will look up the pcos online i have it narrowed down to that or endo.I happy for you that you already have one baby.I want two maybe even three but i am having trouble with just getting one.Did you ttc for 6 years before you had her?


Lori - December 7

What is the temp where everyone is in alabama it is about low 20 and high 30.


Jane - December 7

hey everyone. Jcr i believe in the power of accpuncture. i probably would be skeptical but my sister was sick for many years with a cronic migraine that never went away. no medicine or doctor could help and she went to a lot. doctors told her it was all in her head and after a few accupuncture appointments it went away and never came back. some people i'm sure need medicine but you sound like a canidate for accupuncture especially since you had one already. good luck. when did you start accupuncture? i am sorry about your dad Lori. my temps are still high. i hope that is a good sign. i just dont want to get my hopes up to high and be dissapointed.


lori - December 7

i meant outside lol


KAL - December 7

Here in Indiana its like 13 LOL Brrrrrr


AnnaR. - December 7

Not to make you all jealous here in Hawaii is 70-80s. I wish i can experience the cold like that just for a day or two. Plus i never seen or played with snow in my life. Our snow here is the rain we call it "Hawaiian Snow" LOL... Well ladies just wanted to check in and let you all know im here but i will chat later im at work doing timecards so i have to concentrate. Take care everyone. baby dust


Ash - December 7

Hi Ladies! did u guys read my post regarding the red wine. what do u guys think? Is red wine good during ttc? I am due tomorrow or friday but i don't feel any thing today. i mean no cramps or spotting. usually i start getting mentrual pain a day or 2 b4 my af. maybe i ovulated late.


KAL - December 7

Yes Ash i have heard that as well...I have not tried it personally but what the heck at worse it will relax you enough to and have a good sleep or a good loving from DH :). but also I heard that the alcohol makes blood rush to the nether reagins and helping prepare to receive the spermies better :) i hope that helped ya Ash.....Hey AnnaR. trade you for a day LOL we have like 3 inches of snow here


KAL - December 7

jcr HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****BABY DUST**** TO YOU HUN have a happy day


Lori - December 7

I feel cheated here we get freezing weather but no snow.Anna R you lucky girl i wish it was warm all year here.Ash i think red wine would be fine i am going try it.Ash i am glad no sign of af yet.Let me ask you girls a question after you get done with intercourse is the sperm still in you or do you see any on the bed?


Ash - December 7

when we try many a times the semen leaks out. but i have heard that even though the semen leaks out there are enough sperms inside which can make us preggo.


Ash - December 7

i have heard that it's easy to fall pregnant in warm climate than cold. is this true?



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