"We have faith"
259 Replies
Jane - January 28

hey everyone. i haven't been posting because i'm worried. i have no symptoms. i been spotting on and off once time with red blood and at my 6 week u/s no heartbeat yet. so i don't really know what to think. i go for another u/s in a week. i would not mind symptoms at all it would make me less worried.


KAY - January 31

Jane- did you have an abdominal ultrasound, or a vaginal one? If you had an abdominal, did they find the yolk sack? It just might be a little too early. They originally thought I was so far along, and then they had to readjust because numbers and levels did not match up. They could just have your dates off. If you are actually behind what they think (like I was) they would not be able to see that stuff yet. I had no symptoms until I was 7 1/2 weeks. Then they hit me like a ton of bricks! I thought I was one of those blessed women that does not get sick, wrong!!!


Jane - January 31

Hey Kay my dates aren't off because i was charting and paying attention to cervival fluid. i know when i ovulated and it matches my lh surge. it was a vaginal us they saw a sac and a yolk sac for sure and he "thinks" a fetal pole. but it couldn't even be measured and i was already 6 weeks 2 days. i do know implanted kinda late by my betas though. . on the abdominal us all they saw was a sac. i go again next monday at 8 weeks. i hope by some miracle they see a heartbeat and a definate fetal pole.


KAY - January 31

Well I hope so too!!!!!! You will be in my prayers until then, and long after! Keep us updated. I had a dr appt this afternoon. They were going to use a fetal monitor to hear the heartbeat and measure it, but the nurse couldn't find it, the ultrasound technician could not find it, and the dr could not find it. So they did another ultrasound. There it was. Appearantly my uterus tilts back so it makes it hard for them to listen. They said when I get bigger it will be easier. I am offically 10 weeks 4 days. It changed a couple of days, from the measurement they got from the "bean". They warned me to watch my weight. I gained 4.5 pounds since my last appt 4 weeks ago. I am walking and almost everythign I have eaten, I have thrown up. I don't know how I am gaining an ounce. The baby weight has got to counteracted by the fact I can't keep anything down.


Lori - February 1

Kay i know what you mean i am throwing everything up.I am 8 weeks and i have gained 4 pounds.I dont know how


Jane - February 5

embrace your symptoms lori. it is a great sign. i am 8 weeks and i have none. i would seriously love ms right now. i hope somehow things turn out ok monday. i don't know if i can handle a m/c especially since it will mostly be a blighted ovum which means i never was pregnant.


Jane - February 8

Kay. thank you for your support. i got my miracle. the bean was in there measuring a day ahead with a hb of 179! i can't believe we went from not even being positive there was a fetal pole at 6 weeks 2 days to measuring ahead at 8 weeks 3 days. i'm pretty lucky as far as symptoms goes. no vommitting. i felt a little quesy today but not bad at all. i wouldn't mind symptoms at all.


KAY - February 9

Jane, I said before that I would love to have symptoms. That was before I had them. I am soooooo very hapy for you and glad that everything is going great! Be very thankful that you do not have any symptoms. I am doing my countdown to the end of the first trimester. I hope they will go away then. Every woman that has had a child has told me that they were sick about halfway into their second trimester. I hope I am blessed enough to be different. I am starting to show more. I have a nice little pooch going. My business clothes fit, but jeans and other casual wear are getting pretty tight. Are you starting to get tighter clothes?


KAY - February 9

Char, are you nervous about your lap coming up? Are you still scheduled for this week? Keep us updated on the results. I will be here for you. It will soon be another thing you have added to your "been there, done that" list. :-)


Char - February 11

I had my lap done yesterday. I usually take pain very well but it's hard to move... I have a big bandaid over my belly button that i'm not supposed to take off until tomorrow and an insision above my pubic line. I had just about no bleeding, just one itty bitty spot. KAY- I am in canada so it is paid for. I can;t believe how much it cost you... that is nuts. This was my first procedure. I have to wait 3 weeks until my next dr's appointment to find anything out. How long can i wait to BD after the lap? my O is on tuesday (valentine's day... :) ) My DH has been so good, I had no idea he would be so willing to give everything up to be home with me. I will let you know what the dr says... I don't know if i can hold out 3 weeks to know anything.


KAY - February 13

Char, I was told to wait 2 weeks until my follow up appt. Although you are just having spot bleeding, The pressure that BD causes down there, will really surprise you. If you want to chance it, just be very careful. It was pretty hard for my to move around the first day. The second day was a little better. I was hunched over like a little old lady. I had to anticipate when I was going to have to go to the bathroom. It took me 5 minutes to get there. LOL. After the first 2 days, you will be surprised how much the discomfort and pain dissappears. You will back to normal very soon. Oh, I did not have to pay that much, that is just how much my insurance company got billed for it. I paid my deductible and 4% that was not covered. Still a lot, but not as much as the whole bill.Praying for your fast recovery!


Char - February 15

Thanks Kay! I didn't take the BD chance on my O date. I have had this weird burning/stinging feeling on the right side. I know it is not skin because it is far below that. It kind of worries me just because I have never felt it before. I am hoping that it isn't infection of any kind. My stitches are uncomfortable because they are right on my "fold line"... Other than that, I am feeling ok. It is easier to move now and I am feeling just about normal with the exception that I have been a little more tired than usual. How have you been feeling? When is your next u/s? Are you going to find out what it is or keep the surprise?


KAY - February 16

I had some weird internal feelings as well. I had incisions on my insides, so I just thought it was those starting to heal. If you are feeling them, I would think it was normal. If it worries you, just call you dr really quick. i am sure one of the nurses can give you some info. I am feeling alright. I still get very sick all day long. I only have 1 week and 2 days to go in my first trimester. I hope my morning sicknes goes away then, but everyone has been telling me these lovely stories about how they got sick until 16-20 weeks. I just tune them out. I have an appt on Feb 28th, but nothing exciting will happen, blood pressure, weigh in, measure, nothing much. My March 28th appt will be the one that we will have the u/s. My dh wants to know, I would prefer to not. But I have already lost that battle, so I am excited about finding out. I hope you get some insight into what is going on inside you after having this surgery. So you are ovulating, right? Did they check for blocked tubes? Do you have any suspicions on what it could be?


Char - February 19

I don't know if I am ovulating. According to the monitor, some months, i do, some i don't.... I still don't know what it would be. My first thought is PCOS. They checked for blocked tubes but that is another thing I won't know until my appointment in 2 weeks. It is 9 days past my Lap and I am still feeling uncomfortable. I work lat nights 2am-10am and during my lunch break this morning i noticed some redish brown spotting. I don't know if it makes sense to be from the surgery or not this far past it. My DH and I BD on Wednesday, because I was SUPPOSED to O and I just got a little worried about missing a month of trying... So I don't know if that would have anything to do with it either. Maybe we shouldn't have BD. I guess we will find it all out when I go to my appointment. My lower stitches were done beautifully, almost all healed up already. My belly button stitches look like one big mess. There is nothing nice about them whatsoever, and they are very uncomfortable. Well I guess i bitched enough lol, sorry if TMI... on another note I am glad things are going well for you (other than being sick). You'll have to let me know how your appointment goes and he/she is doing in there. now that i have had the lap done, i just feel so much more relaxed about ttc knowing that I am going to most likely find out what the problem is.


KAY - February 20

I would not really worry about the spotting too much, especially if it is just spotting. It is probably just some dried blood left over from the surgery. The BD'ing could have knocke dit loose or caused a little bit of irritation. Your period after this will be a little different too. You will have more brownish color than normal in there (I know TMI, but nice to be prepared instead of "what is going on?") Did they do internal dissolvable stitches on you? Mine were all under my skin, like upholstery stitches. My line is a pretty crooked, but starting to get lighter. Since I am so pale with very pink tone to my skin, scars take a long time to go away. They are dark pink for a very long time and slowly get lighter. It is definitely all healed, though. I am happy that you will be getting some insight to this. I know how frustrating it is to not know why you can't get pg. Remember to have faith and we will al be praying for you!!! My nausea has finally started to subside. I get some serious headaches, but they only last 3-5 mintues. I am now officailly out of my first trimester, WOO HOO! I am so sick of throwing up. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy about it, but it still sucks. Keep us updated. We will be here in the meantime to talk or listen. God Bless!


Char - February 20

I think the stitches are on the inside. I can only see a little black spot... The belly button incision is kinda y shaped but it seems that it was not sewn up properly because the skin is overlaping. it just does not look good at all and it is not healing evenly. the bottom incision is just about gone. I too have pretty fair skin soo scars take forever to leave. But there was one thing last ngiht that i found that i'm kinda worried about. When I was checking my cervix, I found a lump. I can't find anything on the internet that says this is normal. It is not painful or anything and it is quite easy to find. I think it is in place of where you would normally find the "dent" but i couldn't be sure. (Sorry TMI) Do you have any idea about this or heard of anything like this?



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