~o~o~oFertility Journeyo~o~o~
128 Replies
Kristi1 - October 23

Laine, have a great trip! I'm sorry you will be away from dh for that long, but just try to have fun. Will you be back before he leaves for Iraq? I can't remember when he leaves... I have been to Cancun twice and it was beautiful, you will have a great time! Shawna, Shauna, Mel, Tink...i hope everyone is doing good...


heather3233 - October 23

Hi everyone,
Shawna1 invited me to come and join your group. I'm very thankful for that since I haven't had any other responces.
Well here is my story...I am 32 and I have never had any problems with my AF before. Then I got off the pill and BAM no AF for 3 months! My Doc. doesn't know whats wrong because everything was normal. I was given Prometrium 100mg for 12 days (im on day 7 now) and Clomid 50mg 3-7 once I start my AF. From what I have read this is a small dosage and I'm nervouse nothing will happen. I guess im just a little nervouse and scared but it helps to hear back from others that are going through the same things and feel the same way I do. It's kinda sad how family and friends just don't seem to understand this kind of problem some times.
Thanks for inviting me Shawna1....and best wishes to you all.


stepmommel - October 24

Good morning ladies! Welcome heather, I hope maybe my situation will give you reassurance that you're not alone in what you're experiencing. I am 33 and also had a "normal" cycle when I was on the pill. But when I went off it last November to start TTC I would either have very late cycles, none at all, or I'd start but I wouldn't ovulate. So, I started Provera to start my cycle and then did Clomid 50 mg on days 3-7. The first month it worked and I finally O'd, but the second month I didn't O. Last month they bumped me up to 100 mg as a result and I O'd with such high numbers that even the nurse was amazed. So, I'm currently on CD7 and still TTC#1. It's extremely frustrating at times, especially not knowing why your body is working against you all the time, but you've just gotta hang in there and keep on trying. You'll find that this is the best way out there to feel understood. Family can try, but unless they live through it themselves, they can't imagine what you go through. Anyway, hope that helped. MRSHORSE, I have a dear cousin who'se leaving for Iraq (his first deployment ever) in January. What a scary thing. You'll have to teach me how to cope! Hi Kristi and Shauna. SHAWNA, have you tested yet????? Hope everyone else is well! Happy Tuesday!


Shawna1 - October 24

Hey Heather, I'm so glad you decided to join us! Mel, is right. If you need answers, support or a place to vent this is definitely the place to be. Family and friends mean well, but they just don't get it! How is everyone else? OK don't be mad at me, but no, I have not tested!! I had a bit of an arguement with Taylor this weekend and I told him if he didn't want to test yet, I wouldn't have sex with him ! Then he agreed that if no af by saturday, we would test that morning. However, I am 99% positive it will be a bfp. So if it's not a bfp I will be devastated! I am 8 days late, still very sore boobs, killer backaches, very fatigued (I was in bed last night at 8:30!), weird stomach sensations, gassy, bloated, somewhat constipated (sorry I guess my list gets more gross the longer it gets!). I'm so bad, but I calculated that if I really am pg, today I would be 5 weeks, 2 days! And I used 2 different due date calendars and 1 said June 24/07 and the other said June 26/07. I really have to stop this, but I'm so freaking excited!! Kristi, how are things going with you? Mel, I'm happy to hear your weekend went well. I was thinking of you! Ginger, how are things with you? When is af expected? Laine have a great holiday! Tink, Linds99 and anyone else, what's up!? Oh, Shauna and I are planing on meeting up today for lunch. She called me on Friday and we spoke for almost an hour! I think it will be pretty neat to meet one another! Ok that's it for me! Take care and I will check in later! Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, but this is too long to proof read!


heather3233 - October 24

Shawna1, stepmommel thank you so much for the welcome. I feel so much better this morning knowing you are here and understand this stuff.
Shawna1, I am so excited for you! Now I have even more to look forward to when I get to my desk in the morning... but your going to test Sat. you said so I won't find out until Mon. shoot! steppmommel, it is good news to hear that the meds worked for you. It gives me hope. And I don't know if this will help you but... I was married to a guy in the Navy for 12 years (my first ) and he was deployed 3 times for 6moths at a time. The best way I found to deal with it was to try and keep VERY busy and make taking pictures of just normal life around his home and friends and writing him everyday a part of my daily routine. I sent him mail everyday and pictures and videos to help him feel conected to home and keep his spirits up and the new classes I was taking and work was enough to keep me going all day. Sure there will be rough times but that is the best way I delt with his time over seas.
Well over the weekend we went to my nephews birthday party (my twin sister's son) and we had a nice time UNTIL I heard what I have been hearing for months now... "if you would just stop stressing over it you would get pg" AHHH! I am so sick of hearing that! I hope none of you hear that, it's so frustrating. It almost makes me not want to go to family things anymore. And to make it worse my dh said to me in the car on the way home "well honey, maybe there right"! I could have strangled someone!
Anyway, Im calm now. LOL
Have a great day everyone and lots of baby dust to you all....


stepmommel - October 24

Ok, first and foremost, SHAWNA, YOU AND YOUR DH AND DRIVING US INSANE!!! What the hell! Test already, dammit! I can't believe you're gonna wait until Saturday! Isn't that like TWO saturdays in a row now that you've put this off until? Well, you just not better give in and give him any sex for making you have to wait that much longer! If you can wait, HE can too! Ok... anyway, Hello again everyone. Heather, thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to email him regularly and send pictures and stuff. Great idea! Oh, Shauna and Shawna, I hope you have a blast at lunch, that's so cool you get to finally meet! I wish we could all be there. don't forget the camera! Kristi, did you get your next appt set yet? When is it? What's goin on with you?


Kristi1 - October 24

Shawna, I cant believe you are eight days late and have not tested!! Your killing me!! LOL... We are all anxiously waiting ya know ;-) You will have to let us know how lunch goes, that is so exciting! Welcome Heather! Shauna, hows it going? You guys are lucky to be able to get to meet! Mel, hows the clomid going? I am still getting some hot flashes even though I did not take the Clomid this month, but they are not bad. Must be residual effects ;-) Not much going on here. I think this month will be a bust for us, I should O this weekend, but dh is exhausted and it is only Tuesday, so I am not going to pressure him. But thats ok. I am enjoying the break! Well, hope everyone is doing well!


stepmommel - October 24

wow, i just re-read what I wrote and I realized it sounded like I was seriously pissed off at you Shawna. Just wanted to clarify that I was totally teasing you. ;) Hope you got that.


linds99 - October 24

Shawna1, seriously girl, you are preggers. 8 days late, come on! Send some of that baby dust my way, I'm gonna need it, I'm four days away from AF! But seriously ladies, i had a dream I witnessed someone shooting Canadian geese last night and I looked up geese signify extensive journey followed by good fortune and shooting means "destroying aspects of self. There is a deep wound within," so I don't know what is gonna happen when I get my blood test on Friday. Is that not a weird dream?


linds99 - October 24

BTW, poor ginger got AF today, everyone send the girl some love today. That is rough.


Shawna1 - October 24

Hi Girls, well the planned meeting for lunch didn't work out! Shauna's schedule got switched around, so she coouldn't make it, but we will definitely make it happen, right Shauna?! Mel, I was laughing so hard throughout your post! You never have to apologize for that! Kristi, I had hot flashes 3 months after I stopped using that damn clomid. The hot flashes were one of the main reasons why I stopped taking it. Lins99 (is your name Lindsey?) perhaps your dream has some meaning to it?!? I remember when I was pg with my son I had some crazy dreams, but that was close to the end. But I have also heard that some women start having the crazy dreams right away. As for me, I fall into a dead sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and I remember nothing until I wake up the next day. Alexander's frequent bathroom breaks in the middle of the night no longer wake me up. Now I need some clarification, who is going to Iraq? Mel, I remember you said that your cousin is going, but is someone else going as well? If so, I will include them in our prayers. Enjoy your Tuesday night Ladies!


ginger6363 - October 24

Oh, linds thanks for looking out for me. Sorry that I haven't been around lately, ladies. As linds mentioned today's been a rough one: You girls know how it is---You try so hard not to get your hopes, but deep down inside you can't help yourself. You always hope beyond hope that this will be the cycle. And I did have some pretty strange cramping early on that sparked my hopes a little more than ususal. Sadly, it was just my body playing tricks on me agian. When I woke up this morning (11 dpiui) my temps had dropped again. The cramps turned to the low-pelvic achiness I get before AF, and I knew there was no denying AF was on the way. By 9:30 AM, I was spotting.

I was really hoping that this was it. I mean my symptoms were really making me believe it was, but, yet, I am let down again. I feel sick. I don’t want to be a work right now. I decided to home over lunch and have some alone time. I tried real hard to stay positive, like it didn't bother me, but as I was walking to my car in the parking garage a coworker was walking in front of me with a girlfriend who was visibly pregnant and giggling about her future family plans. As soon as I got in my car, the tears just came on. I balled my eyes out for almost 2 hours straight. I honestly did not think that I would be upset as I was. I figured if it didn’t work for me, then I would keep my head up and be ready to go for the next cycle. I guess deep down I hoped that we would be lucky and that the IUI would just “take” on the first try. I guess I figured that somehow after all I'd been through that the cosmos was keeping score and would just "give me" this one. Wrong. The bottom line is that I am tired and I am scared. In the back of my head is that tiny nagging question: "what if this never works for us?" I know it's one day and I will get over this tomorrow, but right now, I feel so low.

When my dh heard how upset I was, he took off from work to come home and comfort me over lunch. He hugged me and told me "we would do whatever it takes to make this happen. Things in the past have never stopped us from getting to our goal and this would be no different." He reassured me that he loved me and would support me no matter what. I love that man more than he knows. Sorry lay my sorrows on you all, but I know you guys can sympathize. I hope you ladies are having a better day than me. :)


linds99 - October 24

Ginger, it sounds like your husband is such an awesome guy. I am so sorry. I remember how devastated I was when my first two (back to back) iuis didn't work in July, cried like a baby for about 1 day and a half, took off in August, and had another failed two iuis in September. That one was bad, I cried at work, closed my door and waited till everyone left the office to leave the building at 7 at night because my eyes were so red and swollen. It was awful, that night, I tossed and turned all night and woke up crying again several times. It was horrible. So I just know how devastating it is. Well, on the bright side, you are now on cycle day 1 and you are about 13 days from ovulation again... I think you should try again ginger, I really do.


linds99 - October 24

But I want to add that this time, the next cycle, talk to your doctor seriously about ways to lengthen your luteal phase...this alone will increase your chances. Maybe you do get pregnant but the poor guy doesn't have a chance to stick around because that witch keeps coming too soon.


ginger6363 - October 24

I will definitely do that, linds. Thanks for geing such a friend.


heather3233 - October 24

Don't give up. I know sometimes things can feel like such a set back but linds99 is right, not much longer untill you O again. Cool! My favorite thing to do when I'm upset is to go rent a funny movie and sit down with a brownie ala-mode. lol Sure I've gained some weight over the past 4 months but man that brownie ala-mode is good! Or America's Funny Home Videos, theres just something about people hurting themselfs when they fall that makes me laugh! lol Your DH sounds wonderful, and with that kind of support you can't go wrong. But its ok to cry and be upset, and sometimes it helps you to feel better so you can keep trying. All the best and keep your chin up girl...



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