*new* pls joinTTC & 2ww buddies wanted
177 Replies
cmgorschboth - May 2

Yeah, I'm new on here and kind of feel "out of the loop". But I can't talk to my friends at home, about my problems, especially since 3 of them are pregnant, as I speak, and 2 of them just found out this week, so you can imagine how I'm feeling. I feel like I'm the only one in my group of friends and family that has these problems and no one understands what it is like to not be able to concieve. So I got on here and thought maybe I would have some people to talk to who know what I'm going through.


pba74 - May 2

Welcome aboard Cmgorschboth! I completely understand that it is no fun being around peope who are pregnant and being the only one in your cricle not. No one can understand unless they've been through it.


Readyfor#3 - May 2

Hi everyone!!! I am CD 12 today after taking clomid days 3-7. Anyone in the same boat? I am waiting to ovulate. Tomorrow will be 5 days after last pill and on clomid O can happen days 5-10 after last pill.


Readyfor#3 - May 2

I also wanted to wish every one on here the best outcomes for your individual cituation. BABY DUST to all of us.


julie2007 - May 2

cmgorschboth and readyfor#3 welcome! - cmgorschboth - can you catch us up a little bit on you? how long have you been TTC? any pg's? what cycle day (cd) are you on? you are welcome to talk to us - that's why we are here! i am in a similar boat as you - out of my 8 closest GF's 6 were pg (including me - till my m'c in march) then i went over tot he dark side - and now there are 6 again (my 1 friend accidentally got pg - read my previous post to see how i got upset over her reaction to being pg). so i totally understand. and readyfor3 - are you a mom of 2 already? (quick aren't i!!) how old? how long have you been TTC? i have clomid waiting for me if i am not pg by june. i am a little afraid of it - never took it yet. not just the side effects - but my gram was a twin and so is my FIL. and the multiples thing is a lot to handle - i respect ANYONE who is a mom - and moreso for multiples! PBA - sorry about the trip to the imax - aren't you going to great america soon too? you are a very good teacher - i bet your kids love you! that is so nice your dh cooks dinner - is he a good cook? we'd starve if my dh cooked - LOL. i really have no symptoms - my bbs were sore for 1 day - that's gone - but i think i felt little crampy things low and on the left side last night and this morning - i went right from being on BCP's to having my DD (1st month off them) and then i BF for 20 mos and only had 2 AF's - so i don't really know what is "regular" anymore. so i will just wait and see. i think i will test either fri or sat morning. off to take my beautiful DD to the park - she is so patient while i type away.


MrsIke - May 2

welcome, Ready and cmg. Hello everyone, back at home now...grr I hate work. 19 days since my last af. Is that what CD is referring to? Did you have a chance to look up that website julie? I have a headache atm. Gosh how early u gals think i can start testing? tbh Im just as bad, I snuck a test in already..hehe....Thank god there is a 99cent store nearby. I keep them in business


Readyfor#3 - May 2

Hi Julie. I am 23 years old. My oldest (boy) is 3 and 4 months, and my youngest (girl) is 1 and 4 months. Both January babies. Both were unplanned. In fact, I wass told that I would have problems conceiving because my right ovary and fallopian tube are scarred from ruptured cycsts from teenage years. With the first one, got pregant while using a condom, and with the second one, I was on BC Yasmin. Talk about against all odds. So I guess you might be wondering why the heck am I on clomid? Well, After I had my second baby, I had the copper IUD put in. Basically, that was the only good option left for me. I didnt want the Mirena cause of hormones and I saw what it did to my frieds face (acne). The pill was out of the question, and I was afraid of doing shots cause of weight gain. Oh yeah, and I didnt want to tie my tubes yet cause I just turned 22 right before I had her. Anyway, back to the Copper IUD. I had that damn thing for a year. I wass miserable. AF for 14 days, super heavy flow (completely soaked tampon every hour), cramps like mild contractions, fatigue, etc.....But they kept telling me, let it adjust, blah blah. Finally, I had enough and took it out once tests revelaed severe enemia. Go figure. And thats when my problems began. Even though AF became lighter and shorter, but my cycles were all over the page. Ex: 19dc, 40dc, 32dc, 28dc......That was a typical unpredictable pattern. Some months I was not even ovulating cause I can ALWAYS feel it in my ovary. And my LP was messed up as well. So that's pretty much it. Just hoping that this first round of Clomid will work.


pba74 - May 2

My dh is an awesome cook...he should be since he went to culinary school. My students love me when they aren't doing work...LOL. I teach gifted so I hit them hard with projects and reports. I'm very hands on - for my own sanity. Readyfor #3 - welcome aboard as well. I need to go run some errands. ttfn


Readyfor#3 - May 2

Mrs Ike. Are you testing to see if you ovulated late, or are you testing to see if it will detect early pregnancy? Sorry, just trying to figure out which of the two. :)


MrsIke - May 2

testing for pregnancy. hey julie they have info on the ov watch in the "am i ovulating section" of helping conception on this website.


Readyfor#3 - May 2

I guess that depends when you had your Ovulation. It's different for every woman cause we all have unique cucles and different lenghts, etc....But I wish you the best of luck!!!!! I will be holding my fingers crossed for you!


MrsIke - May 2

I know when I ovulated etc,etc, Im just getting anxious thats all. Thats all i meant.


erika62897 - May 3

Hi ladies! Welcome "newbies". I feel like I haven't been around in forever...a lot of talk today. Well, right now I have a killer headache and I am tired...so I will make this short (I know, a first for me). Good luck to all...wherever you might be in ttc. I am calling my RE tomorrow morning to schedule for Fri. Not only to do US, but I am having some weirdo pains in my hoo-ha. Is this normal after the lap/hyst? I didn't have them at all until this morning. Now, when I move in certain ways, I feel like there is something poking me. I know...weird. But, that is one of the reasons I am calling my RE to see about setting up for Fri. I might have to check that watch out...the peeing on a stick never worked for me...and that is how we ended up missing 2 consecutive Os. So, maybe that is an option. Okay...I am going to go and sleep in hopes that the headache will go away. Love you all...you keep me laughing (I was laughing so hard that it hurt!) Talk to you all again soon!


makiernan - May 3

Hey girls! Julie nice new thread and found some ,new girls too! Sorry to hear about the BFN but hopefully you tested too early! CCB, testing on Monday?? Trying, are you "back to normal" from the lap? I went to the doc on Monday to check on how I healed, etc and we are good to go, you know as soon as AF arrives. She gave me provera so it should be here anyday now and then I have to wait until the NEXT cycle to go back on clomid. :( Man oh man, takes so long! MY doc originally said 2 runs on clomid w/ IUI and then onto IVF, I am not sure if she is counting my first go round since I never got to the IUI b/c of the cyst/masses....OH and the chance of pregnancy goes WAY up after the lap surgery girls!! At least it was good for something, besides the happpy drugs!! MrsIke so sorry for your m/c. Good luck! Erika, dont you LOVE the US......how many can one really have for real! Isnt it the best when they put the condom on the "wand" and then squirt some cold KY on it.....ahhh, how intimate! Good luck on Monday....you are a strong woman to handle all this while your DH is away! I'm a big baby! *****Thinking of you 2ww girls!!!*****


makiernan - May 3

Oh and for you girls who don't know my story....I'm 30 and Ov challenged. Been TTC for 1 1/2 years I guess. Never thought there was a problem. Had the HSG and lap and all the cysts/mass' were removed and again, flsuhed out the tubes. So I have to wait one cycle and then back on clomid w/ IUI. DH has "great samples" they tell me....at least one of us is in the clear!! Doc is very positive that I will get preg this next cycle.....sooooooooo needless to say I cant wait until JUNE!!!!!!!!!!


julie2007 - May 3

MAK - glad you found us! i love your play by play of the transvaginal u/s - it is SOOO dead on! warm gel would be so much better! glad to hear you got the "all clear" - i know you aren't going to do the clomid this cycle - but just imagine if you got preggo all on your own! (i will include you in my prayers!) did you get provera shot? how long till you are supposed to get AF? glad all is well! --- --- erika --- with the weird pain - it is good that you will be able to go to the doc day after tomorrow! pls let us kn ow how it all goes. -- -- readyfor3 -- wow -- all january babies - this could be something for you - you'd be due in january for this cycle if it works - right? good luck! that copper thing sounds awful - glad you are done with that. -- -- PBA - i'd love a cooking hubby. wow - that's great. is he a chef - in "real life'" too? or does he just enjoy cooking at home? how great you work with the gifted children - you are going to be a great mom!



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