151 Replies
ROBYN - January 27

ok i will go back to katts site to see you then


ROBYN - January 27

Dana which one is your husband and how did you get your pic on there???


dlc0715 - January 27

Robyn, is the job market down in sunny warm Fl good for the medical field (I'll be training to be a CMA and maybe a Nurse's aide soon) and husband wants to get out of small market radio and onto the bigger market - got anything down there? We're not fans of snow!


dlc0715 - January 27

My husband is on the right - we were posing with Casey from KC and the sunshine Band backstage at a concert. One of my husband's perks! Backstage passes - we met Olivia Newton John in Oct. too. Last night he did a live interview with Porcelana (sp?) from the most AI contest. First to post it to the web he said. On my acct with myspace do you have to ask to be added to my friend list? I'll ck!


ROBYN - January 27

DANA my husband works for the largest Neonatology medical company in the united states called Pediatrix Medical Group they employ doctors but he said there is a ton of old people in Florida so there should be plenty to keep you busy. Also if you are interested in south florida let me know what areas your interested just a heads up the cost of living is crazy down here and with the past hurricanes the insurance is crazy down here. But they just passed a bill so our insurance rates wont skyrocket so much also wind insurance. So let me know.


dlc0715 - January 27

Robyn, I went to your site and what beautiful pix and very beautiful family! YOu guys looked wonderful. thanks for going to mine too! Very sweet!


dlc0715 - January 27

We will definately keep that in mind! Probably won't be for a few years though. It's our goal to get there sooner than later, but my kids with my ex are here so we have to stay here for a few more years!


Katt - January 27

DANA_ It's all good. I'll add ya - myspace is FUN! Feel free to add yourself to the frappr map. I have a profile thingie w/the site and 3 maps thus far so use the TTC one ;) As far as the test goes I would listen to Robyn on thisone as a friend ofmine took test upon test as well and all were negative until 8 weeks in. ROBYN_ Cool! It'll be so cool when everyone of us adds because it'll be like our own little community in a big place! Dunno if that came out right but you get my drift. DANA_ I just read a bit further, it seems you haveadded yourself - coolness, thanks ;) ROBYN_ to add a pick on frappr? It should give you the option to "browse" and upload. You should be able to edit your location and preferences, etc. Oh and why aren't you resting? lol bedtime! g'night.


ROBYN - January 27

Dana thanks, we are gonna update tomorrow and put up the u/s pics and some of the new house and the new kitten and i am deciding if i am going to add my fat stomach which doesnt look pregnant just big and bloated


ROBYN - January 27

Good night Katt thanks I will add a pic of me and Jason


bl - January 27

Katt, I added myself to the map. That is very cool. Can't wait until we all fill it up. The weather has been in the 50"s and low 60"s which is normal for this time of year. In the summer it's usually mid 70's to low 80's. We are fortunate weather wise, not too hot or cold. I'm sure that's why it's so expensive here! Robyn, I want to add some new belly pics on my site too. Maybe dh will help me tomorrow. I think I've popped out! Tanya, I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. I hope you can relax this weekend. Hi Dana, so happy you came back.


dlc0715 - January 27

Have a wonderful evening ladies and I'll chat some more this weekend! Great pix everyone! Sharing family and pix is a great way to feel closer and more bonded together. I really am starting to feel like 'one of the gang'. thanks again for opening your doors and hearts to me and everyone else! nighty-night!


bl - January 27

okay, I added some new pics. brookejcharlie.spaces.msn.com


ROBYN - January 27

Brooke you are absolutely beautiful and look awesome your family is adorable, Congrats


dlc0715 - January 27

Brooke, beautiful pix. Love the progression pix of 9 wks, 13 wks etc. Especially with the cat and your little boy! beautiful family! So no signs of AF yet - still crossing my fingers. My DH says wait till end of the week then call the OB and ask why. I'll be about 1 and1/2 wk late. I guess either way, something is going on whatever it may be! I'm hoping for a tiny little blessing! Off to work today... have a wonderful day!


Katt - January 27

Morning girls! Wow usually when we start a new thread it starts to fill up like wildfire - I guess maybe I am the jynx here :( Eh, anyway, John fell asleep on thecouch w/o putting Rascal in his bed and guess what... yup... he pooped 2x's. He didn't pee but he pooped and it is the hardest thing to teach the pup to poop outside. Even when I praise him hedoesn't realise it because the energy boost takes away from it. Okay so here I sit typing and I start to smell something - low and behold he took a dump right behind me!!!! GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR what's a zoo owner to do?? Okay well I gotta clean up this mess. Cyas later!



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