367 Replies
Lynn - June 4

Hello......Well, I went this morning and the RE drew my blood. He is having it ran tomorrow and will compare it with the one on Friday. He asked how I was doing and I said fine. He said that is good and sent me on my way. I will let you all know my levels when I know them. CC, I was asking about your e-mail because I was adding everyone to my e-mail address box and wanted to make sure I had it correct. question for you.....when you took the progestrone cream..did you get AF while using it or did you stop using it and then get AF. My roommate from college is taking it and we just were trying to figure out if she needed to stop taking it or how you were told to take it. JCR, thanks for the advice. I am going to need to go look for grapes. Food really has not been an issue just yet. I have taken some naps. I took 2 yesterday and even slept all night. Not my usual routine. I have taken 1 today. Need to go to the store and get a few things. Hoping dh will go with me. Lori, I know it is not funny but I had to laugh at your dh comment about Johnny. I am glad he is okay but you know little boys...bumps and bruises he will get. D, sorry about the knee. I hope you are feeling better soon. Andrea....so you and CC are going to be in the 2ww together. Shauna, how are things going? Is your foster son feeling better. Tracy, I am sorry that AF is giving you such a beating. I hope you are feeling better soon. Hopefull the LAP eill end the painful AF's. talk to you all later.


Shauna - June 4

Hello ladies...Everything is fine here with me and the family. My foster son sounds alot like your little Johnny Lorie...lol.. He climbed up the fence today which is the kind that the wood is side to side not up and down and he feel straight back onto the ground with the 12 foot board still in his hands... he climbed off he fence and said 'fence has owy mommy.' he will be 4 in July but he is so much like my 2 year olds that I babysit. I was trying not to laugh about the fence but it was sooooo damn funny. Thank you lorie and Lynn for your calls out to me....I really like to be noticed...My husband says Im an attention getter...he's for sale today also....will do dishes for sex...go buy for $29.95 if you have dishes to be done. Oh speaking of dishes...I went to see the new Jennifer Aniston/Vince Vahn movie 'The Breakup' yesterday...it was really funny....totally cuts down men like my dh....Im glad I didn't take him with me...I would have told him that I thought he plays to much video games. Anyways must go make supper for my crew...only have 4 kids total today so its a slow month....people must be looking after there kids...imagine that...lol. Babydust and Tummy rubs


d - June 4

i might be putting dh up for sale too...lol... My nephew is going to be 1yr tomorrow. how time flies. 4-6 month recovery time. PT won't be that long but long enough. It is sooo funny dh and i ttc with my leg having to be in one postition. LOL. it is too funny. but great too. LOL. Hey Tracy I finally went #2 on sat and then today so i think i am back to normal. Anyone want my email address?


Lynn - June 4

D, of course we want you e-mail address. I would also love to have Tracy's,Shauna's & Andrea's. It is always nice to have incase we get messed up with this site. Too bad we did not get EMM's when she was posting. Tracy, I also remember some problems she was having with dh before she stopped posting and hope everything is okay. It has been nice all day and now I see the rain is beginning to come. Made steak adn vegetables for dinner. It tasted real good. I am not much of a meat eater, mostly checken but this tasted good to me. CC, did you make it to brunch? Hope dh survived enough to get something to eat. Thanks for sharing my story with him. I do have to say...on Friday night, my dh asked me if I told all my "online buddies" yet. I told him of course and he laughed. He said, "I thought we weren't telling anyone." I informed him you gals were not just anyone, you were my support so I did not drive him crazy and I had to tell you gals. I also told roomie from college and a friend here in NC. That is all. Oh, and my mom...of course. Okay....chat later.


Tracy88 - June 4

Shauna, since you like to know we care....here's a big shout out to ya!!! I can't believe you take care of so many kids....that's awesome. People like you deserve so much credit. CC-glad to hear you are done with the shots. You are halfway there girlfriend. Your DH better get over his crankiness soon, he's got some work to do over the next two days!!! Tell him that if he's cranky when he "donates" his boys for the IUI's, that his baby will come out cranky....silly, I know. JCR-I am so glad you are here and able to give such good advice. Besides the fact that I love ya, I am grateful for your experience with being PG. Lynn_I have been taking naps too, but the only thing I am PG with is a tampon!!! My period just wipes me out. I was going to try to go to the gym today, but still had pretty bad cramps. I too hope the lap helps figure something out. I am on cd3 and will ask about the lap date when I go in tomorrow for my day 3 (really 4) bloodwork and strep culture. It looks as if it will be in July. That's ok though since we are moving in the middle of this month. And just for the record, yes all of my insurance issues got taken care of. Thank the universe!!!! I only paid $25 the other day for the sonohysterogram. D-nice to see that you are at least able to check in with us regularly. Don't worry about taking pain meds....just keep asking for more! When you need them, you need them. My little sis has been on stuff for a while due to her back. AND woohoo on the poopin'!!! Feels great doesn't it??? Well, I am excited...the 4400 is coming back!! (TV show) Tonight they are unlocking the secrets....whatever that means, and the season premier is next weekend. I don't know why, but I got hooked on that show last season. Maybe it's cause the character Sean is so damn hot!!!! Lori-keep up the good work with Johnny. See what a little love can do??? I just asked DH if I could have a puppy and he asked if I was serious. I so need to love like a mommy right now, and think it would be such a great distraction. We could take walks and snuggle.....sounds great to me. I want a golden retriever really bad.


Tracy88 - June 4

Lynn-do you have any leftovers? I could probably be there by tomorrow! Dinner sounds yyyyuuummmmmmyyyy!!!! My email is [email protected]. And tell DH that as far as telling people about your pregnancy.....we know more about each other than most people know....like look, we know that D was having a hard time pooping!!! How many people know that??? And we know that I believe, if you ain't poopin, you ain't livin'!!! So of course we are going to know you are PG.


d - June 4

Grease in on TV one of my all time favorites......
[email protected]. just put in the subject line something that i know it is one of you. anyone of you are welcome to email me anytime. i gotta go lay down. i am glad tat i can at least check in.


Tracy88 - June 4

Oh, Lynn-my cat kneads on my chest all the time...the only problem is he's not declawed!!! I was just going through a bunch of posts collecting the email addresses when I saw that you wrote that it was hurting your boobies when your cat did that. You were PG and you didn't even know it yet!!


d - June 4

hey anyone know about this. my incision areas are warm to the touch. anyone know if this is normal?


jcr - June 5

Hey, I just sent an email to all of you with a picture of Ryley. She is not much of a model and seems to move just at the wrong time!! Tracy, get a heating pad and put your feet up and make dh rub them. Lynn, steak, that is one thing eat day and night with this pregnancy. CC, hope dh just had the grumps a short time today so he can be prepared for tomorrow. I don't think they realize that all this ttc takes a toll on them as well. Poor little sperm donors!! Shauna, hope all is well in Canada, we are heading to Kamloops then end of the month to visit my family! D, I'd kill for some drugs right about now. Ryley woke up with a fever 101-102 today, gave her some tylenol, but are just chillin' watching some tv. She had some energy to paint and help me make dinner-well at least play in the sink before she started to tire out. Hopefully it is nothing but those dang teeth. Bellyrubs. PS-Lynn, I guess you get to start this next new thread!!!!!!!!Your having a baby, a baby. You are QUEEN for the next 9 months. That works with the first one!! This time around I have been demoted to housekeeper, maid,cook and nanny. So enjoy your time! Hugs


LoriB43 - June 5

Good (really early) morning!! JCR - your daughter is a cutie! She looks like she keeps you hopping for sure!! Lynn & D - nice pictures of you with your DH's, also. Thanks for sharing. It is always nice to have an idea of what your on-line buddies look like. I'll have to put one up. Shauna - I guess we just have to get use to the idea that boys will be boys. My MIL told me that DH drove his big wheel right off the patio (which happened to be built on the side of a hill) when he was 3 yrs old. She always said that it would be a miricle if she could keep him alive until his 18th birthday, lol. CC - Let us know how your IUI went today. Hope it goes smoothly... and your DH is not grumpy today!! Maybe he is just feeling a little pressure too. I have to tell you that for the most part, I don't miss ttc. Although, once in a while I will still get a little "twinge". It's kind of like an addiction, I guess. But life is much simpler now. I just pray for all of you to get pregnant so that your lives will become "simpler" too. One thing I don't mliss is the stress of it all. D - wow that is a long recovery time! Hopefully you are a quick healer!! I don't think that warmth around your incision areas is "abnormal"... but, do keep an eye out for redness with excessive puffiness and warmth. How often do you see your Dr. for your knee?? Tracy - Hope you get your lap soon. Oh, and go ahead and get a puppy if you want!! My SIL got two and she treats them like her babies!! My MIL's dog is 12 yrs old and they thought that he was going to die this past week... the vet wanted to put him down. Believe it or not he got a blood clot at the base of his penis that caused an erection that would not go down. ( Yes, I made the joke about getting into FIL's viagra - but only said it to my DH of course, lol!!) Anyway, when we were down there yesterday they were trying to get the dog to take his meds - he won't eat... so they ended up using a meat baster to do it. I wanted to scream "put him down already you are being selfish, yes you will miss him, but what about his quality of life!!" The dog has arthritis so bad that he can hardly move!! Oh well, it's not my choice so I'll get off my soap box about it. Ok, opinions please... DH and I had a disagreement about Johnny last night. DH went to bed about 8 pm. I put Johnny to bed at about 9:30 ( He fell asleep in the car and wasn't tired). When I put him in his crib he was asleep. Then he woke up about 15 minutes later and would scream and cry about every 5 minutes or so. I let this go on for 45 minutes then went in and got him up and put him on the sofa and laid down with him. DH got mad and said that I should have just let him be in his crib and whine and cry. I said that DH can't hear it so naturally it doesn't "get to him". What do you all think??? Yeah, it's time for a new thread. This one has been around for about a month. Lynn - get that trickle down stuff going and start a new one when you can. Oh, and guess what DH and I got for an anniversary gift from the in-laws... and air compressor!! Believe it or not I am excited about it!! You can use it with a nail gun and as a spray painter... not to mention all those blow-up things that come with having a toddler!! I had asked to use theirs to blow up Johnny's pool, so the bought us one. Ok, I have rambled long enough!! Have a great one everybody!!


LoriB43 - June 5

Wow!! Sorry that was soooo long!!! I guess I did ramble on!!!


LoriB43 - June 5

Oh, and I have another Johnny story! We were getting ready to leave the in-laws and I was putting Johnny's coat on and my MIL said: "you better come and give gramma a hug good bye after you get your coat on." And Johnny said, "I will". Unprompted!!!!! Then when we got back home I was telling DH the story and Johnny said "I will" again!!! Just wanted to share that because of course it excites me!!


Tracy88 - June 5

This will be short and sweet because I have to get to the doc's for blood work. Great pics you guys...all of them!!! I too love seeing who I'm talking to online. It makes it that much more personal. CC-good luck today. I hope you are relaxed and so is DH. Well, gotta run. Check back in later.


Tracy88 - June 5

Am I lazy or do I just not want to work anymore? I have to be at work at one and don't want to go. I'm sitting here sweaty and dreading getting ready. Yuck!!!


Lynn - June 5

Hey girls....Lori, keep that info on Johnny coming. I love to hear more language from munchkins who had a rough beginning. I have not checked e-mail so I have not seen any pictures but as soon as I am done here, I going to my e-mail next. Tracy, I vote a puppy if dh will allow. I am only allowed 2 pets (our agreement) and I have 2 kitties. Did you make it to work? I would love not to work however, my paycheck keeps a roof over our heads so....I am working. CC, how did that IUI go today? What time is tomorrow's? Did they do a follie chcek or just go by the 4 you had? D, My SIL is a nurse and she said as long as it was not puffy and stuff draining, it should be okay but watch. If it hurts to the touch, I might call (mainly because I am always in panic mode). Shauna....How are you? When is school out for all your kids? Question for you...how many kids live with you and are you also a weekend spot for foster kids to go to sometimes? I admire and often thought about being a foster family. I was actually reading all the stuff you need to do to become one. I however was a little overwhelmed. Andrea, how is the 2ww going? Keep us posted. Okay going to check out e-mail and see everyone. chat later. pizza for dinner tonight. another thread???? I need to think of something catchy. I am not good at this. let me think and I will try. Your girls are the BOMB!!!!



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