wait to take clomid?
2 Replies
Elh83 - November 26

hello ladies! me and DH been ttc for 4yrs. i was diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago. I'm on metformin 850mg 2x a day. was given provera to induce last period 10/19/08. then took clomid CD 5-9. my AF was due 11/19/08. since 11/22/08 Ive been having a very very light spotting either pink or a brown red. sometimes almost no existent. its not enough for a pad or tampon and only when i wipe. as for symptoms nausea, increased urination, sore boobs and light cramping 11/19/08-11/22/08. i took a hpt on 11/20 11/21 11/24 all were bfn! I'm due to try clomid again this cycle. I'm not sure if i should except that its a bfn and this is a very very light period (never in my life had one like this. always started out heavy) counting 11/22 as CD 1 then take my clomid CD 5-9?? Ive heard of ppl having spotting during the first few months of pregnancy I'm just scared to take my clomid cd5-9 and in fact be pregnant and cause harm to myself or the baby! I'm not sure ill be able to get a apt for blood work considering thanksgivings around the corner. any opinions or information you ladies may have would be very very helpful. many thanks in advance!!!


JLS - November 26

I was just in the same boat as you. I took my first round of clomid, but spotted in the middle of my cycle, about the time I should have been ovulating. I didn't think mine was heavy enough to be AF either, so I called my doctor about what to do. She told me to consider the spotting AF and go ahead and take the clomid on days 5-9. I was not happy with that answer, so I told her that I wasn't comfortable taking the clomid if there was even a slight possibility that I was pregnant. She told me not to take it. She said that it's fine to take a break and be on the safe side. I took a test yesterday - neg., but I still feel good about my decision to wait because if I had been pregnant I would have spent the better part of 9 months worrying about whether or not I had harmed my baby. Know what I mean?? I know it seems horrible to wait and wonder and you feel like you missed your chance if you're not pregnant this time, but for me I wanted to be safe. Good luck in whatever decision you make.


Elh83 - November 27

Ty so much for your input. i called my Dr today and she rushed a blood test (quantitative) and it was neg. i was given the OK to start another cycle of clomid. hopefully you get your bfp!!



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