Unprescribed Clomid
9 Replies
TBriggeman - February 13

I have been ttc for over 3 years now. I am now considering taking unprescribed Clomid. I would just goto the DR. and have it prescribed but I live in Korea. I have had all the disappointment I think I can take. I am becoming desperate. Does anyone else have any experiance taking Clomid unprescribed? Please Help


Teddyfinch - February 13

if i may, what does living in korea have to do with it? do the doctors there not prescribe it? i'm confused.


iriak - February 13

I live in Egypt and here we can buy it freely from pharmacy and its so cheap also. Our doctors describe it quite freely.
The first time the doctor describe it for me but i miscarried that pregnancy and now 6 months later i am taking it myself, the same way as before. minimum dosage and the same days.


TBriggeman - February 14

Teddy: I assume they do prescribe it. I am sure I can just go to the pharmacy and get it without a prescription. But you would have to live here to realize how difficult it is to get anything done over here with out speaking Korean.


TBriggeman - February 14

iriak: Thank you. I have been reading alot about it and some forums have me nervous saying you never know what you are actually getting. Thing is here even if it is prescribed I am still in a country that all you do is walk into a pharmacy and tell them what you want.


Teddyfinch - February 14

that's kind of silly. women have died from this medication when not monitored. iriak: what days are you taking it?


iriak - February 15

I am taking it 3-7, minimum dosage. No problems.... If its not working this month, i will go to doctor and maybe increase it.


Harriet - February 16

Hi TBriggeman, I would recommend seeing a fertility specialist if at all possible, whether it be in Korea or next time you are home, (if that's any time soon). The reason being that there can be so many reasons that you are not getting pregnant which may not be resolved through taking Clomid. Additionally there are risks of OHSS which can be extremely dangerous. If you do decide to proceed with unprescribed Clomid do be sure that you have researched as much as possible and go to the Dr if in any doubt about side effects or any problems. I'm on my fourth round of prescribed Clomid though I ovulate on my own, (we have MFI), through monitoring we discovered last cycle that I was at risk of OHSS, fortunately nothing came of it but I didn't feel any different from normal so was surprised when the Dr told me. I wish you the best of luck, I know that Korea can be tough when you're trying to get something done and standards aren't always what we would hope for, I spent six months there in 2006 and after visiting the dentist decided I'd wait for treatment until I got home!


TBriggeman - February 19

Harriet: Thank You!! I will not be leaving Korea for several years. When I do it wont be for more than a couple weeks. I don't have that long to wait to have a child. I have a daughter that is about to turn 10. If I don't have another soon I will not be having anymore. I am going to try to go to the hospital on base and see what they sugest but I am sure that I would be better off treating myself.


Teddyfinch - February 19

iriak: so they are doing bloodwork to check to see if you're ovulating? that's a good thing, but you might find out about ultrasounds aswell because you need to have your ovaries checked to make sure they aren't being over stimulated. **TBriggeman** i still suggest seeing your doctor before self medicating. because they may suggest that and like i said to iriak, you need to be monitored. besides, if you're going to do it either way, even if they say no, it's an oh well kind of thing. good luck, though.



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