TTC with no luck?
3 Replies
funnyjello2 - August 21

My husband I found out we were pregnant in feb. and also lost the baby in feb. We started again about April time frame TTC. However, we are not having any luck I am needing some encouragement, it did not take us this long to get pregnant the first time, could there still be something wrong. My doc. did ultrasounds and said everything looks good. Is there maybe something maybe I should be putting into thought!


babyforcole - August 21

Hey Ann, I'm also ttc. Have been for 2 years off and on. I have 2 kids from prev relationship. DH has no kids. WhenEVER I get preggers it will be his first. I seeked out an RE and this cycle we did clomid, hcg trigger shot and iui. I'll find out tomorrow if I'm preggers. Anything worth while takes time Ann. Do you mind Ann or would you prefer Annette? My name is Shonnel


funnyjello2 - August 21

I am still kinda new with some of these terms everyone throws out there. But I hope you hear good news. You can call me Nettie that is what everyone else calls me! Well I tried not really watching anything and that didn't work and now I am watching my temp, my fluid and that kinda stuff. We did it the day after I ovulated so I am hoping that we actually got it this time, I check with a test yesterday and I got a negative. I know that it is probably to early.
Thank you


babybrain32 - August 21

Well funjell I actually just found out yesterday that I am preggo. My DH and I had also been ttc. This cycle, I actually wasn't trying. I got really tired of the disappointments and seeing DH face when af comes. We already have a 2yr old but wanted more. I think that because we stopped trying for a while and were more focused on each other and not the baby making process, it happened. I think that it will happen soon enough for you. I really do. Stress plays a major role in the way our bodies react. RELAX. You will get that beautiful bean that you deserve. I agree with babyforcole, its worth waiting for. Best of luck to you dear.



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