45 Replies
TTC#3@35 - November 13

Katt - Im a lurker from the IVF thread & I just wanted to put my bet in.... if you transferred 3 embies... I bet your having 3! That is a high number beginning beta.. How many days after ET did you do the beta?


Krissy68 - November 14

Katt - Congratulation I am so happy for you please don't leave and keep us updated. Krissy68


autumnsmommy - November 17

OMG KATT...CONGRATULATIONS! I just knew I'd pop in one day and see it! I'm so happy for you! Girl you have gone through so much and you truely deserve this! Have a happy and healthy 9 months! (((HUGS)))


LeslieK - November 17

Sorry Katt. I just didn't know if you posted over here anymore and I was sooo excited for you and wanted to give everyone who is waiting, hope. You have been such a patient and persistant woman. I am still so very thrilled for you. Can't wait to hear about your u/s on thurs.


dlc0715 - November 19

Wow Katt!! Awsome!! I posted her about 2 years ago for a little while but have been REALLY MIA. I hope everything goes awsome for you!! I have just gone thru my first IVF, we had 2 embryos put back in. It's been 14 days since the HCG trigger shot and yes, like most of us, I tested early. :) so far, I've gotten all positives. TEsted monday and it was a BFP, and this morning was a darker BFP. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Has anyone had the trigger stay in their system for 14 days after? Also having cramps, feel like menstral cramps and some spotting but not sure what that means. bloodtest friday!! Great to be back!!! I loved this thread before!!


Krissy68 - November 19

dlc0715 - I know you don't know me but I have been on the thread for almost a year now and I wanted to say congratulation and I can't wait to see what you blood level is. Take care. Krissy68


dlc0715 - November 20

Thanks Krissy68!!! I'm excited but cautious. 2 more days and I find out officially. Have you ever heard of HCG still being present from a trigger shot 14 days later? Dana


pheobocat - November 20

KATT--OH MY GOSH!!!! YEAH---I am looking and it is November 20th, so I am anxious to hear the big news.....OH you are in my thoughts!!!!!!!! I am SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! I WILL CHECK IN LATER!!!!


autumnsmommy - November 20

KATT ~ I was going to pop in earlier to wish you luck on the u/s but I forgot...Oops! :) Anyway I hope everything turns out good! Can't wait to hear!


Krissy68 - November 21

Katt - How was the u/s thinking about you.***dlc0715 - I'm not sure if the trigger shot is still in your system because you waited enough time to take the hpt. Can you call your doctor and ask . Good Luck to you. Krissy68


autumnsmommy - November 24

KATT ~ Is everything ok?


LeslieK - November 26

Just a quick FYI - Katt is doing great but I don't dare spill the beans....she's got family in town so I'm sure she'll be on soon.


autumnsmommy - November 28

LESLIE - Thank you for peeking in to let us all know. Can't wait to hear from Katt and get the news! :) To Everyone here on the forum ... I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! :)


Katt - December 2

For all you betters out there - I am having 2! It also seems that 1 of the 2 needs a bit of a growth spurt so all prayers welcome ;o) Ok so follow me to a new thread - I am surprised noone started one yet. I will call it "TTC through FRIENDSHIP and SUPPORT" hope that is okay?! See you there!


Katt - December 5




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