ttc after cone/leep/etc.
4 Replies
d - November 12

Hi All, I have been on here before. Now it is time for me to get back to communicating with other women. As this was our 7 month of ttc #2 after my cone biopsy and I am still not pg... I am getting very worried. Obgyn says a few more months and if nothing happens then he will send me to an RE...He thinks the CM is the problem. Dh is not thrilled about that but he has a simple process.. I got ovulation kits for this month to make sure we have done it on the right days. Everything the past 2 months indicated we did it at the right time and wam, mother nature showed up this month 2 days early... I just don't get it.. Is there anyone else having issues after a cone?


cdmrose - November 13

Hi d, I had LEEP done about 4 years ago, and have been ttc# for about 2.5 years. We did conceive earlier this year but it ended in a miscarriage. I don't think the LEEP has anything to do with it - I have low progesterone. I've heard that if you take guafinesin (Robitussin) that will help with CM. I don't know about dosing though. I've also heard good things about Preseed. Lots of baby dust to you!


d - November 13

Hi Cdmrose, sorry to hear about your miscarriage earlier this year. I am sending lots of baby dust to you also. I hope that you will get that bfp..what # are you ttc it is missing) - of course either way I hope you get your little one....
Thanks on the robitussin - I forgot about that. I remember in 2005 / 2006 when I was on her ladies talking about preseed. I will have to check into that.


cdmrose - November 14

Hi d, sorry about the typo - we're ttc #1. I just took my first round of Clomid, and have noticed that maybe CM was a little scarce. I'm due for af, and feel like it's just around the corner, so we'll have to try again next month. I think I'm going to look into the Preseed, too! And I have to get better about taking my vitamins - I'm convinced that's why we got pg the first time. It certainly can't hurt! Anyway, best of luck to you and let us all know when you get your BFP!


d - November 14

cdmrose - I am really hoping that af is not around the corner for you.. I got my fingers crossed....
Right now I am hoping that we don't miss this month. As I am slowly healing from a vulvar biopsy. I just got it done on Tuesday obgyn said dh and I can start ttc within a day or two and right now it is still way to sore.... I have to look into the preseed. I do have robitussin in the house.



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