TTC #1 and over 34?
418 Replies
cromwell - September 5

Hi all, Natasha, sorry about af showing herself. Stacie Kristi and Tracy, good luck with your wait. Meme, I am also with you on the issue of your husband golfing without the other woman's husband around. Really it is a perception thing, also. I know you have to have trust and faith in him, etc. and everyone can cheat at any time, but there is no sense in encouraging a friendship-type intimacy either. Besides, the timing is pretty crappy too. You are stressed from trying to get pregnant. I am on a "natural" cycle this time but had no cm to speak of so doubt it will be successful. I had the cyst and hopefully it is going away. I took my temp a couple of mornings to see if I O'd but just couldn't bring myself to look at it anymore this weekend, so won't know anymore until around ten more days. Well, could get hpt but don't really want to. Chances are good one of us will be pregnant this time around, really. Be hopeful and baby dust... Laurie


NatashaV - September 5

Hi all, NOT beat yourself up over not having gone to the hospital. One thing I've learned from ttc for so long is that people who're not experiencing it, simply do NOT understand it (that includes your dh maybe). It's not that they're trying to be mean, they just don't understand how devastating it is to feel like a failure at the thing you want the most and to have to live the emotional rollercoaster that we do every month AND continue to live our normal lives and interact with insensitive pg people and friends/family who just don't get it. Sigh... One of my worst days was being at my in-laws and my one SIL I can't stand was there (she doesn't live in town thank god). My husband was feeling the very pregnant belly of my other SIL (who's nice) when she was 8 months pregnant. At that moment I felt SO sad and jealous and was thinking how hard it was to watch him do that and feel her baby moving when I wished so badly it was me! (she started ttc the same time as me, she succeeded) I was almost in tears at the sight. Well, right at the very moment, the SIL that I don't like says "how about you guys, are you still going to have a baby?" (they knew that at this point we'd been trying for over a year) I know that it was supposedly a harmless comment (I doubt it was harmless, she's a total bag), but I pretty much snapped inside. I said "we're not pregnant!"..a few people started to ask questions and comment and I got very red in the face and stopped them mid-sentence and said "we're just NOT okay!!"..they shut up. The bottom line is that if we need to stay away from pg women or new babies or WHOever, by ALL means stay away. You need to protect yourself, if not you..who will? So, I'm pretty annoyed today. I'm finished with the Clomid (last cycle on it was last month) and now I feel like I might have OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome from the Clomid)...just what I needed! Grrrrr...I'm bloated, peeing more often that I should be, and in the last week or so I've felt nauseous at times, had diarrhea etc etc. AND, I'm only cd7 (so no, I'm not pg). I REALLY don't want to go to the doc, especially since it takes so long to get in, what's the point. And anyway, I read online that OHSS will usually go away on it's own (if that's even what it is, it could just be the Clomid working it's way out of my system?? who knows) Apparently the ovaries just have to calm down on their own. I get so mad that the stupid Clomid didn't get me pg, but leaves me in this mess! Okay, I'm done venting now. Back to you guys..Tracy, is that a day 21 test? I hope your numbers are good..I had another day 3 fsh test done this month and am VERY curious about the results. Okay, so I need reminding as to who's what cd or dpo..please update okay? Thanks! Laurie, don't worry about not having a lot of cm, my friend didn't either and is due in about 3 weeks. dust to all and thanks for letting me vent! :)


Tracy88 - September 5

Natasha.....vent till you drop chic! Feels good to get it all out doesn't it? Yes, today was my day 21 progesterone. I should know this afternoon what it is. I am actually 8dpo/iui. Laurie, I agree, don't worry so much about the CM. I bought Preseed though for those times that I was worried. So far I've used it like two or three times. Obviously this cycle I didn't need any since DH was having sex with a cup! This TWW is making me insane. After finding out that DH's bro's wife is PG I became despondent for a few days, so what is going to happen to me if I get a BFN? I really think I'm going to have a tough time this go around. Off the subject of me, Natasha, I thought I read that for OHSS it's good to drink lots of Gatorade. Ask others, but I know on the IVF threads I've read that. I'll post when I know what my progesterone is. It better be good.


Kristi1 - September 5

Hi ladies, I am back from my long weekend.... Bummer, I could stay home all the time!! Oh well... trying to get caugh up with everyone...Meme, I can feel for you on the dh golfing with another female...I agree with Natasha, the timing is not the greatest.... Tracy, I am on cd23, 9dpo today, so we are really close in our cycles....I also went to the dr this morning for my annual pap, and she removed the cervial polyp I had, and they took progesterone too, but I will not have the results till I will be anxious to hear what yours comes out to be and see what mine is! Last time I saw the Dr she said if no pg this month then off to the RE....well, she is going to go ahead and have me do one more Clomid cycle, and we are going to to a lap to go in and see whats if no bfp in here in the next week, I will have the surgery.... That is about all I know for now.... Stacie, Laurie, Meme, Natasha, Tracy, Hopeful and everyone, hope all is going well and those on the tww with me, good luck getting through the next week!!!


Tracy88 - September 5

welcome back Kristi!! Yep, we are very close in our cycles and we both better get a BFP. I know I'm going off the deep end if I don't!


baby1234 - September 6

Hi ladies. Just checking in. Nothing much happening here, a little cramping, but nothing major. I was wondering were all of you are from. I am in California. Any of you guys from Cali, too?


Tracy88 - September 6

Stacie, I wish I could say I lived in Cali, but I am clear across the map in S. Florida. I'm not a huge fan of living here, have been to Cali many times and absolutley love the vibe over there. So you've had some cramping? I've had mild cramping everyday since IUI. Sometimes even a pain or two, but I am on Progesterone suppositories, so I don't know what to contribute to that since this is my first time doing them. I will be leaving town tomorrow, arriving back on Monday, so if I don't check in you all will know I am just out of town. Have a lot to do today to prepare, plus I have to work, so I will check in tonight. Have a great day ladies!


Kristi1 - September 6

Hi all! Stacie, Tracy, I wish I could say I lived in CA or FL.... I live in Kansas...whoo hoo! ;-) Not much going on here today....I had some light bleeding yesterday, but I think it was just do to the Dr removing that polyp becuase that is when it started and by last night it was done...but it still makes you worry ;-) I should get my results back from my progesterone test today.... Tracy have a good time while you are away! I may not be on too much this week myself, I am very busy here at work after the holiday weekend, and I am busy every night this week making cakes for a party this Saturday....Oh, and my 4th anniversary is tomorrow! I better go get dh a card today! ;-) Well, everyone have a great day!


Tracy88 - September 6

Happy Anniversary early Kristi!!!!


Tracy88 - September 6

Oh, and I've been to Kansas too, it's very pretty there.


Tracy88 - September 7

I'll be out of town till Monday afternoon. Have a great weekend!


meme_g - September 7

Sorry I missed you Tracy hope you have fun. (or had fun!). Happy Anniversary Kristi, ours is on Sunday - 4 years. We are on West Coast of FL and waiting for cooler weather - I'm over the heat. I'm in the 2WW and just trying to stay busy with work. I have my own design business and so working with a few clients, also getting ready for a homeshow at month end and a speaking series at our library system in October, so lots to get ready for - business usually picks up a lot here from Oct - April, so that is fun to look forward to. Only sign of anything is that BB's have been majorly sore from the day after OV (they sometimes do and sometimes not till just before AF), serious, heineously BAAADDD irritability - I'm actually annoyed with my self, and I had spotting this am. Could it mean anything or nothing at all - who knows. I've had all sorts of things before, so will just wait & see. Strangely enough other than my annoyance about how irritable I am, I'm otherwise fine, as if it doesn't work this month, on to other things to try. Plus I just took care of my nephew yesterday - and he's so much fun - it's keeps me positive and hopeful to have a nice baby like him! Hope you guys are doing ok waiting to get your BFP or waiting to try. We will ALL get pregnant!


Kristi1 - September 7

Thanks Tracy and Meme! Meme, that is pretty funny that we are celebrating our 4th anniversaries three days apart! Happy early anniversary to you! Where are you at in your cycle? I am on the tww as well, but mine should be over in anoter 5 days give or take.... I got my progesterone levels today, it was 12.1, so I at least O'd, so I guess we will wait and see now. When I got pg last Oct the level was 25, so I dont know weather to read into or not... I read on the internet that progesterone on pg is (1st trimester)is 10 and above, so who knows.... Well, hope everyone is having a good day! Will check back later!


Kristi1 - September 7

Meme, I cant remember, are you on Clomid? I was just thinking that could be part of your irritability problems and stuff... I know I am much more emotional/irritable on the usually hits me the most right before AF starts...hell had to leave work last month becuase i just wanted to cry for no reason and was very bitchy to a friend all at the same time..... Anyway, just an after thought I had after my last post!!


meme_g - September 7

Hey Kristi - I am 6 DPO and spotting for me right now has never happened before. Some months I have spotted and it was on like 9 or 10 DPO and always brown or sometimes no spotting. Today's was pink and only when I wiped (sorry TMI). Frighteningly - I am NOT on clomid, I guess I'm just hateful this month on my own! :-) If no BFP, then I'll go on Clomid & try IUI together next mo. Dr. doesn't want to put you through clomid w/o giving the DH side a boost as well - which is kind a cool. I am slightly frightened by clomid on top of my own irritability - but I'll deal with - I want to be PG.


cromwell - September 7

Hi all. I am reading posts but don't have much to contribute. Natasha, your SIL sounds like a big old BI. Obviously she must have huge issues to even bring something like that up. If I were a betting woman, I would say that she was jealous of you and this was her way of trying to stay superior. I would doubt she is all that happy about anything in her life, because truly happy people want to help everyone around them. You could do much more dramatic things if you wanted to get pregnant, so there are still options, albeit expensive ones. The Clomid effects will wear off, if that was in fact what caused it. Don't underestimate the effects of the acupuncture either. And, are you absolutely sure your thyroid is okay? I have heard several stories of women whose thyroid function was subpar and the RE didn't catch it. Stacie, Tracy, Meme, good luck. Natasha, as long as you are ovulating, there is still hope--don't let the BI's of the world get you down. Laurie



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