TMI Alert! Severe Diarrhea, nausea w/ light AF
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pba74 - December 5

Starting on cd 22 (approximately 7 dpo)...I got severe diarrhea and felt extremely nausous after eating a meal. A few days after I was feeling better and would eat large meals and not feel full - very unusal for me - I didnt' even have a bowel movement with all the food I was eating. Then on cd 25 - I felt crampy. The cramps reminded me of when I had my m/c two years ago, and since I never have cramps before AF, I thought it was unusal. I had them on cd 26 as well - very light and didn't last long. I had been having lots of creamy cm on these days as well - I took a hpt on cd 27 and it came up bfn...AF started the very next day. Usually I have lots of clots but it was two days of bleeding - lots of cramping, feeling nausous to the point I just wanted to vomit, and severe diarrhea. Now AF is completely gone - 2 days of a medium flow & 2 days of light spotting - I know the hpt was negative but has anyone experienced anything like this. My upper abdomen (right under my ribcage) also looked swollen - I googled my symptoms and only found IBS. Can anyone offer advice or thoughts on what I've experienced? I do have an appt with the doctor on the 15th but wanted to see if anyone could offer me thoughts before that.



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