Starting my first round of clomid on Nov 14, anyone else?
130 Replies
mandy - December 4

hey everybody,

Glad to hear some new people joined our site! Well, I'm at cd20 and there was only one day a few days ago that the opk line was somewhat dark, so I'm not sure if I o'd or not, but I wanted to use that progesterone cream to help the egg attach and so I finally just said oh well and used the cream. So hopefully I DID O a couple days ago and that's why I'm still not getting two dark lines on the opk. I only have 10 days left until my AF is due, so I'm gonna wait to test for another 5 days. How's everyone else doing/feeling? I've still got the headaches, but no pains in my stomach anymore so that's good. SB...congrats!!!! That is such great news and it's so great to hear that someone was successful on this medicine!! Baby Dust to everyone else****


Holly - December 5

Ann..I really hope that it works for you. Let us know how it works for you. Mandy.. I hope that the progesterone cream worked for you. Glad to hear that you don't have the stomach pains any more.. I am doing ok.. the waiting game is slow .. I was feeling sick yesterday but feeling better today. cd24 and I have no idea when AF would show up..before clomid I use to be 35 days to 50 days I have no clue when AF will be here. I hope that I got PG ..I really don't want to take the clomid again..I will only if I have to. **Baby Dust**


mandy - December 5

Hi girls. How's everyone doing today? I haven't really had any symptoms at all, so I'm not sure if this is working this go-around. I all ready to try this for my third and final time next month if this doesn't happen for me this month. I wanted to tell you all about this company that I found when I was researching infertility. Apparently our everyday products have a lot of harmful chemicals that actually PREVENT us from becoming pregnant and most women that get rid of their favorite shampoos, dish soaps, house cleaners, etc. can conceive pretty easily. I found this team called the MOM team on another board and they have all kinds of products that won't inhibit you from becoming pregnant. They even help with men's fertility, which I think may be my problem. If anybody wants me to give them more info so I'm not rambling on and on here, just email me! :) Just thought I'd share the info. I got rid of all my old chemical products for these wellness/prevention products and I just know that next month will be the month!! Oh, my email is [email protected]. ***Baby Dust to everyone***Let me know how you all are doing too!!


Holly - December 5

Hi Mandy, I would like to see that list..I will send you an e-mail. Looks like I will be going on clomid a second time.AF decided to rear her ugly head today.. 25 day cycle is not normal for me..the dr's office said that was ok and that nothing is wrong. I am usually 35 to 52 days. So most of my afternoon was very sad. I really thought that it worked. I don't know if I really want to go through the O pain again (that was really scary) hot flashes I can any of the side effects get better with other cycles? **Dust**


mandy - December 6

Hi Holly, sorry to her old AF showed up :( But this is my second cycle and I didn't really have any side effects this go around. I did take a month off in between though. The first time I had those horrible hot flashes and I thought I was pregnant with all the stomach cramps/side effects that make you think you're pregnant but then AF shows up to burst your bubble. But this time around I just had bad headaches and no hot flashes at all. A little cramping here and there, but nothing...which is why I'm scared it had no effect at all! I have 30 day cycles usually, so I'm planning to start my last round on the 13th, next week so we'll have to keep chatting if you decide to go for another round. GOOD LUCK!!


mandy - December 6

Hi girls, well I broke down and tested today bfn :( I think it's still too early since AF isn't due for another 9 days, but it seems like it's taking forever! How's everyone else doing? Any luck with this stuff this month?


Darleen - December 6

Holly- I know its hard I will find out if my 3rd month is going to work in a few days, I feel pg but the clomid palys games with you, so I can't be certain. This month I think you should go for it again, my dr office said it could take a few months to work effectively, but anyway, heres my advice, ask you dr to perscribe a pain pill to take during ovulation days, I take darvacet it works well, I can't take ibuprofen and loratabs are too strong for me. Also stay away from anyone who might have the flu, if you come down with the flu during ovulation your pain is much greater and its impossable to take any pain pills. Just remember if you do get the pain, you know you ovulated, just pop in the pills and bd like crazy.


Holly - December 7

Mandy.. sorry to hear about the bfn..try again in a couple days..keep up the hope. I am doing a bit better today..but feeling a bit tired. Tomorrow will be CD3 so I will start all over on the clomid.. hope it is not as painful this time around. Hi Darleen- I hope that your 3rd month works for you.. did the dr's office say how long that it may take for it work.. 2months? 6months? I guess that it would be differently for everyone. That is a good idea to ask for some pain long as it does not just sneak up on me like that again (the pain) I took some strong medication before.. tylonol 3s and Naproxin..but that only works for 2 days..then my body gets use to it. Thanks for the advice.. **Dust**


Ann - December 7

OK I am on the 3rd day of the Clomid. Tomorrow morn at 630am is the 4th day. I have felt very energetic and had minimal discomfort until today-0 I had a minute or so of stabbing in my stomach and now I keep getting stabbing in my bbs and underarms hurt really bad!!! EEK!! Help- am I pms or pre-ov... Am taking cd4-8 on this clomid.


Holly - December 8

Hi Ann.... I am cd4 and day 2 of clomid..I am trying the pm to start taking it to see if that makes a difference.. I too had stabbing stomach pains the other day... wierd that we both had them.. I had them before I took the clomid this second time around..wonder if that is part of the cause? I too have energy as well..feel not to bad..few shotting pains here and my ovaries..but so far good. **Dust**


Sara - December 9

Hi, I started Clomid on the 15th and just took a blood test on tues. Neg. Has anyone else had blood tests yet I am wondering if it was possible that it was too early.


Ann2 - December 9

(Different than Ann above so I will use Ann2 on this post). I am on my 3rd cycle of clomid now (last pill today on day 7). I tried IUI with my first cycle, but it didn't work. I am trying IUI again next week and start follicular checks on Monday. I am so nervous, because the IUI hurt last time, but it will be worth it if it works. Has anyone done the IUI on clomod?? Good luck to everyone going through this roller coaster waiting game!


..... - December 9



Holly - December 9

Hi Sara and Ann2... I have had a blood test for progesterone done on day 23 and it was a lower that just showed that AF was going to show up and that I did not concieve. Ann2.. I have not tired IUI as it has not been offered to me.. I hope that it works for you.. Today I have a bit of pain with the clomid..don't know if I will take as much this time around..dose anyone know if it will make a difference if I take half the amount? 25mg or 3 days worth?? **dust**


Sara - December 9

Holly, Hang in there when are you expecting your period? I an on the 12-14 so that means that I will be ovulatingc around new years. Maybe 2005 was not the year to get pg. Maybe 2006 will have better luck to all.


Ann2 - December 9

Hi Holly. Until I read this post, I didn't know pain could happen with clomid. I am sorry to hear that happens with you. The only problem I have noticed is upset stomach if I don't take it with food. If my I don't conceive this time, I am going to take it at night as someone suggested. Good idea. My dr offered the iui because I've had 2 surgeries this year (polyp/fibroids and endo). Plus I am 36, so I would like things to happen asap. I hope you feel better!



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