PCOS, Femara, Miscarriage
9 Replies
Jenifurlynn - December 5

I have been seeing a fertility specalist for 3 months now. I am taking Metformin, Femara, and following with shot for ovulation. Two weeks after conception day pregnancy test was negative, still hadn't started my period, so i took a home pregnancy test and got a faint positive so i called the doctor. She got me in for more blood work, and the test came back postive with hcg of 22 i was so excited, but went back for another blood test three days later and hcg had fallen to 9. Doctor said i would miscarry. But that it would be easier to conceive coming off of this pregnancy. My question is should i expect a lot of this or is this common for most women with PCOS. I just want to have a baby, and i finally got pregnant just to have it taken away. On average how many times can i expect to go through this?


SaintRose83 - December 5

Hi, I am not taking Metformin, but I think I have PCOS. Due to irregular periods and some of my hormones are elevated. I have had the same expierence as you have had, with very low numbers and early pregnancy loss. It has happened to me 4 times. It is hard because my doctors aren't the best. But have you had all the bloodwork done for infertility yet? How about your day 3's lh and fsh bloodwork?


SaintRose83 - December 5

Oh by the way I'm currently at Shady grove and as soon as my period starts I will be doing follistim and ovidril injections. this will be my first time, and with the bloodwork and ultrasounds hopefully they can have a better idea of whats going on, or at least try to control it.


Apalonia - December 6

Hi Jenifur,
I guess it is very common. I am currently on IVF but a friend of mine was trying different meds, she has PCOS, she finally found one that would produce a decent follicle and she got pg right away. Unfortunaltey she lost the baby as well and she does not know what to expect either. I am going to lead her to this sight. Polly


RLR - December 6

Hi Jenifurlynn- so sorry about your m/c. I am in the 2ww after o'ing for the 1st time and I so hope I don't experience that. I wanted to see if you've had yout thyroid levels checked! Hypothyroidism (low) very often accompanies PCOS (I also have) and can cause m/c. It took a couple different dosages of synthetic thyroid & b/w to get my levels normalized, but now they are in the range that my RE says is great for carrying to term. Be sure they use the new ranges, too- the old "normal range" didn't include as many people on the borderline. Good luck and baby dust!


Jenifurlynn - December 6

thanks everyone for responding. I have had everything checked everything seems to be fine, after 10 years of irregular periods and sometimes months without one. My husband is fine too and is very fertile. I started taking metformin three months ago, and have been on femara for two months. The doc says i'm producing good eggs. I go in every thirteenth day and have an ultrasoud to see whats there. The first time i only had one good one and then this time i had two good ones. The first time my progesterone levels did nothing. This time a week after conception my progesterone was up to 39. My husband and i have been trying on our own for six years before i even new i had PCOS, of course now we now why no baby yet. I'm not sure how to take all this. I mean i got pregnant thats the good side right? I've read so many that have been doing this for years and i wonder if they had these results early. Doc wants to try again right away with this next cycle, is that good, should i be waiting longer? Should i be happy that my body is responding to this stuff? After reading many others i understand now that i shouldn't have even gotten excited with the low numbers i had until they were much higher, but the doc hey your pregnant yeah. What she should have said was your pregnant but we need to see these numbers double before we can get excited about it. I have no clue what is going on. I need help understanding what to expect, i'm new to all of this.


tynadu - December 19

Jenifur - These days We find out so early that we are pregnant that our bodies don't have time to accept or regect the pregnancy. In the past by the time you knew for sure you were pregnant, there was no mistaking it and baby was in there. Mother nature has a way of making sure that mostly healthy babies are born. The body, most of the time, turminate a pregnancy eary if something is not right. You may have had several very early m/c's in your life time and never knew it.


LMKH - May 4

I have PCOS and had never had a miscarriage before but always needed help in getting pregnant due to failure to ovulate. But once pregnant, I have always been fine. But then recently, I used femara to conceive and I too miscarriage. I found your post because I did a google search and am shocked at all the miscarriages on Femara I am reading about.


breezieb - May 4

I also have pcos and endometriosis...I was diagonsed thru laporosocpy and they popped and drained the cysts and cleared out the scar tissue.....I then got pregnant with my first, now I have 2 kids(5&3) and this past year had 2 misscarriges 1 in may at 6weeks and 1 in dec at 9weeks. I am ttc again now after taking 1 pack of seasonale(3mths) to give my body a chance to heal. I have read here that taking baby asprin, herbs etc. can increase your chance of not loosing the baby. Also my doc said that with next pg for me to take progestrin cause of the pcos. Best of luck...Sticky baby dust all around!!!


LMKH - November 14

I wanted to add an update. I have children already but have a hard time ovulating. I took Femara, as I posted before, and miscarried. I wondered if the Femara was related but my doctor assured me not. So I took it again and got pregnant..and miscarried. Ok...now...is the Femara related or not? I never had any history of miscarriages before Femara, now 2 pregnancies in a row have been lost on Femara.



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