PCOS, Clomid, and Splena/Caffeine
2 Replies
kelsmi - August 23

I am about to start taking Clomid to induce ovulation...I was just diagnosed with PCOS. Is Splenda safe? I lost 80 lbs. about 6 years ago and Splenda products just became a major part of my regular diet during that time. Will this do anything to my chances of conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy?? Also, for those in early stages of pregnancy - is caffeine completely outlawed for those with PCOS and higher levels of m/c, or can we still have it at "safe" levels?


Lissa_ - August 23

I was told caffeine is a complete no-no but I have had 3 m/c so maybe thats why its banned. I know its supposed to be great for dh sperm but I've only ever seen it as banned for women. I definately would check with your dr because you want Clomid to have the best chance! Good Luck!!


Blakey - August 25

Hi kelsmi-
I know they do tell you (docs) to cut back on caffeine when your ttc. I don't drink coffee, or tea, but am a diet pepsi drinker. Also when I did get preg. (sadly I did miscarry at 12 weeks)- but it was unrelated to caffine. When you are pregant, my nurse/doctor told me I was allowed 2- 8oz glasses of pepsi. You don't have to cut it out all together, but just have to wean off of it a bit. All in moderation. I think for coffee, my friends who were preg. allowed themselves 1 cup per day. I think it relly comes down to a personal choice, and how comfortable you feel with your decison. Even in a lot of pregnancy books they talk about how you can still take caffine. Their are a lot of products that actually have caffine in them, another being chocolate...so limit that if you can too, but don't deprive yourself of it...every girl needs her chocolate! :o) You should be fine, and if you have any more concerns ask your team nurse, or RE- I am sure they will put you at ease. As far as the splenda though, I was told to stay away from artifical sweetners, like splenda. but again, if you have one item that has splenda in it, like "ligh yogurt" it's not going to do any harm, I had read that in a book I have, but don't have it a lot. You can get some helpful books at the bookstore that talk about all of that, if your still uneasy about it all...but again all in moderation and you should be okay! ;)



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