PCOD treatment
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minsajan - November 25

I have taken medicine Letrozole for stimulating my ovaries. and got the following results on my u/s scans
u/s #1 CD 7 - lead follicles on right ovary 10mm and 9mm , on left ovary 9mm and endometrial thickness 5mm
u/s #2 CD 9 - lead follicle on right ovary 11mm and 10mm , on left ovary 10 mm and 9mm and endometrial thickness 6mm
u/s #3 CD 12 - lead follicle on right overy 11mm and 10mm, on left ovary 11mm and 9mm, and the endometrial thickness 7mm
Since the follicle size was not up to the required size for ovulation, doctor prescribed for Gonal f- 75 IU
Has anyone had the same or similar results at their ultrasound?



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