3 Replies
brina_ann - February 24

I have been on birth control for 3 years now, and I recently stopped taking my pills ( stopped on Feb. 13th 2007 ) and I am trying to become pregnant. Does anyone know when I should start ovulating again? And will it take longer for me to become pregnant because I was on birth control for so long?


tanner789 - February 24

it could go either way i have heard of girls getting preggers right away b/c they are so fertile coming off the pill, or it could be harder b/c you may have to wait a yr to get all the med out of your body. i had regular periods for about5 monthes after stopping the pill and then my cycle just stopped liek that, they told me i wasnt ovulating and i've been ttc now for 14 monthes. i blame the pill but they say it shouldnt have caused this but what else is to explain this madness, give yourslef some time your just starting and use opk's you can buy them online pretty cheap. best of luck


brina_ann - February 25

What are opk's?


tanner789 - February 25

ovulation predictor tests



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