Over 34 and ready, willing and able to get pregnant!
861 Replies
NatashaV - January 13

Wow, lots to catch up on! Dana, that's brutal..all you needed, right? I'm glad to hear the worst of it is over. I haven't had to pass a kidney stone, but I'm pretty sure that it hurts more than labor, so keep that in mind. :) I too want to be reminded of your due date..thanks. Rachel, it's SO nice to hear from you! I'm so proud of you for making what I'm sure was one of the scariest decisions i your life. The universe will reward you for your bravery with a renewed sense of sense, and likely new people (person?) coming into your life. Please keep us posted! Laurie, yay! That's terrific that things are looking good with the little bean. They truly do give you tons to worry about, but trust me..it'll all work out. I look back on the little things that I worried about while pg, and wondered why I put so much energy into worrying. Ah well..those crazy hormones don't help, huh? Oh, and I've heard (and experienced personally) that not having your boobs grow much while pg means a girl...are you finding out the gender? Dana, you didn't find out, right? I think it's waaaay more common in the U.S. to find out than it is here in Canada..I think all of you American moms found out, right? It's all good! :) Tracy, that truly sucks that you actually got pg, then it went away..I feel for you. I'm keeping fingers crossed for this upcoming cycle! Meme, glad to hear things are going well for you - keep up with whatever it is you're doing! :) I remember starting to feel a bit nauseous again at about month 4 for a few days..I too was worried it was m/s coming back, but feat not - it went away. Karen, how're you doing? Hope the shots went well - you feel like such a sh-t when you're the one holding them while they got shots. :( Oh well, has to be done... TTC #3..you still around? Stacie, I haven't checked your blog, but it sounds like your boys are headed home soon? That's so nice..I'm sure having them home will feel really good (even though I feel for you in how much work that'll be having TWO). As for us, we're doing okay...NOW. Poor baby of mine had a urinary tract infection! Ugh..poor sweet thing..she had to have a catheter to check her urine and will be having more tests to figure out how/why she got the infection. On top of her acid reflux, it's been very trying. But, she seems to be feeling better (antibiotic seems to be working) and she still smiles all the time, so life can't be all bad, right? TTYS!


NatashaV - January 13

My comment for Rachel was supposed to say "sense of SELF"... :)


dana - January 14

Hi everyone! I am doing well. I really hope that the worst is over. I haven't had any more pain, but I don't know and won't know if it's the end or not, until I have the baby and can have an x-ray. So for now I am connected to glasses of water and then of course, the toilet. I drink a lot of water, which is what they told me to do, so that is what I am doing. My due date is March 12. I have only 5 weeks of work left before I start a week of holidays and then my maternity leave for 12 months! Yahooo!!!


Tracy88 - January 21

Just bumping up the thread.....I am about 10 days past ovulation and feel nothing. Pregnancy test is Friday. Had a 30.2 on my day21 progesterone level. We'll see what happens.


NatashaV - January 23

Best of luck Tracy..let us know!!!


NatashaV - January 24

Hi ladies, I think this thread is getting too long - it takes a long time for my computer to open it. I'm going to start another thread (called Over 34 and ready, willing and able to get pregnant - Part 2). Hope to see you all there!!!



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