OPKs ***part 3***
242 Replies
Sara - April 28

Hi Justine, I think the next stage for dh and I is IUI. But I'll have to wait to see what the doctor says. I hope we don't start at square one again. I would like to move forward with the IUI. I hope that's all it takes b/c its pretty expensive here. IUI at this fertilliy clinic is $935 Canadian. I read IVF's are $7500 or more depending on the drugs. Yikes! that's a lot of money. I also wonder how everyone is, mindi, katie, d etc... Anyway I'll let you know how things go.


Mindi - May 2

Hi all. It's great to see a few more bfp's. Can't wait until everyone gets one. I am almost 32 weeks (8 months) and can't believe it. Sometimes it drags on and other times it flies by. How have you been Justine? And everyone else?


Justine - May 2

Mindi - good to hear from you. Wow, you're almost there now so you must be so excited and i guess a little bit nervous. i think i'm still in abit of denial about the whole l & d part of this although i guess when i start my birthing classes in a few weeks i'm going to have to face it. at the moment ignorance is bliss...lol! how have you been feeling generally? i've mostly been good although the fatigue is difficult to deal with but even that seems irrelevant once you feel that little one moving around in your belly. anyway keep well and keep in touch when you get chance. sara - let's hope the iui route is going to be it for you as i can't believe the costs of ivf. you must be excited at the prospect of finally getting things moving again although a little nervous too. are the success rates good for iui?


Sara - June 9

Justine, Mindi, M, Katie J and d, How is everyone??? Let me know.....


Justine - June 10

Sara - great to hear from you. how are things going? i'm doing well and have just 7 weeks left before my little girl is born. can you believe how fast it has gone! i had an u/s scan at 31 weeks just to check her growth and she seems to be growing really well and if she continues at this rate may be around 9 pounds when she's born... ouch! i wonder how mindi is doing as she must be due in around 3 weeks now. i hope things are going well with you, have you been to see your re yet? m, katie and d, i hope you are all well too and it would be good to hear from you if you get the chance to post. take care ladies.


Sara - June 10

Hi Justine, Good to hear from you too. I can't believe you are due soon. God where has the time gone? DH and I are going to a fertility clinic and will be starting IUI soon. We had to get extensive blood, urine etc... tests done. DH has to get a repeat S/A done b/c they weren't happy with his motility. He will be doing this hopefully in the next 2 weeks. I hope this will work for us. It looks promising b/c so far everything is coming out normal. Have you gotten the babies room ready yet? Any baby showers yet? Take care Justine and keep in touch and give updates.


Justine - June 12

Sara - good luck with the iui, i'll definitely be thinking about you and hoping for great news. this has been a long road for you and i just know that your luck will change soon. As for me, we had our baby shower a couple of weeks ago which was alot of fun and almost everyone bought gifts off our registry which helped us alot. dh and i haven't prepared a nursery for the baby as we're moving to England a couple of months after she arrives so we'll wait and do one there. So at the moment we just have a cute bassinet next to the bed and a ton of clothes that I've been acquiring over the last few months. I'm mostly feeling very healthy although the weight of the baby plays havoc with my back and last week I did have to go to the hospital as my blood pressure went abit haywire but it seems ok now. Just think you'll have all of this to look forward to when you finally get your bfp...lol! Anyway, take care and keep me updated.


Mindi - June 13

I looked for this thread a week or so ago and I couldn't find it....glad I saw it now. Things are progressing nicely with me. The dr. thinks I am going to have at least an 8lb. or bigger baby. Sure hope he's not too big....OUCH! I had my baby shower last weekend, so our house is filled with baby stuff and nowhere to put everything. I am 37 wks. today and have been having "BH" for a week or so now. It is getting really close now. How are you feeling Justine? Thanks for thinking about me Sara. I hope you are successful this time around....it sounds positive. I am still working, but not that much. It's hard to find a stopping point. I will let everyone know when our little boy gets here.


Mindi - June 27

Hi all. I just wanted to let you know that I went in for my dr's appt. today and got my membranes stripped. I am 3 cm dilated and everything seems to be on track. I am just very uncomfortable and achey. So, if I don't go into labor on my own, I am scheduled to be induced at 6 a.m. Thursday morning....yikes!! Anyways, hope all you ladies are doing good on here. I'll post later when my little boy arrives.


Justine - June 28

Mindi - wow, i can't believe it's time for you to deliver your baby already. good luck for thursday and let us know how things go as soon as you feel up to it and your baby boy allows it...lol! Sara - any news with you, how are your re appointments going? As for me, I've been on bed-rest for a couple of weeks now as I've had signs of pre-eclampsia and i went into pre-term labour and had to have the contractions stopped with drugs as i was only 34 weeks pg. Things have calmed down now but i'm going to be on bed-rest until the baby is born. Fortunately, if i go into labour now the drs won't stop it as i'm 36 weeks pg and the u/s shows that the baby is a good size. Anyway i'm off back to bed. I can't wait to hear back from Mindi...


Justine - July 3

Hey Mindi, i was just wondering whether you've had your baby yet? I know you'll be really busy but I can't wait to hear your birth story and to hear about your new baby boy.


Mindi - July 10

Hi all. Our little boy arrived June 29, 2006 at 4:55 p.m. We named him Braden Ray (his middle name is after my late grandpa). He weighed 7 lbs. and was 20 in. long. It is still amazing that we have him. He is doing great and had already gained 3 1/2 oz. at his 1 week checkup. Time is flying by and I am just loving every minute of it. The whole labor thing was quite an experience. I ended up being induced with pitocin, but he didn't respond very well to it (hear fluctated too much), so they took me off and I ended up contracting on my own. I couldn't wait for my epidural, which was a big fat disappointment. I guess I was in that few percentile that it doesn't take very well, and I only found out after everything was over with, that they could have put extra stuff in it to make it stronger. So, needless to say, I didn't feel the contractions, but I felt EVERYTHING else. I also ended up getting sick in between contractions (not pleasant). I think it was because you can't eat or drink anything and my stomach was also nervous, so I started getting the dry heaves. I was in labor for 10 hrs., which I hear is good for a first time mom. I also pushed for 2 1/2 hrs. I didn't realize how agonizing that was going to be. I thought that you just had to push when the baby got close, but I soon learned that I was pushing to make him come down. And, let me tell you, it was hard constant pushing too. I think I totally underestimated that part. Anyways, by the time he finally arrived, my eyes were so swollen, that I could hardly open them (I felt like my eyes were going to pop out and my head was going to explode from all the pushing). At times it hurt to push and it hurt not to push. The dr. ended up cutting me twice and finally had to use a little suction cup on his head to get him out. Let me tell you, once his head was out and then the shoulders, you just get this rush of emotion and the pressure is gone. That part was truly amazing!! Everything besides the pain, went as well as can be expected. Also, we stayed Thurs. and Fri. night and came home Sat. I would definitely stay as long as you can in the hospital, even though you will have the urge to get home right away. It was just so nice to have the help of the nurses and try to re-coop a bit before going home and doing it without the extra help. Good luck to all you ladies who are still trying. I know your day will come and can't wait to hear about your birthing experience. Justine- feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] if you need any further explanation of what's to come for you in the next few weeks. Take care and I pray for all of you.


Justine - July 10

CONGRATULATIONS MINDI! I am so happy for you that your little boy is finally here (and I love the name you have chosen). Your L&D sounds like quite an experience and I have to admit I am pretty terrified about the whole thing so I will be emailing you soon if that's ok. For the time being take it as easy as you can (If that's possible) and enjoy having your son around. Yey!


d - July 25

Mindi Congrats on your baby. It took me a long time to find this thread... Justine I am sure your little girl is just about here. I hope you are doing well.
I just got my BFP yesterday and I am in shock...


Justine - July 26

Hi ladies. I'm still in hospital but couldn't wait any longer to tell you all that my beautiful daughter Emma Gabrielle was born last night at 10.08. The delivery was wild but I'll explain why when I post my birth story in a couple of day, sufficed to say I do go completely natural but it wasn't entirely through choice...lol! Anyway Emma weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and is just so gorgeous and relaxed and I'm already so besotted with her. d - CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you, please keep in touch as to how your pg progresses over the next few months. I can tell you now that you're going to love it...


Sara - July 28

CONGRATS!!!! MINDI & JUSTINE on your bundles of joy. I'm so happy for you guys. Congrats to you too d on getting your BFP. As for me no baby yet but we are still in the midst of getting all our testing done (bloodwork etc..) Hopefully this fall we will start IUI. I will keep you guys updated.



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