OPK's and HPT's
8 Replies
JLS - November 20

I still have a few days until I can take a HPT, but I took an OP test this morning and got a positive result. Does this mean I am about to ovulate so I can't be pregnant this round?? Thanks!


Ren26 - November 20

Ovulation is when you need to bd. If you have in the past few days then you could get pregnant, but you shouldn't try a HPT until 10 days past O or a few days before your period.


JLS - November 20

The problem is that I spotted mid-cycle (after I took clomid) so if I consider the spotting as a period, I should be ovulating in the next couple days, but if I assume the spotting was just normal ovulatoin spotting, then I should either get AF or BFP in the next couple days...I hate waiting!! Could I still be prego even thought the OPK read positive??


Ren26 - November 20

If your OPK was positive maybe you ovulated late in your cycle. I think it is common for Clomid to do that. This is my first month on Clomid and I am still waiting to O. Sorry I couldn't help more. I am new at this. Good luck!


JLS - November 20

Thanks - I know it's really hard with all the "maybe" or "possibly" type answers to all the questions. I plan to take an early detection HPT on Saturday (even though it might not register) and again on Tuesday if that one is neg. I'll try to keep you posted. Baby dust to you!


Ren26 - November 20

What cycle day are you on?


prayn4baby - November 20

JLS......... LH (the ovulation hormone) and HCG (the pregnancy hormone) are very closely related, so you could be prego. Opk's will pick up hcg hormone, in other words, when you are prego it should register as a positive opk. But with this said, i had a positive opk on 11dpo one time, and i was not prego, must have just had high Lh that day. The spotting you had could have been implantation spotting. I don't think i would call it a period if it was not full blown bright red blood. Take a look at the website peeonastick.com and go to opk's used as hpt, it's quite interesting. Keep us updated and good luck!!!


JLS - November 20

I am on day 23 of my cycle, however, I did not get AF last month. My doctor had me go ahead and start the clomid as if I'd gotten AF at the end of October anyway. So, when I spotted two weeks later, she said it could be AF or ovulation bleeding. Needless to say, not knowing is driving me crazy. I've read posts about Dr.'s doing blood tests or ultra sounds inbetween clomid cycles to check for pregnancy, but my Dr. has never suggested either. Prayn4baby - Thanks for the link to the web page, I checked it out and it gives me hope!! I'll let you know...


Ren26 - November 20

prayn4baby- Thanks for the info. I learned something new today. JLS- It sounds like you could be pg! Keep us posted. Sending baby dust your way!



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