on fire!! Anone on clomid??
2 Replies
Jodie - December 5

I just finished yesterday with my first round of clomid. I has sex today for the first time since I started. I was so dry I am feeling like I am on fire!!!! Does the dryness go away as I get closer to ovulation or does it stay this way? Anyone on clomid,please help me!!!


Nica - February 7

I'm sorry, I'vebeen on Clomid but I never experienced that symptom.... throughout my meds I just felt fat!


Laurie - February 7

My doctor told me that clomid would have the drying affect on the mucus and to take 1 tblsp of robitussin twice a day to help keep the mucus wet. It's the stuff in the cough syrup that helps keep everything loose.



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