Life After IUI
366 Replies
Elizabeth - December 27

Ann, I'm so sorry to hear about your bad news too! I'm also depressed, but we just have to remember that it is all in God's hands. There is absolutely nothing we can do about it, except to believe that when the time is right, we will have our babies. It's easier said than done, believe me, I know. I still feel like breaking down in tears every 5 minutes. When will you be going for your next IUI?


Ann - December 27

I am beginning to feel like it just isn't going to happen for me. I feel numb. I haven't even cried about it yet. I really thought w/3 good eggs that it would happen this time. Now I know not to be too optimistic (as if I shouldn't have known before!). I guess I am going to try again next month. I just called my dr today to get another prescription for clomid. This will be my 4th on clomid and 3rd iui, assuming we do that. I am really worried that, because I switched insurance plans offered by the company where I work, my new insurance will consider this a pre-existing condition and won't pay for anything. I am glad you feel better today. Are you looking forward to taking a month off or are you sad about it? That would be funny if you turned up pg next month!


Shannon - December 27

I took my test yesterday, and I got a +. We are so excited. I went in over my lunch to get bloodwork done for doctor confirmation. Ann & Elizabeth, I am proof that this works. I know exactly how you guys feel. I have been there many months! Elizabeth, are you going to try injectables at all before moving to IVF? I wish you both luck on your next cycles of ttc!!!


Ann - December 27

Congrats Shannon! That is great that it worked for you so much more quickly this time!! Best wishes to you and your family.


Sonya - December 28

Hey Ann and Elizabeth. Wow. Not such a great Christmas after all, huh? Well, let's keep our chins up. There's always next month. I'm doing the injectibles and let me just say that stabbing myself in the stomach every day is making me realize you really have to want this.
Anyway ladies, stay positive and the New Year is bound to bring blessings for all of us.


Elizabeth - December 28

Shannon, I'm so happy for you! I must say, it really is good to know that it does gives me hope, and I really needed that this month. My dr. hasn't mentioned injectables, so I don't think I'll even try them. Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress! Ann, I actually feel quite sad about taking the month off. But I don't have a choice, which is maybe a good thing..I'll try to relax, go to the gym, drink 8 glasses of water a day (in other words - do all the things I haven't been doing, as I was so caught up in the whole IUI thing), and get my body in top condition. Then maybe Third time lucky. I just had to giggle at your 'stabbing' remark, Sonya. I can imagine that it can't be very enjoyable. My husband is a diabetic, and he has to inject himself 5 times a day - sometimes in the stomach, and sometimes in the leg. So look at the bright side - at least you don't have to do it for the rest of your life, and the outcome will definitely be worth it. Deep in my heart, I feel 2006 is the year for us all!


AJ - December 28

Hello everyone. Saw this thread and would love to join if that's okay. Dh and I have been ttc for over 2 years now. We have been diagnosed with "unexplained infertility". Basically means I'm okay and he's okay but we just can't seem to get pg. I had my second iui on Dec. 6 and it did not work. Af came on the 22nd. We will be doing our third iui in January without any medications or injectibles since I ovulate. I do opks and bbt. Hopefully it will work next month. I have been very depressed about not being able to get pg. Each time af comes, I cry for 2 days and don't sleep. The rest of the month I can't think of anything else but getting pg. It consumes me. Nice to know I'm not alone. This thread makes me feel not so crazy. Good luck to all of us.


Ann - December 28

Hello all. I went in to give blood today and met with my ob/gyn. She suggested I see a RE, so I am going to make an appt. We are going to do one more clomid/iui in January, since I won't get into the RE before I ovulate anyway. This time she is going to give me the trigger then do the iui the next day to see if that changes anything. I am still really bummed from last time. Hi AJ and welcome. It sounds like you have a lot in common with everyone here. When do you go in for your next appt? I, like you, ovulate on my own, but my dr still gave me a small dose of clomid (50mg) to increase my chances each month. If you are crazy, we are all crazy, because I know I relate to everything you said!


AJ - December 28

Hi Ann. How many times have you done iui? I am going to talk to my doctor about getting on either clomid or injectibles to help my chances. I hope he says yes. Did you ask for the clomid or did your dr suggest it? The last two months have been really hard for me since af came around Thanksgiving and then around Christmas. I hate being around family because they're constantly saying all the wrong things, bless their efforts. And all of our friends are constantly either pg or just had babies. Makes it tough on me...


Ann - December 28

Hi AJ. I have done clomid 3 times and iui twice. My dr suggested clomid, because she wanted to hurry things alone. I am 36--so "getting up there" for having babies, unfortunately. I go in for my next u/s on January 3rd and will likely have my next iui around the end of next week. I just made an appt with a RE (January 20th, but I hope I get to cancel it!!). Clomid seems to be the first thing the drs give you. It is cheap and the side effects aren't bad for most people. Since I ovulate, it gave me three good eggs last time! Too bad none took hold, though. I know what you mean. It seems like all my friends just popped up pg easily. After going through this, I do wonder if they were all telling the truth. I don't tell anyone in my "real" life about our problems, so it will seem like they never existed to our friends/family. Lucky for me no one really says much to us about getting pg. I am very into work and my career, so I think most people assume that I don't want any kids. I am glad they assume that because I don't want any pity/comments if it turns out we can't have any. Do your family/friends know you are trying? My least favorite thing to hear people say (although they don't say it about me since they don't know) is that people just need to relax and when they aren't stressed they will get pg. Yeah, right!! How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? I am surprised that you dr hasn't given you clomid after trying for 2 years, unless you are really young. I am so ready to get off this emotional roller coaster!


AJ - December 28

Ann -- I am 27 and dh is 31. We started ttc shortly after getting married. I've had some cervical problems in the past and "had a feeling" it would be difficult to get pg. Boy was I right. I'll probably go in for an iui sometime next week. How many more times will you do iui before moving on to ivf?


Ann - December 28

Hi AJ. I don't know how many more times I will do iui. I guess I will just see what the RE thinks would be the best thing to try. My ob/gyn thinks that my infertility may be due to endo (although I only had what they consider a "mild" case it was in several places and I know it can return). I hope there is something the RE can do besides ivf. My insurance only covers up to 25K lifetime, and I would use that up quickly with ivf! Do you know what your next step(s) will be? Are you just seeing an ob/gyn or a RE?


AJ - December 28

Ann -- I'm using an RE. You're lucky that your insurance covers at least some of it. Our insurance covers nothing! Everything has been out of pocket. For that reason alone, we'll be doing iui's for a while before considering ivf. Hope it's good news for us both next month.


Ann - December 28

AJ, oh my gosh. That is too bad that your insurance won't cover anything. I have been trying to stretch the dollars just to pay for all the u/s copays and the clomid/hcg. I hope you get pg v soon.


Shannon - December 28

Before jumping into IVF talk to your RE about injectables with IUI. That was successful for us with our son. IVF is much more invasive and expensive. The injectables were not that bad. I only took them for 1 cycle, but I did not have any side effects. I really hope you all have successful cycles soon, I know the heartbreak month after month. I know I keep saying this, but I am proof that this works. I was to the point of thinking I was never going to be able to get pg and I was obviously wrong. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. If you guys have any questions, I can try to answer them based on my experiences.


AJ - December 28

Hi Shannon -- how long did you ttc before getting pg? Were you also and "unexplained infertility" case?



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