3 Replies
Bonita203 - November 12

This is my first time up here so im not very familiar with the lingo :-) but this is my 3rd cycle of clomid...the first two months i was on 50mg, the first month my prog. levels were 10.5 the second month 3.7 my doc prescribed 100mg this month and told me to take them days 5-9. I've jus gotton my period today so im trying to calculate when i will be ovulating (i had my blood work done on day 21 last month and the nurse said i ovulated late) if anyone can help i would appreciate it. **Also i see some of you are taking your clomid on days 3-7 what does the difference in days have to do with anything and what would determine what days you would need to start your clomid?


Mrs M - November 13

I am on my third cycle of Clomid too. The first month I was on the 50mg, but did not ovulate, the second month my doctor put me on 100mg and I did ovulate. I did a blood test on day 21 and my progesterone level was 65, but unfortunately I am not pregnant. I took
Clomid days 3 to 7, my doctor gave me a time phrame of when I should have intercourse and they were 10,12,14,16, and 18. He said I will ovulate day 14, but I'm sure I ovulated on day 18, because day 18 I had really bad cramps and I called the nurse that day and she told me that it's most likely happened because I was ovulating. This month I will try from days 10 to 28 just incase I ovulate late.


KayW - November 13

Hi Bonita~ Here is the explanation my doc told me for the different start days of clomid. He says that in a person who ovulates without medication, starting on day 3 is the best which would usually result in ovulating more than one egg, Now if a person does not ovulate without medication, day 5 is the best day to start to at least get one follicle. I was curious about this also so I asked him at my last visit. I take clomid day 3-7, but this current cycle I take is 4-8 because I started a day late. Last month I had 5 mature follicles with that cycle. I will have ultrasound tomorrow to see what the effects of starting cd 4-8 will produce. As far as predicting ovulation, I would suggest a ovulation predictor kit (aka opk). The digital clearblue easy is what my doc recommeds and is also what I use. I do see that with clomid you may or may not ovulate at the same time you may usually do so using an opk will really help in detecting that surge. I wish you the best.


Tinksmommy - November 13

I am on my second month of clomid 50mg, I ovulated late for the past 2 months on days 17-19. The first cycle I took days 5-9 and ovulated on the 18th or 19th day and the second month I took on days 3-7 and ovulated on day 17.



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