8 Replies
AnaMarie - February 24

cis it true that if you are of short height and of plus size its hard to get PREGO? My hubby and i been trying to get Prego for 5 yrs and nothing! when we first met i wasnt of plus and i still didnt get PREGO! any suggestions???? please help i need to know if its cause of my weight or cause of my height or just cause i cant!! also... i HAVE NEVER had a regular period! its comes and goes as it pleases! PLEASE HELP!!!


angelkitty - February 24

Anamarie I answered you on your other post. height has nothing to do with it at all. Nothing. Weight would play into more than height. I would say you have ovulation challenges. Make the appt with an RE or even get your OBGYN to try you out on clomid.


Blakey - February 24

Hi Anamarie- I agree with Angelkitty. Height doesn't has no relevance at all. Weight can play a factor, and does make it more difficult to conceive. Angel gave some great advice, I was about to tell you the same, make an apt. with your Dr. especially if you have been ttc for 5 years. Your Dr. May want to run some tests for you, to check your levels, and take it from there. Good luck to you!


AnaMarie - February 25

thanx girls.. after i had posted the other question i had read up on different things that may cause u to not be able to get prego! the height thing i heard out of word of mouth but these are great advice that im hearing since iam all new to this i really didnt know which steps to take.. i greatly appreciate all the help im getting through this site. you always hear different things from other people but here i get the same answers and thats even better. Angel & blakey thnks again girls i hope your situations all work out for the best. i hate to say that those who dont ever want a child get prego so easily. Abort or give away their child and those who try so hard to get Prego it soO hard.. i will pray for all of us because i now know the beauty of having a child means.. thanx again


AnaMarie - February 25

sorry forgot to ask!!! whats Clomid???? i know it sounds weird and i dont want to sound stupid. but i ask to knowlegde myself! is that a test??


Toscana - February 27

AnaMarie clomid is a fertility drug that u can take to helpu get preggo, but u have to talk to ur doctor about it to.


AnaMarie - February 27

oOh thnx. i will have appt on thursday with DR. i will ask as soon as he runs the tests on me.. whats ur story?


medic24-7 - February 28

Have you ever been to the Dr for this problem? I would suggest that you go to a gyno, tell him your problem and see if maybe he can test you for PCOS. I think that this maybe your problem.


AnaMarie - February 28

whats PCOS??? thanx for your reply i went to see my doctor today but he had to reschedule my appt. i was so upset. but please tell me what this is???



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