First IUI????
14 Replies
trying4myfirst - October 21

I am having my first IUI tomorrow and I was wondering has anyone been successful on their first attempt? I am not on and drugs the RE thinks that my CM is the whole problem but everything I read says the changes of getting pregnant with the IUI range from 6% to 26% is this procedure a waste of time? Please if anyone has any advice I could really use it. Thanks


Chimerasai - October 21

I got pregnant on my 3rd IUI. We had been trying naturally for years. It is definately not a waste of time. Good luck!!


gurinsa - October 21

I got pregnant on my 2nd IUI. It was REALLY disspointing that it didn't work the first time around and I had my doubts about the procedure but sure enough...round 2 worked like a charm! Chim..did you have back to back IUI's?


trying4myfirst - October 21

Thanks for your encouragement I am really excited about tomorrow.


gurinsa - October 21

trying..I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be discouraging about round 1 - I am sending FERTILE thoughts your way!! Good luck!!


Chimerasai - October 22

trying ~ good luck!............gurinsa ~ yes. my IUIs were back to back.


magicmarcy - October 22

I just had my first IUI on the 18th. Very excited about it. I am new to this forum, but my BFF said it was a great place to check out with all of you going through the same thing as me.


magicmarcy - October 25

I don't think its a waste of time. Keep the faith. I am beleiveing that God will give me a baby the first time. He gives us the desires of our hearts....and that is my desire. :-) I just hope his desire mathces mine this time........keeping you ladies in my prayers!


janet86 - October 26

hey ladies..well i have a Question...wat all did yall have to go through before IUI!?!? Dh nd i have been ttc for 2 years..and No luck..Ive been on clomid 150mg cd5-9 for 7 months straight...nd if by Dec..I not PG my dr will be moving me straight to IVF!??!Im very concernd about this..cause i have mentioned before IUI nd she said well we'll see but thats further down the road." How much longer does she want me to baby dust to alll...nd Good Luck..God Bless


Chimerasai - October 26

janet ~ generally, you should not be on clomid for more than 6 months (some say no more than 3 without a break). ask your RE about femara as a substitute. I would say you are ready for IUIs NOW. definately BEFORE IVF. seriously. If I were you, I would seek a second opinion to be sure you are getting the best care. Good luck!


magicmarcy - October 26 Dr took me right to IUI. We have been TTC for 2 years. the Dr said "it's time". so he start my latest cycle on clomid, then my first injection was Menapor. Then the HCG injection the day before the IUI. Some say that Dr's do Clomid for a few months first with just intercourse. But mine wan't to jump right to that. So everyone varies I guess. Baby dust to you :-)


magicmarcy - October 27

Hi ladies....wishing you all a blessed day!


naris - October 30

Hi ladies, I had my first IUI today and I am in serious cramps since 11:00 am. Anyone with the same experience?


magicmarcy - October 30

Naris~...I cramped the entire day of mine. So I believe it is pretty common. Just try to rest today if you can. Good luck!


LucianLad - November 3

HI Ladies ,
I had my first IUI today as well , and I am craping , and it hurts . So NARIS ..yes ..I am craping as well..

Just curios , what is the reasons that your doctor told you , that you needed and IUI ? Just wondering ?



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