Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor PART 2
1080 Replies
TerriT - December 10

Kelly~ how many dpo are you? Maybe you tested too early. I have read on BFP forums of ladies who test five times negative and on the 6th time a BFP is present. So, just hang in! I think I am only 8 or 9 dpo and so I will wait. I don't think I will test unless AF does not show. I'm too chicken:) Dawn~DH has to do another analysis before meds are introduced.


fatboy - December 11

Kelly, you probably wont get this message, but sometimes that's just what we need to do. I think we get to the point where we just drown in the stress and desire to conceive and it's just not healthy. It's good that you are recognizing this and taking a break from it. Terri, my dh had to go through 2 analysis' too. We will get the results from the second one on Wednesday. At that point he will decide if we need to be on any meds. Got a question. I ovulate on a regular basis, if they put me on clomid will it mess my ovulation up? What about my cycles? My cycles are 29 days long. Will it make my cycles all over the chart?


TerriT - December 11

Dawn~according to my doc, the clomid will make you produce more you could possibly have twins, I think:) We were going to abstain from sex on Friday, but we got tipsy and had it last night. The next semen test is on Wednesday afternoon. Will that be enough time to rejuvenate? That is 4 days? I heard that if you abstain for more than that it will still mess up the analysis? What do you know?


fatboy - December 11

Terri, well I would be just fine with twins! I would like 3 kids, but 2 will do. In that case I won't have to go through this emotional rollercoaster again, you know what I mean? As for the analysis, my doc told me that we should abstain from ejaculation for atleast 2-3 days beforehand. He also said that you would have to abstain for like a month for it to make much of a difference on the analysis. Everybody says something different, but i'd say your fine. The thing is in my opinion, you don't want to bd any more or less than what you normally do so it will give you a true result of the analysis for the real thing. Does that make sense? It might sound like i've had a few myself tonight....hee hee!


TerriT - December 11

Dawn~ So what you're saying is..or what your doc said was that if it was low, more than likely it will be low again. I hope not, but that would make sense I suppose. My temp dipped from 80.3 to 79.8. Is that significant? Af is due on Sunday.


fatboy - December 12

Terri, I don't think thats really what he was saying. I'm sure it can flunctuate throughout the month. I know that there are a lot of things that can effect the sperm. Maybe dh wore too tight of underwear for a week or so before or maybe something he ate caused it to drop. Also, if he gets sick it can cause his sperm count to drop as well from what I hear. I think they want to have another analysis if the first one was low just in case there was an outside source causing it to drop just at that time. Maybe all of this is in my head!!!! I tell ya, I feel like i'm losing it sometimes. Anyway, as far as the temps go I am ignorant to that. I have never temped myself before, so I really don't know exactly how that works. When will you be testing? I am to ovulate this Friday or Saturday, so I'm pumping myself up for it. YEE HAW!!! Keep me updated on dust!


Sweetpea - December 12

terri-Teeri are you sure the thermometer is working? It should be 97 or 98 or 99 something. Did AF come? I tested yesturday and got a BF-wish. It was an evaporation line after 30 seconds, I looked at it under every light and then disected the test... nothing. I re-tested this morning a clear BFN. Maybe I ovulated later? My BB's hurt but my temp went back down again, I think its AF BB pain. How are you doing Dawn?


TerriT - December 12

Sweetpea~ I AM SO DUMB as I sit here laffing at my post! I meant. 98.0 , 97.8, 97.9! So, my thermometer is working:)


TerriT - December 12

Sweetpea~ No AF yet. Not due until Sunday, but my temp went up this a.m from yesterday. I am keeping my fingers crossed!


fatboy - December 13

Sweetpea, I'm sorry to hear about your you think you may have tested a little early? I know that evap line just plays with your emotions! Terri, are you getting anxious to know? I hate waiting for the day you can FINALLY test. Well, i'm hanging in here. I am going to my gyn tomorrow to get the results of dh's sperm analysis. Hopefully tomorrow he'll give us clomid. Apparently they haven't found anything wrong with me yet. However, I haven't taken my day 3 or day 21 test. Every month it falls on a weekend or a dang holiday! It should work out this month. I'll keep everyone posted. Baby Dust to all!


TerriT - December 13

I am starting to wonder whether or not I am, but nervous to test. AF is due on Sunday , so I'll probably just wait and see. I am still hovering above my coverline. I am at 98.0 degrees. I hope that I am, but I hate the disappointment. I am tired and gassy and have a bachache, but those are all AF signs so who knows. Good luck to you and your DH. Keep me posted!


fatboy - December 13

Okay, we went to doc today. dh's 2nd sperm analysis came back at 108 million. The last time it was 24 mil. Doc says he doesn't know why it was so low the first time, but felt there was no reason to put him on clomid after reviewing the 2nd results. He did, however put me on clomid. I start next cycle. I guess at this point we're considered unexplained infertility. He says that 20% of patients come back with good results and are put in this category. Who knows! Terri, there's definitely hope with the sperm tests! Hopefully what you are feeling is NOT af! Sweetpea, have you tested again or have you gotten af? Well hope everyone is doing well! Baby dust!


TerriT - December 14

Whoo hoo, go Dawn's DH!!!! That gives me lots of hope! So, that is good news! Hopefully the clomid will help and maybe even give you two tiny little miracles:) Babydust!


TerriT - December 14

Dawn~ Why did they put you on clomid?


fatboy - December 15

I don't really know. I'm ovulating, but I guess since it's unexplained infertility doc decided to try something....anything. He said it will make my eggs healthier. Yes i'm ovulating, but that doesn't mean they are good eggs. That's where the clomid comes in just in case. So Terri, feeling any symptoms?


TerriT - December 15

Well~ I am tired, hungry, my temps went up some more this morning:) Other than that, no. I seem to have a lot of discharge also. But, I think these are all AF signs also, so who knows!!! AF is due on Sunday and so I guess I will know then. Dawn~ will my temp drop tomorrow or Sunday if I am pg?



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