Anyone waiting for.....
70 Replies
Melissa - June 6

Good morning everyone. Has anyone tested or had any news?


Melissa - June 6

Hi Drew. I'm looking for a double because I already have 1 child. Although I try to talk myself out of it at the same time because he turns 3 in Aug and he wants to do EVERYTHING himself (including walk - no stroller). But, then again we went to the zoo and he did good in the stoller. Preschoolers are so unpredicatable. :-)


Drew - June 6

Oh, I know! My little girl is almost seven. We have a playground four houses down from ours so I can just stand on the front step and watch her. But when she catches me peeking she says "mom, I'm grown up now, you don't need to watch me!" I laugh but cringe on the inside at the same time! Af started yesterday, so back to the Clomid tomorrow morning. I'm dreading the emotional rollercoaster but at the same time I'm excited cause I have heard from a few women that the second round was it. Here's hoping.....


christina - June 6

hi girls, how is everyone, i am crampy and keep checking all day as i am due wed. but usually comes a day early, anyone have any news yet? i hope so we need some good news around here.wishing you all the best!


christina - June 6

ps- i refuse to buy a test, i buy one every month psyching myself out and thinking i am preg. and then let down, so we shall see, i am depressed already and have been looking at maternity clothes for years,lol.......


Melissa - June 7

No (kinda no) news yet. I went to the dr.s today to check for a uti (got one). boo hiss :-) Anyway, they also tested for pg. It was -, but he said it very well could be too early. I have an appointment with MY doctor on Thursday and they will do a blood test so they will know if I can start the next round of clomid or not.


christina - June 7

hi melissa,
well i am nauseatted, crampy, my legs hurt, i know a/f is on its way i always get nausea a day or two before it comes, i try so hard to stay positive, i told my hubby if it comes this month i am going to go nuts, for sure.....thanks for listening.


christina - June 7

to all you ladies,
i really hope this is all our months! melissa i am praying for you! hope your day was good, best wishes and have a great night!talk to you all in the morning!


MelissS - June 7

Hi, (same Melissa - just wanted a way to decipher between the many Melissa's on the forum). Still no af. Had some slight cramping last night and slept with a liner on jik. I'm thinking this isn't my month.


christina - June 8

hey Melissa S.,
nothing yet, but i am feeling yucky and moody and still checking if it is here tomorrow i bet it will,lol, keep ya posted!


MelissaS - June 8

Nothing here either. I'm praying for you Christina. :-)


christina - June 8

melissa....i am praying for you too!


christina - June 8

hey girls,
how are you all doing? any news yet? none here either, my boobs are still killing me and no period yet, i am still hoping but still think it will be here today! Melissa anything....i will write you later, have a great day and best wishes to all!


MelissaS - June 8

Hey Christina. No news today. My breasts are tender but my temps are kinda staying the same. I change my dr's appt from tomorrow to next Monday. That way we can be positive about the result. Good luck everybody! :-)


christina - June 8

hey melissa,
well now i am very crampy so i assume its on its way i am getting my pain killers ready, still keeping fingers crossed, hopefully you are! i am thinking about you, have a good day at work!


MelissaS - June 8

Hey you. I kind of gave up hope since my temp is kinda the same, but on the lower side. I'm feeling a bit nausious though. Doesn't mean a thing though since that's a side effect of clomid. I think my hubby's getting ready to just stop trying. I have bipolar disorder and haven't been on my meds since we started trying. Maybe I'll just get on one of the safe ones and he won't complain about my moods anymore. :-)



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