anyone under 25 and still ttc #1?? need buddies
258 Replies
andy - July 11

I looked this up for ... FertilityBlend for Women:
The herb, Vitex (chasteberry), enhances hormone balance and ovulation frequency.
The amino acid, L-arginine, helps improve circulation to the reproductive area
Antioxidants, green tea, vitamin E, and selenium, help repair oxidative damage due to aging and environment.
Folic acid assists in the reduction of specific birth defects (neural tube defects) in children
Vitamins B6 and B12, and minerals, iron, zinc and magnesium help address specific deficiencies and promote fertility health.*
I think It will help you but if you have a specific problem maybe not : )


Jaqi - July 11

Hey guys, I knew I would jinx myself! About an hour after my post this morning, I got AF! I started getting cramps after my headache went away. I never spotted before AF came. Lately, I have. Which is ok, as long as it's normal. So, now I need to call the dr. and do this all over again! Hopefully this time my Left side will make the follies! They might have us try IUI if we can afford it. I don't know anything about Ovulex or Fertiliblend. I would be careful with taking anything. As the dr. first. I just don't like taking things like that, even if they are natural herbs. Some can be bad. Just be safe ladies!


waiting-4-my-angle - July 11

Thanks everybody. This is so helpful to me and supportive. Well I guess I will have to leave it in gods hands and all I can do is pray. Thanks all of you and I will keep you all in my prayers!


andy - July 12

hi ... I hope everyone is O K !!!!! I´m a little crampy , or my stomach hurts , or something in there , I hope it is normal ... I have really sensitive niples ( that at night the rub against my sheets makes me wake up hurt cause I can feel it ) never happened before ... well don´wanna get so exited because (but I AM ) , since this is my first month trying with meds I think things could change ... *-*-*-*-*-* BABY DUST *-*-*-*-*


charliepaulchloe - July 12

Good luck andy (and the rest of you of course) hope it works out.
What I forgot to mention on my last post was that in 2004 I had the doctors tell me I would need a hysterectomy as I have what can only be described as varicous veins on my tubes mainly the right one, I was terrified, well 3 mnths later was told I didnt and not too long later concieved- stupid drs all that stress for nothing!
Well will keep my fingers crossed for u all.


slowpoke01 - July 12

hey all sorry i havent posted in a while just been trying to stay busy i am not having iui this month because i started the friday before july 4th and it was too late to go to the pharmecy and get my clomid and they were closed all weekend and closed on mon. and tues. so it was too late to start taking the clomid on wed. so i will do the clomid, trigger shot and iui next month and Jaqi so sorry that a/f showed welcome to the newcomers and i havent taken fertility blend so im not sure how good it is but i have read on here of alot of women who swear by it also CHARLIE that sucked telling you that you needed a hysterectemy(sp) when you didnt i bet that was stressfull also WAITING i too would say to go to another doctor i am glad that my doctor is so aggressive and does the testing before i even suggest it and he put me on clomid even though i ovulate on my own to help with my progesterone levels since progesterone is a big part in conceiving so i would say go to someone else and definitely have the HSG dye test because it is worth every penny just to know whether your tubes are blocked or not mine werent blocked but if they are then they sometimes can flush them and unblock them so i would say to have that done first before anything else also have your progesterone checked on day 21 of your cycle to make sure that you are ovulated that is just a simple blood test and dh should do a sperm analysis done to make sure the problem isnt with him ok i will get off here take care all and good luck


andy - July 13

charli ... thanks a lot !!! Slow I´m so sorry you wouldon´t be doing IUI this month cause of the clomid thing ... but who knows ... maybe you can do it on your own ... : )))) ... Jaqi isn´t their something it can be done to make your left side work ??? sorry if I´m not well informed in this area ... you guys don´t know (well you do ) how this wait is eating me alive ... 10 more days to go and my bladder still hurts , little gassy , sorry TMI and my nipples are all sensitive ... Don´t really know if it is from the "O" thing or what ... well take care ... I´m missing you a looooooot lately we are all busy : ( ... Good luck everyone ... Lets all hope 2nd half of the year is it for us !!!!!


slowpoke01 - July 13

andy thanks but idont even know what cd i am on and we arent even trying this month so we will just wait until next month


andy - July 13

slow ... well I think a month out of ttc will be a way to get a lot of stress off .... I hope you have a great month !!!


Jaqi - July 14

As for me, I went to the dr yesterday and they said to stop the Clomid. My pelvis has too many scars and adhesions from the endo and any infections I ever had. I used to get bacterial infections a lot for a while...found out it was the soap and detergent I was using! He said he doesn't want to see me waste my money any more, so I need to save for IVF. I will go back to him in Dec for a IVF consult. Hopefully we can start IVF in January!!!!!! Keep your heads up ladies! I will still post on here, just not as much for now. I need some time away cuz I keep Slow, thanks. Yeah, I really thought it might have worked BUT I messed myslef up. Andy, no you can't make the sides work. Each ovary works when it wants to. I asked the dr and he said there are no rules saying when they work and don't work, just when they feel like it. You can still ovulate and the other tube can pick up the eggs but my problems are my scaring/adhesions in my pelvis. I have to have IVF. Sorry ladies, I am just really down right now.


andy - July 14

sorry to hear this jaqi... I really hope this months you are taking of of ttc help you to heal your body .... Hopefully IVF will be your solution ... : ) look it this way ... by next yaer this time you´ll have a biiiig belly : )) lots of xoxoxoxoxo and baby january luck!!!! take care !!!


slowpoke01 - July 14

JAQI girl i am so sorry that this has happened to you. i know that it hurts and that you dont really want to talk about it right now and that is fine cause i know how you feel. i just wanted to say that i am praying for you and i dont want you to leave us it wouldnt be the same here without you. i wish that i was closer to you so that i could help you through this. ivf is good though and your chances of getting pregnant with it are really good. my dh's cousin and his wife tried for about 14 years to get pregnant and then they started going through treatments and ended up doing ivf and had triplets the first month they tried it the trips are now 7 years old and they are happy and dont want any more but it can still happen for you and it is good that your doc would rather save you money than to keep trying stuff that may not work and just use that saved money for your ivf. i am here for you whenever you feel like talking. i know right now it seems like the end of the world but believe me you will have a bundle of joy before you know it. my email address is [email protected] if you want to email me and talk about anything whether it is about ttc or about the crackhead that you arrested i am here for you. just remember that everything works for a reason and everything has its place in time and when you finally do have your time to shine (when you have a pregnant belly) you will appreciate it so much more because of the time and effort that went into it. most girls that conceive easily dont appreciate what they have not like we will because we will be so gratefull when our time comes that we will probably do everything by the book during our pregnancies. well anyway girl i will let you go cause i know that you are busy and i hope that you are ok and that i hear from you soon


subia21 - July 14

Hi I'm 21 and for some reason i can't get pregnant/ i been using this sperm friendly lubricant called preseed.but no ppt/


andy - July 14

hi subia ... welcome ... how long have you been ttc and have you gone to an RE ???


slowpoke01 - July 15

hey all just thought i would check in i was wondering if you girls wanted to start a new thread since this one is so long i will go ahead and start it and hope that you all find it it will be called anyone under 25 and ttc #1 need buddies part 2


MelissaP - July 16

Hello everyone....I was reading your stories and can't help but think I might be in the same situations soon. I am 23, never been pregnant and I will be getting married in september. I have always had odd, random cycles that are usually very long. One month 34 days..the next 45, the next 37...My OB doctor told me that I am not ovulating regurarly or maybe not at all. I am really scared....since I want to star ttc pretty soon. My fiance is 30 and we have been together for five years so we are quite ready for this. I know he doesnt have any problems b/c he has fathered two children with his ex-wife. Can you girls please let me know what to expect? doctor told me that when I am ready to give her a call and to bring my last three months history of cycles in and we will get started from there. Thanks for listening



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