Which is better? increase clomid or clomid + ovidrel
2 Replies
weezy - January 24

My doctor gave me two options. Increase my clomid dosage to 150 or stay at 100 and add an ovidrel shot. which is better?


melissa3077 - February 27

I don't know which is better, but I am on clomid and I got the ovidrel shot for the first time this month and I definitly got a positive opk! I had not had a positive opk in 2 months so hopefully this will be my month. I have been pregnant twice and have 2 stillborn sons in heaven.


Jen30 - October 30

I had clomid... nothing... tried clomid with pregnyl (Hcg trigger like ovdrel) and got preg 1st time with boy/girl twins who are now 7 weeks old and sound asleep in bed :)

I swear it was the shot that did it for me.....



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