Uterus Septate...
2 Replies
kvm34 - August 27

I'm wondering if they're some ladies in here that have had this issue and were successfully able to get prego after treatment... I was diagnosed with a septate uterus a few weeks ago now, that expands from end to end. I am scheduled for surgery to get this taken care of September 12th. After the surgery my doctor plans on putting me on metformin to help with my PCOS in hopes I'll be able to become pregnant. Just looking for some insight from some who have had this issue.. Thanks! Best wishes to everyone else!


rshelbel - April 23

Hi I was diagnosed with a septate uterus also and my app. is soon to talk about what to do about it. I can see from what you wrote it will probably be surgery I am 45 and would like to keep in touch. Good Luck to you!!!;)


DJ_Jazzy - November 17

Hello ladies :-) I was mis-diagnosed with an "Odd-Shaped Uterus" shortly after my first miscarriage. I was then put on Clomid but had no success. I really wasn't satisfied with the specialist I was seeing so I switched facilities! My new RE looked at my HSG results and immediately diagnosed a Uterin Septum. I had surgery on June 18th, and was told that we needed to wait at least one "regular" cycle before TTC w/clomid and IUI. During my first cycle post surgery (not considered my "regular cycle"), I became pregnant! We were very careful during that month but I guess the surgery fixed what needed to be fixed and BAM!! I now have a 19 month old baby girl, and DH and I are trying for #2! I know this post is old, but hopefully it gives someone some encouragement!!



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