Implantation spotting on Clomid?
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amagallanes - April 22

OK...a little history...
TTC for a year and a half. We did 2 cycles of Clomid 50 and I did ovulate both times but no pregnancy. On the 3rd cycle, my Day 21 showed I did not ovulate. On day 32, I got a shot of pregesterone to induce my period. A few days later, I spotted a little which I though was Day 1 of my period. So, I started the next cycle of Clomid. On Day 11 of that cycle I miscarried. I didn't even know I was pregnant. I think I ovulated late the cycle before, was pregnant on Day 32 but it was still too early to show up on a test. I think the bleeding was implantation bleeding.
So now....I did a cycle of Clomid 100 and the Day 21 test was negative for ovulation. Its Day 32 and I am spotting a little. I had a pg test done at the Dr and it was negative but my doctor wants to wait and see if I cycle on my own. No shot! Could this be implantation bleeding? Help!



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