hi i am a newbie
1 Replies
steeler74386 - February 23

hi there i am a newbie to this board. i just thought that i would see if there is other women out there like me who cannot get pregnant. long story shirt, my hubby and i are ttc naturally. went to the fertility dr. yesterday and she diagnoised me witih premature ovary failure/premature menapause. i was just wondering if anyone out there is eperiencing it. and if there is some kind of cure or meds that they are taking to get rid of it? also if they conceived a child whether naturally or through ivf/egg donor. i know that the fert. dr said that egg donor is our only route, but that is between 15-20,000$ and its a 70% chance of it working. it just stinks bc people who dont deserve kids (partyers,drinkers drug abusers, teenagers or people who just dont want kids get knocked up. and it isnt fair). i just would like to read/hear some of your stories of what u are going through. i feel like i am alone (ya have my hubby and my mom and stepdad for support, but no friends really that i can talk to). thanks for reading.


Toscana - May 2

hey steeler74386! I'm sorry u feel alone, during this hard time in our life when we are ttc and are dealing with infertility and everyone around us who doesn't deserve it gets pregnant, its so hard feeling alone. I would love to talk with u! my DH and I have been ttc for many years off and on and just naturally with herbal supplements and putting our faith in God. we don't have insurance yet as right now its just too much so we are kinda stuck in a rut and are just doing what we can.



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