Dostinex for Prolactin and Pregnancy
2 Replies
tzbz - April 15

Since I'm trying to get pregnant, I've been taking Dostinex in order to lower my Prolactin level - Anyone have any success stories on taking Dostinex for this and if so, how long were you taking it before you got pregnant.


anxioussista - May 1

hi tzbz, i dont know how long since you posted this and unfortunately am not about to offer any helpfull answer becos i too would like to hear hear success stories about dostinex. i have been on dostinex for the past 11weeks but my prolactin is still high and no sign of pregnancy, am tired, disappointed and discouraged. i have given up. they say children are a gift from God so i'll just wait for when He is ready for me. wish you all the best though


Hollymouse - May 2

Hi Anxioussista, I'm right there with you...I'm at the end of my tww and getting major cramps so figuring af will be here shortly to tell me it has all failed again...



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