Clomid/Injectables IUI Combination
1 Replies
jlb - April 26

I'm thinking of doing a clomid/injectables combination next, which would be my 2nd IUI. My first IUI was with clomid and produced only 2 mature follicles. For any of you who have done the combination, what dose and which injectables did you go on? What were the costs of the injectable meds, as compared to doing a full injectables only cycle? how many follicles did you get?

Any info would be great!!THanks!


jule72 - July 31

Hello jlb, I had 4 rounds of clomid, first no ius, last 3 iui no success. Now we are no to injectables 2 bottles per day for 5 days (51.00 per bottle) then blood test and ultrasodun on 6th day, they will tell you ifyou need more, depending on size of follicles, then the trigger shot to cause you to ovulate, when they tell you (69.00) and then within 36 hours another iui. So I am on day 2 of the injectables, the shot is not bad at all, you will be able to give it to yourself! Hope that helps, good luck, its alot and it happens fast!! Your bathroom will look like a pharmacy!!



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